Friday, July 8, 2016

Black Lives Matter, So Kill Cops + Kanye: Dress Like Shit

"No I would not give you false hope, on this strange and mournful day..."

The headline in heat-wave America, and hot-hot NYC is "CIVIL WAR." So blares the NY Post (while Jerri Hall sits on Rupert Murdoch's face and adds more wrinkles).

No, THIS blog won't dwell on how much BLACK LIVES MATTER, and how upset poor poor billionaire "BEY" is (Beyonce The Magnificent) as she wishes Black Panthers would become a force again. "BEY" who wasn't alive when the bastards were storming around in uniforms and waving rifles, thinks the Black Panthers were lovely folks who walked little old ladies across the street. So let's have nasty blacks walking around with rifles, as stoic as Farrakhan's Black Muslims, as dangerous as a redneck mob down South.

Briefly, yeah, two more innocent blacks were killed by cops.

Did they follow the usual M.O. of taunting cops, being gigantic and nasty, pretending to have weapons, resisting arrest? Maybe, maybe not. Pictures at one scene show that a gigantic black didn't have a weapon. So, just because he could've choked out a cop with his bare hands is no reason to shoot him. I mean, "just walk away." If a giant black is causing trouble, "just walk away."

SO...the other evening there were the usual protest rallies, since blacks don't seem to have anything better to do (they don't watch "Game of Thrones" or read pudgy E.L. James' sex books).

And as cops tried to control that sullen BLACK LIVES MATTER mob in Dallas, they got the JFK treatment.

Two snipers (one of them Micah Xavier Johnson, soon to be immortalized no doubt in a Broadway rap musical, or a full length BEYONCE or KANYE album) murdered five cops and injured seven more. Some of the cops were shot in the back.

It was the deadliest attack on U.S. law enforcement officers since Sept. 11, 2001. Wheee! How long before dat reckid be broken, yo?

Normally we say "Two wrongs don't make a right," and Dr. King would preach non-violence, but let's be real, yo. Dr. King wuz shot. And BLACK LIVES MATTER, so kill five cops (as long as they're white).

What can we do?

Turn the page, that's what!

It's a no-win situation to try and find some gray area between the Black and White. I mean, some blacks ARE scary, ARE violent, ARE nasty, ARE stupid, and it would take a very brave if not suicidal cop to NOT fire a weapon in a situation where he could be killed. AND, some cops ARE scary, ARE violent, ARE nasty, ARE stupid, and love their Hitler power. If they can't get their kicks bossing around frightened civilians, it's no surprise they'll be violent or even murderous, especially to those of a different race or color.

But even Donald Trump isn't stupid enough to open his yap and say so.

So...we turn away from this sad, sorry shit, and look or AMUSEMENT amid what's disgusting.

Business as usual elsewhere in the NY Post, and that includes horse-faced Andrea Peyser. The dickless Piers Morgan, she is usually more disgusting than amusing. However, sometimes she manages to ape Piers and write a snotty, humorous provocative column. And who minds it, if her target is "pop culture," the laughable term for what is hardly culture at all.

So here she is, raging about ragged fashion.

She sure as hell isn't going to rage about black snipers. She won't call them cowards. Not when a significant number of blacks secretly think they're heroes.

Come on, just like that vast bunch of Muslims snicker when heathen faggots are offed in a Florida nightclub, and nod in agreement when ISIS maniacs declare that ALLAH is GREAT, a lot of blacks are very pleased today. They are reading the headlines and thinking, "Sho, mebbe NOW da cops will think twice! Dis world IS ruled by vio-lints!"

No no, as Andrea knows, there is NO criticism for Blacks, Latinos or Muslims. At best, a general complaint from O'Bummer will do: "This is a tragedy," or "We deplore violence of any kind."

Take it away Andrea, let's have some rage at a fun target: fashionista Millennials and rich assholes:

Funny thing about "fashion."

It only works for skinny bitches, skinny fags, and Niggas.

If you or I walked around in ripped up jeans, all we'd hear is: "Look at the slob."

You may have noticed some links (HERE, HERE and HERE) for other Dis-Peyser columns.

It's possible that menopause agrees with this gruesome bitch. She's more entertaining and making a bit more sense than she has in the past. I mean, compared to that notorious column some years ago where she defended a hunky minor-league baseball player who kicked his girlfriend's cat to death. Andrea doesn't like cats, doesn't think cruelty to animals should lead to a jail sentence, and was delighted when a faggot was the lone hold-out on the jury, leading to a mistrial.

But Andrea was a BREXIT bat. Mostly because she doesn't like Harry Potter. Who does? When it comes to annoying, hairy-faced pests who are constantly being photographed for NOTHING, he's right up there with Sean Lennon.

Danny Boy hasn't done anything anyone cares about since he was a kid actor. Being anti-Brexit is just another example of why he should just shut up and enjoy his money and go fuck boys, ladies or himself.

Jeez, Andrea, actually dismissing poor dead Jo! No black armband on your knickers.

Lastly, she wrote a column about some jerk named Rupert Everett. No, I have no idea. Is this an alias for Hugh Jackman? Who is supposed to care about guys like this? Fags and slow-witted women built like Adele?

What's interesting here is the chasm between fags and sissies. It's sort of like Shiites and Suunis, isn't it? There's a certain type of "macho" homosexual who absolutely hates effeminates even more than straights do. Many of 'em have beards, muscles, and are as manly as pro wrestlers. (Ooof!)

So while the Gay & Lesbian & Transgender banner flies its multi-colors, the truth is that they don't all get along. Dykes hate lipstick lesbians. The Rupert types don't like Boy George or freako Jenner.

Rupert does make an interesting point. In today's climate, guys going through a phase are encouraged to not only turn queer, but cut their dicks off, too, and buy into this "I was born a woman" deal. Which usually isn't the case at all. And how many sex-change idiots have realized they aren't magically happy now, and wish they hadn't gone through the pain and expense to look no different from when they were mere crossdressers?

So as long as Andrea was hot-linking to her previous story, why not toss it in here. After all, Jenner IS a ridiculous, gruesome fool, is probably sending a worse message to people than he thinks (less about tolerance and more about delusion) AND...he was a lousy father and has inflicted two brainless sluts on the world who dress up like parodies of women.

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