Thursday, July 21, 2016

Another Florida Hot Shot

Say, in case you don't think living in FLORIDA is bad for your health, why not attract attention by lying on the ground with a retard?

Is this such a surprising headline?

Intelligence on display. "I'm a big fat black guy, and I'm doing nothing too intelligent except roasting my pork in the broiling Florida tropical sun next to a Latino Retard. How about I put my hands on the air, like I'm up to some kind of TRICK? Next, lure a cop to come closer. Let's not forget that police have been shot at by snipers and FIVE have been killed in the past week. Come closer, come closer cops. Try and figure out what a nigger and a spic are doing lying in the road...come out into broad daylight, cops..."

Yes, it IS a bit surprising that a cop actually did shoot this moron. Early reports have this guy merely being wounded in the leg. He says he asked the cop "Why did you shoot me?" And the cop said "I don't know."

Well, in a situation like this, "I don't know" is as good an answer as any. Others would be, "Because you might have a monkey in a tree shooting ME first," and "The world really would be better off without assholes like you wasting time." And "Too bad BOTH of you idiots weren't shot."

Sure, sure, what a racist remark. Its also retardo-phobic. Come now, Autistic lumps matter. Why should people mind their fucking business, go about their jobs, and NOT lie in the middle of the street?

Let's go for the trifecta and have this guy announce he's MUSLIM. He can say he told the cop he was originally Sammy Nigga from Jacksonville, Florida but got shot when he revealed his new name: Shabazz al-Fakir Kill-da-Whitey.

It's a tragedy when people in America can't walk their retards out into the street, lie down, and wave their arms without attracting unwanted attention!

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