Monday, July 4, 2016

Kenny Chesney's White Trash makes Niggas Look Good

So what IS the excuse for the chaos at a fuckin' Chesney concert?

This little pipsqueak (he's 5'6") yee-hahs for a few hours, and his redneck morons trash the place! This carnage didn't even take place in the South.

He managed to attract blue-collar retards from all over Pennsylavania.

What's music become? Nothing but an excuse to "let off steam" and be a jerk? Whether it's heavy metal, punk headbangers, redneck country swine or Nigga rappers...the music is obviously SECONDARY to doing drugs and/or alcohol and doing subhuman shit.

A few people gather in smaller venues to actually LISTEN to some lonely singer/songwriter. Then there are the lame arthritics who go to Streisand shows or Carole King and James Taylor, and can barely manage a wan smile, and hardly have the strength to sing along on one chorus.

Well, bottom line, thanks KENNY, for reminding us that Niggas aren't the black scapegoats to blame all the time. WHITES "don't know how to act" at an outdoor concert either. Let's remember it was the rednecks of the South who made slaves out of Africans. Rednecks still secretly and not-so-secretly wish slavery (or worse) on anyone who isn't White and Christian.

KENNY isn't standing up like a man and saying, "Don't come to my show if you can't behave." Funny, a real country artist like Johnny Cash would NEVER tolerate or condone this kind of crap.

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