Wednesday, July 13, 2016

May Your Cunt Issue a Deluge of Shit

So, MAY, the first thing you do is BORE US?

This is one of those days when you take a quick look, HOPE you didn't see what you saw, and try to keep busy with something else.

The asshole whose career was supposed to be THROUGH, is now being resurrected by Dirty Terry May?

I had merely gone over to check Piers Morgan's tweets because a bunch of self-righteous twats (like Margaret Cho) were cheering ugly Jennifer Anus Stain for declaring that she has every right to appear naked constantly, and it somehow is no reason to jeer her or make snarky remarks about her face or body.

Piers had, naturally, pointed out that Anus Stain has a less than perfect body and should stop showing it off as if it IS perfect. I mean, what the FUCK does it say about the bitch when she's flaunting herself on magazine covers? The inference isn't "hey everyone, I'm ordinary," it's "hey everyone, I'm FANTASTIC, LOOK AT ME!"


So now everyone's dumping on the provocateur Piers, for being such a pig and pointing out that Jenny is not perfect. Well, understand his point: don't show yourself off if you're not prepared to take some criticism. And really, who the FUCK cares what Piers Morgan thinks? Why should Anus Stain get her knickers in a twist? She's got all the money, she can do as she likes, and a lot of people think she's the most gorgeous creature on the planet.

Meanwhile I noticed some pictures of limp-wristed puppet-faced Gove, and Lord only knows what that asshole is up to now. I have never seen UK and USA politics at such a low ebb, like an unflushed toilet with no water in it and just shit and wads of filthy useless paper. Is there ANY politician that gives ANYONE ANY SENSE OF OPTIMISM?

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