Friday, July 8, 2016

Black Music Bootlegger Dies = Kill 5 White Cops

So who was this guy STERLING?

He sold bootleg CDs out of a cardboard box. He had FIVE spawn that he wasn't exactly taking care of too well. He had a long police record.

He was one of the two blacks killed by police recently, sparking protests and the sniper-death of five white cops in Dallas who were trying to keep the peace and make sure nobody protesting got hurt.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, there are cops who love to give a beating to time-wasters of every color. If they think nobody has a camera trained on them, they might really "teach a lesson" to some parasite, and then blame it on "resisting arrest."

Or to put it another way, do the BLACK LIVES MATTER people condone bootleg CDs, and bootleg cigarettes, and the other things that tend to get gigantic harmless "gentle giants" in trouble? You have a guy who could easily blind an officer, break an officer's arm, or do other damage. The officer is supposed to just beg and plead: "Allow me to put handcuffs on you." And if the guy takes menacing steps forward, why, just call up and get a few more patrol cars to swing by, all for a time-wasting asshole, so that he's safely escorted to jail, processed, and freed a day later.

What the OTHER black guy did to end up dead, I haven't checked. I just noticed that all the reports on Sterling called him the "gentle giant" known in the neighborhood as the "CD Man."

Oh, let's get black people laptops, shall we? Along with the food stamps and the welfare checks and the rest of it...a fucking laptop for $400 isn't asking too much. They MIGHT go on line and READ things, but if they don't, at least they'll be able to download stolen music and NOT have to waste precious money that could go to feed their five or ten kids.

This isn't to say that violence and murder is the right answer but...let's remember there are over 300 million idiots in America (conservatively speaking), and BILLIONS of maniacs all over the globe who DO NOT MATTER.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, the number of people who actually MATTER, black or white, is pretty goddam small.

That MIGHT be why God loves wars and "natural disasters" that thin the overpopulation of morons.

Or as W.S. Gilbert charmingly sang it, there is a LIST of people who would "NOT be missed," and that list is as thick as a phone book.

How many hundreds upon thousands are killed each day? Most don't even get in the paper. Most are quietly buried or cremated. And nobody cares that they were scholars who happened to not believe in Islam, or store owners who didn't act quick enough in giving some minority thug the cash out of the register, or the girl who didn't put out for the rapist she took home, or the family pet cheerfully decapitated by neighborhood chavs, or the patient who simply wasn't attended by a lazy nurse or got a little too much anesthesia during an operation.

Where are their photos and who do their loved ones scapegoat by murder?

The sniper didn't know whether the five white officers he killed ever saved a black life, and he didn't much care. Nor did he care that the Chief of Police in Dallas is black.

It was quite amusing to note some "not so nice" comments someone left on one of the articles about poor Mr. Sterling, the music lovers' friend. Not sure if it's sarcasm or not, but the fact is not in dispute. The guy WAS, aside from his many other offenses, a bootlegger. If he got into a scuffle with a customer, pretended to have a gun, resisted arrest...we may never know.

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