Monday, July 25, 2016

The Bloody Red Mad Cow of Germany

"10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more...the psycho-crazed Muslims are rolling up a score. Nothing can stop the fucking killing spree. It was started by MERKEL in GERMANY."

Where ARE the Royal Guardsmen when you need them to revise their hit song?

The London Daily Fail's been mentioning all the violence in Germany over the past week, and so, cautiously, have the rest of the media. After all, nobody wants to incite ISLAMOPHOBIA.

It's just a coincidence that members of that FINE, FINE religion have this habit of ambushing unarmed people in the street, or blowing everything up for the sake of ALLAH.

And the London comments are almost unanimous.

Some took the opportunity to be thankful England is leaving Merkel's pee-u.

Naturally we have some blindly altruistic Liberals out there who deplore the ISLAMOPHOBIA, and who pity the poor immigrant. But how long can you deny that immigration today is STUPID? It's not what it was even decades ago, much less 100 years ago when truly needy and GRATEFUL people were fleeing tyrants.

When you open your door wide open because a bunny is hopping toward it, DO something when ten foxes, a dozen wolves and a hundred rats follow it in.

Trending on Twitter is #MERKELSOMMER and other terms. Oh, those RACISTS, those fucking ISLAMOPHOBES who don't PITY THE POOR IMMIGRANT. Why, it's only a few troublemakers, after all. Tell that to the man who lost his wife and unborn child because a Syrian psycho went out with a machete to cause havoc. PS, let's make sure the Syrian gets a few years of pampered attention in prison and then a release.

Camoron and O'Bummer at least faced up to the media. Where's Merkel? She hasn't even dared to offer some bare-faced lie, like: "everything's fine, it's just a few malcontents. Be calm. Let's have a NICE summer. Don't scare off the tourists."

You can bet that New York Times comment was buried amid another 60 paragraphs of pro-Islam rhetoric. There are probably some spin doctors who'll insist that Germany's MILLION 20-something Muslim males are not going to change the complexion of Germany within the next 10 years.

Worse, they ain't staying within the borders of Germany.

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