Thursday, July 28, 2016

Murky Merkel and the Dark Days of Germany

"Winter for Merkel and Germany..."

Yes, the catch-phrase of derision is "MERKELSOMMER," but it WILL get worse.

The psycho sand-niggas will rage when the weather turns cold, feel ENTITLED to fur coats and any home with a fireplace, and go totally berserk when infidels DARE put up Christmas decorations.

After all, Allah decreed that when they soiled their sandboxes in the Middle East, the Muslims have EVERY right to plunder and push their way throughout Europe and take it over.

How lovely of Angela Lansbury-faced Angela Merkel to play "Murder She Wrote" with Germany, by actively encouraging a MILLION MUSLIM MORONS to march in.

Or was the old bat simply figuring, "Better to pretend they are invited than be helpless to stop them at the borders."

Meanwhile, in one week, four deathly incidents in Germany (that's 4-1 over France, where two Muslim teenagers killed an old priest).

Pudgy Angie finally deigned to comment on the week long murder spree, insisting “I have the feeling that I am acting responsibly and correctly, and no other feelings.”

Huh? She doesn't feel guilty. She doesn't feel like she's destroying the culture of Germany. Within ONE generation, most Germans will be speaking Arabic, cloaking themselves from head to toe, and tearing down their historic churches for bulb-shaped mosques. Rape will be excused as "Islamic religious observance."

As you'd expect, Strudel-face offers token blabber about justice for the victims: "We will do everything to clear up the barbaric acts, find the people behind them and punish them." This, while insisting only a small number are troublemakers and the vast amount of refugees are sweeties.

Yeah, Angie, look around. All the acts of terror come from one group of religious fanatics, and YOU invited a MILLION of them into your country. This, when your country has enough trouble caring for its own.

She selectively mentioned TWO of the FOUR terror attacks last week:

“That two men who came to us as refugees are responsible for the acts in Wuerzburg and Ansbach mocks the country that took them in...and it mocks the many other refugees who really seek help against violence and war.”

That's about as feeble as a kitten mewing after a dog galloped by and snatched it from its mother.


"“I didn’t say 11 months ago that it would be an easy thing we could manage in passing, otherwise I wouldn’t have had to say that sentence. But I am, today as I was then, convinced that we will manage to do justice to our historic task … we will also deal with the new challenge we now face, Islamist terror.”

If she'd shut the borders she wouldn't have had to deal with ISLAMIST TERROR at all. What's the up side to all this, Angie? That you now have a lot of people who know how to make hummus?

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