Thursday, July 28, 2016

NBC's Spin: Muslim Ingrates Hate Bill Clinton

I did see Bill Clinton's nearly hour-long speech at the DNC.

His goal was to show that his wife Hillary has spent her life caring about others. Indeed, the woman had a "Peace Corps mentality" (my phrase). She was one of those do-gooders who'd use her summer vacation to tutor the poor, go down South and march, and volunteer for charity.

While Donald Trump (and most everyone else) was busy being selfish, Hillary was giving her time, postponing her own chosen profession (being a lawyer) and ultimately switching from a high-paying job to working as a teacher in Arkansas!

In Bill's re-telling of Hillary's life story, she was an altruistic socially-conscious college chick who wasn't into sex (especially with HIM), and had ZERO political ambition. When she finally married him, she was still spending most of her time on volunteer work. She did work to get Bill elected, and council him when he was tossed out of office after one term as governor. He bounced back to get re-elected and moved on to the Presidency. Hillary STILL had no great ambitions (according to Bill). After the Clintons moved to New York so Bill could start his charity company, Hillary was asked to run for Senator. Bill insists she was ASKED, and didn't ambitiously put herself out as a candidate. She won. She then became Secretary of State (again, Bill insists Obama kept asking, and it wasn't a conciliatory prize for the way she good-heartedly campaigned for Obama after he edged her in the primaries).

NOW, Bill declared, it would be a great time to unite behind Hillary, who worked with Republicans very well, and is no bigot and loves EVERYONE...gays...Latinos...

People cheered when the folksy ex-President included MUSLIMS.

So what did MUSLIMS do?


At least, that's what NBC is reporting. This blog DOES report on examples of "media spin," and this seems a prime example.

NBC may have created a story by selectively slanting one. Using TWATTER as their main source for research, they claim that Muslims hated Clinton's speech. Did they count how many TWATTER remarks were for or against Hillary? Or take into account that TWATTER is mainly a place for idiots to complain? Never mind, here's the Muslims grousing about how Hillary and Bill welcome them:

Here's NBC painting Muslims as a bunch of falafel-brained ingrates who can't even take a fucking compliment.

Isn't NBC guilty of adding to racial tensions with a piece like this? All it does is create resentment from most anyone who isn't a fucking Muslim.

Aww, why are Muslims always mentioned in regard to terror? BECAUSE THE TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIMS.

Aww, why are Muslims only mentioned once in Clinton's speech? How about Israel not mentioned at all?

And so it goes.

To every season, SPIN, SPIN...

Is it a surprise that people turn to an infantile bully like Trump? Trump says "Ban Muslims from entering the country. Kick out the ones who can't be trusted." And maybe, boot the ingrates who were "offended" by a warm, smiling, conciliatory nod from Bill Clinton.

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