Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Black girls just want to get fucked all night..."

Remember, briefly, when Mick Jagger's "Some Girls" drew protests?

Now we know better. Don't we?

Take a look at BLACK GIRLS in rap videos, in the movies, on the news.

They be gettin' jiggy. They want bling. Dey go on da booty call.

Dey on da Maury Show screamin' about who da baby Daddy is on da dozen kids runnin' wild. You go, girl!

Some GIRLS? Dey like some NIGGAZ better. Don't be usin' no fancy words. Keep it real!

At one time there was some talk of "pride," and of "black is beautiful," and DIGNITY.

FUCK DAT. Michelle Obama? She uppity. Da real role model is LIL KIM, an like dat.

Want to get fucked all night? Hey, black girls can hardly wait, they be TWERKIN' IN DA STREET. TWERKIN' ON DA BUS. TWERKIN' IN DA CLUB.


Hey hey, even Miley Cyrus is buying into it. Let's ALL get down. ALL DA WAY DOWN! Make yo' booty touch the groun'- it's ALL good...

Fuck Dr. King and his speech. Don't choo listen to Bill Cosby about gettin' edge-oo-cated or even wearin' yo pants 'round yo waist. Who was dat ARETHA FRANKLIN thang and her R-E-S-P-E-C-T? Who need dat 50's an' 60's sheeee-it?


"Black girls just want to get fucked all night." Aint it da TROOF....

Friday, August 30, 2013

Complaining about a Noisy Retard is..."Cowardly?"

Funny, "Anonymous" is ok if you're giving away illegal music on the Internet.

"Anonymous" is ok if you're leaking government documents that could get soldiers killed.

But protecting yourself by sending an "anonymous" letter to a lunatic...ooooh, COWARDLY

The defective mama of a retard in Canada has started a blog defending her noisy spawn.

This is because a "cowardly" person sent her a note saying the kid was obnoxiously loud.

Know what? I'll bet this clueless mama with the defective uterus brought that "hate letter" on herself. Because clueless fuckheads never listen. They have a sense of entitlement and privilege.

Their wonderful brat, their wonderful dog, their wonderful music...can't POSSIBLY disturb anyone else.

And if it does? Lighten up. Fuck you. We'll do as we please.

As soon as you complain to a shit head noisemaker, and get the familiar smile and "too bad," then what? Call the cops on the noisemaker and they know it was you. And they snap the antenna on your car, or throw dog shit on your lawn, or throw a rock through your window, or find a dozen ways to make YOU miserable. To which they feel justified. For trying to ruin THEIR noisy fun.

Mother of Retard's blog smugly attacks the "cowardly" letter instead of addressing the problem...which is that a noisy retard is disturbing the peace.

"What I have to say is about tolerance, acceptance and respect for kids with special needs," says Mother of Retard.

Yeah? "Special needs" doesn't mean "special privileges" beyond all reason. You've got a doesn't mean the retard can shit anywhere he wants, push or shove anybody he pleases, or act up in public and make stupid noises that disturb other people.

But Mother of Retard doesn't think that way:

"If Max's sounds bother someone, I'd hope that person would let us know in a respectful way. Give us a chance to handle it instead of being cowardly about it. ... This is what it means to be a society: You help those in need."

In need? The retard needs to bellow while bouncing on a trampoline? Needs to bray and scream while playing? Like others need to blare their radios? Or yap trivial shit on cell phones so loudly others have to hear it?

Mother of Retard was letting her obnoxious spawn disturb others, but she expects these people to come by, and "in a respectful way" ask for some peace and quiet. Right. And her response? "Sorry, but my son has SPECIAL NEEDS. So you just repect ME and MY SON, and fuck off..."

How many times have you asked somebody, nicely, to turn down a radio, to close a window, to please not let the dog bark constantly hour after hour....and all you get is a sneer, or the volume goes up double?

How "nicely" can you tell a crazy woman who is paranoid and over-protective of her monkey-minded brat that said brat is being too loud and is out of control? No way she'll listen. I'm sure she's been in this situation hundreds of times and spouted the usual drool: "He has SPECIAL needs." Followed by "have some TOLERANCE."

There's "special needs" and there's common sense. Blind people wear dark glasses. Why? They don't want to scare people or make kids cry. Should they walk around with no eye sockets, or showing filmy orbs or ones that are white with no pupils, because wearing dark glasses is a burden? No, they have common sense

So do burn victims who don't sit opposite you in a restaurant and expect you to deal with their reality. These are two examples of intelligent people...blind or disfigured...who don't want to burden others.

But Mother of Retard...she figures her burden should be everybody's. Everybody should have to hear her kid bray. Everybody should be "tolerant" if he acts up, acts out, pushes, shoves, is out of control, or pisses on the floor, right?

Where is the line? Maybe Mother of Retard wouldn't like it if her neighbor had a dog that barked all night? The neighbor doesn't give a damn: "My dog's barking is protecting my house. Maybe he hears a burglar or just a squirrel. Whatever, I don't mind it when my dog barks. I also don't mind it when my dog runs into your yard and takes a dump in it. And I don't mind it when I put my dog on a 20 foot leash and it comes after you and nearly bites your fucking leg off. Just walk slowly and be mindful every time you leave your house, because you must be TOLERANT, as it's just a dumb animal. Like your retarded son..."

The bottom line, for EVERYONE, is not to invade somebody else's space.

Is that so difficult to understand?

Who the fuck gives YOU the right to annoy somebody else? Why should your rights infringe on mine? I don't disturb YOU. I don't throw loud parties. I don't smoke in your face. I don't blare my music. I don't yap on a cell phone. I don't leave garbage or dog shit or anything else on public property. I know self control. And if I can't control a dog, a child, or a loudmouth friend...I will not be in their company and take responsibility for them when others start complaining.

Self control. If I'm angry, I might have a "special need" to start shouting in the street to let off steam, but I DON'T.

Meanwhile, Mother of Retard starts up a blog, considers herself famous, and is not about to change her lifestyle in the least. Let her retarded son do as he pleases. Somebody's been living quietly in a pleasant home in the country...and SHE comes along with her retard and now it's a noisy fucking hell. Too bad. Who believes, for a minute, that if "asked nicely" or in a "respectful way," she'd bring her obnoxious son inside when he gets rowdy, or find a secluded area for him to scream and bellow?

It seems that wanting to live without stress is a "special need" nobody cares much about. Wanting to deal with intelligent people who understand common sense is a "special need" that is rarely met. Stupid people and retards shout down the quiet and intelligent ones.

You want to have a retard or a dog...why the fuck does anyone else have to know about it? Your "special need" becomes a burden to others? That's quite a sense of entitlement for somebody who is actually not special at all, just a selfish stupid waste of space on the planet.

Paul McCartney - NEW is OLD


Here's a stream of the NEW one from McCartney. It's title: NEW. Yeah. That's the title of the song AND the NEW ALBUM. Who's a clever boy, then?

NEW...which sounds OLD

I will predict that YOU will find it...PREDICTABLE.

Paulie's album is supposed to arrive in an early item to buy for a Christmas gift for someone you hate. There might be a Beatles BBC Volume 2 by then. Yes, Paul vs The Beatles. Jeez, when, WHEN was the last time I dragged out BBC Beatles? Or listened to a McCartney solo album...zzz....

The Fall list of albums to look forward to...makes one rather pessimistic.

There's Elton's new one, some piece of shit from Stephen Stills (who heads a new trio called The Drive), and looking back with anger, a 6 CD set of Beach Boys shit and yet another re-issue of the world's worst rock opera, "Tommy."

What's worse, recycled crap or new garbage? I'd say the latter, considering what the new Sir Elton and the new Sir Paul "leaks" sound like.

Need I paraphrase Randy Newman's song "I'm Dead But I Don't Know It?" I will, anyway:

"Each record that I make's like a record that I made. Just NOT AS GOOD."


Oh isn't THIS a lovely news day.

The big entertainment news is that the dumbass crack-addict basketball playing bozo porking Khloe arrested for driving under the influence.

Influence of what? His stinky wife's kunt krack? That could drive anyone off the road.

There was a time when the ONE page devoted to pop culture merely told us when to expect Julie Harris on Broadway next, or what Gore Vidal was writing, or that Casals or Yo-Yo Ma was touring, or that an Edward Hopper exhibit was at the museum, or a new Peter Gabriel album was going to arrive or that we could expect something funny from Woody Allen.

Now? Lamar Odom got arrested and he and Khloe Kardashian are having problems. Awwwwww.

The second biggest entertainment news? Khloe and Odom are mentioned in...the NEW song by the great genius EMINEM.

Can't wait to hear those lyrics thundering through your bedroom wall, huh?

These asshole rappers always have a reason to start some kind of idiot fight over nothing. I have no idea what the "back story" is here, but scrawny M is boldly declaring that Khloe is UGLY.

Wow, man, what balls. Don't call Putin ugly. Don't call Assad ugly. Don't dare talk about the pudgy fuck who runs North Korea. Keep your pasty white face on Odom's black ass, and on Khloe's face.

Oooh, Khloe is UGLY. Know who insults people like that? Amanda Bynes. For the past year she's been Tweeting about how UGLY this star and that star is. So you're right up there with the pussy insults of a neurotic bitch who is currently in the looney bin. Nice going.

Pop culture. All the pop of a pimple and all the culture of spoiled yogurt.

Shame about Seamus...

It's rare when we hear about a "poet" anymore. In the case of Seamus Heaney, there was actually a brief mention here...that he died.

According to Wikipedia, "Heaney's books make up two-thirds of the sales of living poets in the UK."

Need I mention that he is unknown in America? Is there a living poet who IS known in America? Maya Angelou!

Maya's Hallmark card poetry sometimes gets an airing (and it needs it). Not that I was impressed by the two samples of Seamus that Wikipedia offers:

He's been called the greatest poet since Yeats.

I was not too big on Yeats, either. Although my college English professor was, and so was Phil Ochs. So I shouldn't be proud of my ignorance. Although...Phil actually put music to a poem by Poe, and another by Alfred Noyes. Not Yeats.

To a slight degree, some potential poets simply shifted to writing lyrics. Some, both words and music. Not a bad alternative, considering you can make a lot more money with a song than a poem...and the samples of Heaney above aren't exactly catchy.

So-called "poets" simply have the tendency to write prose and put spaces in odd places.
It does make it
seem more pro
found and you see quirky words form
ulate by spaces
But is that poetry? Have we pro
gressed because we now say poetry need not rhyme...the same way Jackson Pollack need not paint a recognizable face and drip shit on a canvas instead?

Great, that poem where Seamus compares a real man digging the Earth for a potato...and a poet with smooth hands who isn't laboring too hard....but maybe is doing something useful digging with a pen. For the truth. For beauty. And for the principle of "publish or perish." The guy found a refuge in Academia, lucky man. Just walk around looking glum and sensitive, and in old age grow a wild beard.

Oh! OH! Shame about Seamus.
But can you blame us
(SOME of us) for finding the SUM total of his writing
not too enlightening?

The UK Won't Play Chess

Cameron is shocked. Shocked. There was enough opposition to block his blaring, Blairing desire to join the USA in war games against Syria.

Now what?

It's back to the chess board. This IS a game of strategy if not Stratego, and you'd have to be a blind man not to be concerned about the bluffs. There's no question that what's going on with the crazies of Syria is not just hot-headed bullshit between two clueless warring bunch of Islam idiots. A lot of times, it is. It's the shitty Shi'ites vs the goony Sunnis. Which, to outsiders, is like splitting hairs on a rabid camel.

To us in the West, half the time the Jews and the Arabs look alike. You're all Semites. You've all got sun-baked brains. What the fuck are you bitching about? Which is how the Arabs feel about the Irish and the English, most likely.

Yep, a lot of juvenile idiots in the world. A lot of fools who are really ready to start WORLD WAR 3.

At the moment, Americans are happily looking for wretched excess for their beloved LABOR DAY WEEKEND...just another holiday to NOT work at all. Oooh, let's salute labor day by NOT being productive! We aren't fat and lazy enough! The only gripe? Zipping away in their cars is a tad expensive because gas prices are high, because...of SYRIA.

As if there aren't other nations sending us fuel?

But let's not be so quick to shut the door on Syria, because then they'd become another complete cock-sucking mistress to PUTIN.

Complex situation.

Why is it that people STILL don't realize the danger of the "Commies" and the "Red Menace." These aren't comical terms. Yeah, we grew up laughing at old codgers who raged about them Ruskies, but guess what, they were RIGHT. Just look at the situation RIGHT NOW for Chrissake. Pussy Riot in jail in Russia. Women shot down by firing squad in North Korea a few days ago. How crazy IS that? How dangerous IS that? Anything that strengthens Russia, North Korea or Red China is BAD for HUMANITY. Period.

Has Obama's grim and angry face been a mask used to scare Putin? It's scared EVERYONE. To judge from the article above, Putin, who doesn't get along with Obama too well and is prone to sulking when they get together, is genuinely concerned. He isn't sure how far he can push this black man. He knows damn well that the American public is fat and lazy and feeble protests against a strike against Syria wouldn't deter Obama one bit. Americans are mostly going to sit on their butts this weekend, party, drink beer, go to the beach, etc. In the best of radical times, all you'd see would be some ragged students and professors chaining themselves to a Pentagon fence or being hustled away from the White House gates kicking and screaming. So Putin isn't so smug at the moment.

No question that Assad is yet another Putin stooge. No question that so many of the monsters of Iraq, Iran and other Middle-East countries have screamed "Death to America" but NOT to Russia. It's a damn complicated situation, the balance of power not just in the Middle East but between US, the "Freedom of Speech" people, and the Communists...who OPENLY KILL "Freedom of Speech" people.

Can the Syrians overthrow their dictator? DO they really want to? Was Egypt better with a benign dictator? Is dictatorship always bad? I mean, dictators DO make sure over-breeding morons stop over-breeding, for example. WE let every retarded moron couple unleash dozens of dumbasses on the planet and even pay them welfare. Red China says "Only ONE per customer, or we KILL YOU." Two extremes.

And so the chess match continues, and Assad gasses his opposition and murders children in the street. The United Nations is fractured by half its nations allied with Putin or sitting on fences not sure what to do. It's the 21st Century and no government should be killing its people either by chemicals or by firing squad.

Where is that one leader who can bring us all together? Maybe it's time for Paul McCartney to tour Russia again, and stop off in the Middle East, and rally us all with "Give Peace a Chance" and "Hey Jude ay Jude ay Jude ay." Maybe the movement we need is on his shoulder.

Or should we ask Roger Waters? He's got the final solution to world peace: "Blow Israel off the map and turn the space into Palestine...and give me a big open air stadium space to float my pig and stage rock concerts with high ticket prices." And on days when there's no rock concert...BOOT SALE! BOOT SALE! BOOT SALE!

German Boycott of Nazi Lunatic ROGER WATERS

Good news out of Germany. The country's a little touchy about Nazi sympathizers like Roger Waters.


And don't fly a fucking PIG with a "Star of David" on it.

A Jewish group has gotten a lot of attention in requesting a boycott of Pink Floyd's September 6th show in Dusseldorf.

How this will affect an arrogant madman like Roger Waters, who looks like a Nazi, I don't know.

He's big on smirking and saying his beloved PIG attacks all self-righteous, all bad, all evil people. Except himself.

He's big on tartly talking about some grandkids of his who "presumably" could be "considered" Jewish. Except these kidd-o's are far from Israel and wouldn't be smashed or burned by Palestinian maniacs. The ones Roger loves so much. Seems that not all religions, not all regions, are created equal in Roger's warped mind. No anti-Palestinian shit on HIS floating pig, right?

Pink Floyd fans are of course leaving clueless comments on every website, in every forum, declaring "The Wall" to be SUCH a work of art, and that people JUST DON'T GET IT. Go Pink Floyd! Go Roger! Let's pay $1000 for front row seats and chant "Another Brick in the Wall" and feel so GOOD about ourselves! We don't need no...EDUCATION.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Oh fuckin' COME ON, Barry O...

Listen to PHIL OCHS. The song: "COPS OF THE WORLD."

Barry, you don't want your black reporters gasping as they talk about your idiot plan to invade yet another psycho Muslim country.

What IS the point? We "rescue" these assholes and they're ingrates. We erase the jerk in Iraq or the jerk in Libya...and all we get is scorn, abuse, or a blown up embassy.

"We've got too much money we're looking for toys
And guns will be guns and boys will be boys
But we'll gladly pay for all we destroy
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys"

Phil's song was blunt and terse, mostly about USA bullying...because years ago, we'd go into countries to "save" heathens and bring them Democracy, when it seemed like all we were trying to do was gain territory and fuck any women as we knocked off enemy soldiers and civilians.

NOW, our excuse is we're the voice of morality, and we have to enforce fair play rules like "no chemical weapons." Oh come on. What a bullshit excuse. It's all about oil, as always. And it's all about trying to get Whitey-hating Christian-hating Jew-hating hot-headed lunatics to think of us as nicer than the Russians? Oh THAT works every time. NOT.

Even the UK isn't eager to go along. The opposition to the Prime Minister has tried all kinds of excuses from "we have no firm information if chemical were used" to "we can't be sure Assad is behind it" to probably a private huff of, "please, we've got better things to spend money on. There's a boot sale in Ulverson and they're supposed to have BOXES AND BOXES of 45's and a whole load of Chris Barber and Pete Fountain!!"

But the Prime Minister is still trying to shed some British blood...

Come on, David. This ain't Tony Blair time, and we're older and wiser. Sad situation, but too fucking bad. Sam Kinison said it about the idiots in Ethiopia: "You live in a DESERT. It's SAND. Go live where they food is!" And don't want to be killed? Don't want your voluminous families of bastards lying dead in the street? Go to Iran. Iraq. Your wonderful Muslim brothers who also hate Jews and hate Christians and hate White people. Go run to Roger Waters-land in Palestine. Or overthrow Assad yourselves.

WE should kill ourselves over this shit? Who cares if Assad or his brother authorized chemical weapons. What fucking business is it of ours? Even Woodrow Wilson would tell Obama, in just those words, "WHAT FUCKING BUSINESS IS IT OF OURS??"

Putin and PUSSY RIOT. That's his business, too. Are we invading Russia to get them out of jail? NO. Because it's Putin's country and PUSSY RIOT knew what the risks were. Syrians know what the risks are. They want to live in Syria? Too bad. They can die in Syria, too. And what, hundreds have? There are hundreds more where they come from. They breed, ya know. They fuckin' well know how to do that!

This is a for the United Nations. They should declare sanctions, they should bring inspectors in, and they should be the ones to say "WE are ALL going in."

Barry should've said from the start, "The United Nations should send in inspectors and tell us what's going on. If Syria won't cooperate, and the U.N. asks us for help...that's one thing..."

Going in alone, because of some secret oil agenda...only to make even more Muslim fuckheads angry...that's NUTS.

Torrent & Forum Downloaders Murder North Korean Woman

Hey hey hey!

She got killed?

Don't think she was KILLED...

Just think...

You just set her FREEEEEEEEE.

Send your "nice comments" to Kim Jong-un, cc. to KIM DOTCOM and all the other people you admire.

Yes, Torrent and Forum applaud every time your ADMIN says "We were down for a while, they tried to get to us, but we changed the domain country and pulled some little tricks and are now being hosted via North Korea...Serbia...Croatia..." And to that, you cheer:

"Glad you're back!" and "Don't let the bastards win!"

Bastards being your countrymen, working people, copyright owners, Capitalists who believe in the freedom of being able to perform a song without being jailed, and being able to pursue happiness and make some kind of a living without somebody's thieving interference.

So the Communists jail and kill women. Among others. Fuh-get-a-bout-it...

Just run that little gif of a yellow smiley face bowing down in a "we're not worthy" pose, and say, "Thank GOD you moved your server to NORTH KOREA so we can keep downloading Harry Potter movies and HorrIble SUBS ANIME and the genius of Roger Waters and Sting and Mumford and Sons..."

And most of all, THANKS FOR the complete HBO George Carlin concerts and the FREE PORN!

It couldn't happen if the Admins and Mods in torrents and forums who happen to be Brits and Americans and Aussies and Italians and Zinhofs and Swedes weren't making money running these sites. It couldn't happen if Assange and Google and others didn't pretend it's all a "Freedom of Speech" issue...because THEY make even more than penny-ante assholes who run the average underground forum. It couldn't happen if real professionals wallowing in money (that would be the most popular torrent sites that end up in the ZEROPAID Top 10 most every year) couldn't rely on Communist nations to protect them. Fuck copyright say the Commies. Fuck Capitalists trying to strengthen their economy. And, oh yes, let's torture gays and religious minorities and even kill people.

I mention George Carlin because in a related story, Kim Jong-un's goons went after a female comedian...dragged her off to six months in a fucking COAL MINE, because she told a joke that was a little too politically incorrect. And this, a loyal North Korean who had been performing for years. Ooops, one wrong joke, OUT ya go.

But outright killing another woman...putting her in front of a firing squad? Oh well. Too bad nobody recorded it. What a fun download that would make, perfect addition to the collections of gross crime scenes and vicious death scenes that torrents and forum love to share so much, ones that include "Faces of Death" documentaries or the hilarious R. Budd Dwyer TV footage. Hoo hah, the way he put that gun in his mouth, and how he looked with the blood dripping down. What, an innocent guy hounded by political hacks? Who cares about THAT, all we care about is the cheap thrill of watching him kill himself! And why should we care about some gook in front of a firing squad if we can get a free download of the latest bad Lindsay Lohan movie??

What's the excuse for Kim Jong-un to have the woman killed...the woman made a porn video? Or the woman was simply disliked by the great dictator? Who cares. Oh well. As long as WE get our porn FREE, especially the weird Japanese shit...who cares?

Human nature at its finest.

Almost as amusing as the torrent sites that lamely shout "Free Pussy Riot" while giving away tons of music which only strengthens Putin economically as it depletes British and American dollars. People forgetting that British and American music and movies are like gold or oil to the rest of the world?

How quick would an ADMIN be looking at his hands chopped off he tried to give away some Arab oil via some magical download pipeline. "Oil should be free...." yeah. LOP! LOP! No more hands, asshole. Communists don't play fair. But the Capitalists? The RIAA, MPAA and the rest? They suffer behind DMCA laws and watch their incomes shrivel because it wouldn't be "nice" to take away somebody's Internet access due to illegal downloading, and an illegal downloader is innocent until proven guilty. No so in other parts of the world, where you get the firing squad, or get tossed in jail because Putin says so.

Smoke a doobie and don't care about the Mexican cartel that has murdered thousands of women, killed courageous politicians and police. Download the porn and the movies and music and actually get incensed and enraged if copyright owners try to stop it...say "LET'S GET 'EM!" RIGHT. Go all the way. Right up against a firing squad.

Look, we all like FREE, but there's a line you don't cross. Isn't there? I thought it might be no, not get another 40 blogs and keep doing it. Or, no, don't be like Rapidshare and Megaupload and let assholes keep their accounts and re-up and make sure there's a lag time of a week or two before any action is taken. I thought maybe the line you don't cross is making millions off somebody else's creativity and laughing at them from your fucking Pirate Swedish Meatball site and say you won't take the torrent down...not even if it's an indie film maker trying to break even. I thought maybe the line you don't cross is to not set up a server protected by North Korea or other Communist nations that are actually YOUR ENEMIES...and who even KILL THEIR OWN.

I thought there was a line you don't cross. Somewhere between ZEROPAID and PEOPLE DEAD. I guess I was wrong.

KICKSTARTER? Kick in the ASS, is what's deserved

Dear Kickstarter Asshole, were you surprised you DIDN'T get funding for your dumbass retarded project?

We're NOT your fucking PARENTS.

Your nagging and whining and clueless demand for money DOES NOT IMPRESS.

Hard work, a track record, and samples of TALENT matter. In these times when people can barely afford food, and excuse illegal downloading because they can't afford 99 cents for a song, nobody's going to throw money your way to gamble on something that is stupid and amateurish and DOWNRIGHT RETARDED.

That includes the book you want to self-publish, the vanity CD you want to press up (and sell to WHO? WHERE?) or...the dumbass movie you want to make, mini-Spielberg NOT.

Case in point, the Kickstarter attempt above. Some self-important no-talent craven opportunist, gathered together a bunch of retards and their babysitters, took out a camcorder, and had them all wave and shout. What a fucking nightmare. Based on this clip, he figured people would throw $6,000 his way to make a little movie to show how friendly retards can be, and to interview them and ask them how they felt about being retards.

How retarded.

First off, there are plenty of legit, professional documentaries on Down Syndrome and the "mentally challenged."

Second, this moron, this IDIOT, had no credentials as a film maker to assure that the money wouldn't be wasted.

Third, who is monitoring him to know if he actually spent the $6,000 properly or pocketed most of it?

Fourth, this turd-brained IMBECILE didn't supply a game plan for who the fuck would want to watch this shit, or how WE would get our money back through DVD sales or a broadcast on PBS.

Fifth...this kind of nonsense belongs on YouTube where you don't have or need a budget, any camcorder is good enough along with a computer movie-making program, and quickly enough you discover nobody cares.


What's with this pampered ME generation of panty-waisted time-wasting wackos? What the fuck do they think they're entitled to?

"Mommy, buy me a box of crayons, I want to draw something."

THAT is where it should begin and end. After you've practiced, it's up to YOU to buy the water colors and oil paints and go to fucking school and pay attention and stop looking for shortcuts. Pay your fucking dues. Exhibit your work. And stop your whining.

Leave Kickstarter so that the really deserving artists can find it! An example? Sure. Tomi Ungerer. Tomi used Kickstarter to raise funds for a documentary on his life and work. He deserved one. And he got one. Yes, Kickstarter works IF you actually have a plan, show your talent, and have gained respect by earning it, and not just saying GIMME GIMME like a retarded pig.

Like most everything else on the Internet, including YouTube, eMusic, dating sites, Facebook and the rest...what can start out as a good idea becomes a terrible swamp of stupid time-wasting shit that becomes more muddy and impossible to navigate every day. Tomi was on Kickstarter a year ago. If he tried Kickstarter now, he might not have gotten funded. Who'd find the ad? He networked a lot on Facebook and Twitter to point people to Kickstarter, but at this point who has time to "friend" and follow so many people on so many sites? Who wants to be on Facebook at all when sites like that are nefarious, full of identity theft creeps and assorted trolls and retards?

It's pathetic the number of people who ARE real artists, who DO have something to say, who end up embarrassing themselves with a Kickstarter failure, or a YouTube channel that nobody visits, or some MySpace juke box that shows how few want to listen to the music even for FREEEEEE.

What's when an undeserving pandering retard who wants to get into the entertainment business GETS what he deserves...a resounding NO. NO to his obnoxious, self-serving and brain-warped idea of a documentary about retards. NO to his attempted shortcut over people who paid their dues and have something to offer beyond empty promises that begin with "I'd like..." or "I want..."

I just think NO isn't strong enough. Kickstarter has everyone's name and address registered. When somebody like this employee from the company should come by, and KICK ASS, and say, "Now stop gettin' retarded in here!"

No, ONO, No, Haleh...Michael Jackson Grabbed Crotch FIRST!

Yoko Ono's very gay fashions for men...can't possibly be making money. As affluent as some gays are...are they wearing this shit to their fudge-packing parties?

As much as I love Yoko, and find admirable things in her music and poetry, and avant-garde art exhibitions...I'm not a big fan of the fag-hag aspect, which includes the horrible disco-izing of some of her songs and the grotesque butt cleavage and man-bra nonsense you see above.

Yoko's pandering to gays now is creepy but you can understand why...they gush over her. She finds this flattering. She doesn't notice that a little too often, gay men engage in a lot of behind-the-back snickering and clawing at their icons...loving an Ethel Merman (to mention another LOUD singer) but also laughing at her. Same with Carol Channing. Joan Crawford. Bette Davis. Liza with an M.

What makes this gay-o stuff a little creepier is that it seems part of Ono's pathology...that she has always had an emasculating tendency and a feminist agenda lurking...that she prefers homosexuals around her or men who are rendered passive to her. Early warning signs? How about the psycho cover photo in Rolling Stone of a naked John in a monkey-clutch that isn't impressing a dressed and bored Ms. Ono? And wasn't it a tad Freudian to title a posthumous album of John's outtakes after "Menlove" avenue? Remember Sean's early stage appearances wearing a skirt?

While some "fans" were paranoid about Yoko breaking up the Beatles, and some "critics" questioned her artistry...there have always been others just a tad uneasy with her women's lib stance and how she gradually seemed to turn John from confident leader of The Beatles to a dependent "house husband." At first it seemed he wanted Yoko at Beatles recording sessions, and by his side as he shouted political rhetoric. But soon it did seem like maybe he didn't have the confidence anymore to man-up on his own.

Something a little creepy about the endless "OH YOKO" songs...especially the later ones, after he came back from his "Lost Weekend," humbled after running away from home. Like the bad boy who pretends he doesn't need his mother, John suddenly stood up and offered bravado (including the song "Move Over Ms. L"). Yoko, wise beyond her years, let him go to California to put a Kotex on his head. She let him have a chosen mistress who would be just a little too passive, too much a fan. The gay man always has the strong dominant mother. That wasn't May Pang. But it was Yoko. What did John always call her? MOTHER.

Soon enough John was back home, RETIRED to being a house-husband. Yoko did the work. He baked the bread. Total role reversal. Very gay.

Finally John came back to music, but not to make a solo album. Yoko would take half the album, which would seem romantic, but not when the love songs were more like anthems of worship to Yoko, and the ballads including "Darling Boy," and the album didn't rock out as much as "step out" like choreographed Broadway shows. Not when John made so many flamboyant and silly moves in those home-movie rock videos. Not when he kept singing in falsetto.

For a while the nefarious fruit-cakery of Yoko seeming to chop at anything masculine, was balanced by Yoko herself appearing nude so often. She also presented herself as this shy, giggling little thing involved in kindergarten art projects and other naive cuteness. Her poetry was small. A few lines. A little book. Very adorable. She had largely abandoned the strident feminism of the mid 70's when she was singing 'no more masturbation for men!' And post 1980, she joined us all in paying constant tribute to John, which also took some of the edge off.

But wanting to put men into embarrassing clothing (and somehow say that a few of the ideas were John's???)

Fine, the gays want to giggle and smirk and pretend they like screams mated with disco music...these are the same people who have a taste for hairy male asshole. They want to wear silly outfits like man bras and butt cleavage pants because they don't want actual dresses in their closets...sure. Whatever. But I doubt it. Yoko's items are EXPENSIVE.

You really think Yoko is breaking even with this crap?

Some silly cunt named HALEH insists SHE invented putting hand-symbols on clothing and has filed a lawsuit. She can't possibly want a share of the profits. WHAT profits?? No, she figures Yoko is rich, so somehow she can get a huge settlement. She probably figured Yoko would offer her hush money. HAH. YOKO? Screamin' YOKO? HUSH money to make the lawsuit go away? NO NO NO NO NO!

Yoko's not settling with this bitch. Of course not. In court the other day, Yoko's lawyer said that hand prints on garments is hardly an original idea.

Another legal point is for HALEH to prove that Yoko saw this grandly terrible bit of hand-iwork, AND that Yoko's sales have damaged HALEH's in some way. As with plagiarism, the law requires common sense. Hemingway's estate can't sue a schoolboy for a million bucks, even if the kid's parents have a million bucks, because he copied a short story and put his name on it to get an A in his English class. You have to prove real damages.

Yoko's always been hated by women. That's why she hasn't designed the "Grapefruit Bra" with yellow cups, or attempted to sell a dress that has scissor cuts in it, or a combo dress-hoodie that is actually just a giant burlap bag, or a special anti-rape chastity girdle that, if a guy tries to remove it, triggers an alarm that sounds exactly like (yes, you got it) Yoko screaming WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY.

So instead Yoko has become the oldest celebrity fag hag...with Liza a distant second, and ageless plastic surgery fave Cher third. From there, you've got Madonna, who isn't quite old enough to be a "hag" yet, but it won't be long. Madonna wouldn't ever wear a garment with a hand on the crotch. She's had entire hands IN her crotch.

Sorry HALEH, you are not going to win this one. And let's remember the title of this entry. The gay gay GAY Mr. Michael Jackson was putting a glove on his crotch long before either you or Yoko got artsy fartsy with it.

Imagine there's no vacuous pompous ridiculous morons trying to make up for their ugliness and their mindlessness by parading around in garish and silly outfits that scream "I have money to waste."

You may think I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one who buys off the rack. I even buy at thrift shops. But I draw the line at boot sales. Not even for shoes.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

David Letterman Diagnosis Miley Cyrus

Dave knew exactly what was wrong with Miley at the Music Video Awards Show...

That's why Dave's the best.

Krappy Kris Krashes it possible the world is a little sick and tired of Kunty Kris, whore-mistress-pimp to the Kardashians?

Kunty Kris's last name isn't Kardashian, it's Jenner...due to freak-faced girly-lizard Bruce Jenner. Bruce is the plastic surgeon's biggest nightmare, a walking ad for NEVER going near cosmetic surgery. He's the egomaniac with a walnut for a brain who is always desperate for attention for what he did decades ago (look like a man and win Olympic gold). He gets into hissy fits because all people ever talk about is that he's related to the Kuntdashian bitches, and his face looks like a vagina sculpted out of cream cheese.

So he and Krazy Kunt Kris thought that she could get her own show ala Oprah-doprah, and waste more of the public's time carrying on about herself and her Krappy Klan.


Kris mis-Kalkulated.

She managed to over-expose, finally, the Kuntdashian mob. It was overkikll...Kim dropping a dollop out of her much-fucked and constantly twerked oyster hole while another Krappy sister lost track of her apish moron basketball player-Krack freak. No to mention Kocksucker Kanye snarling at everybody who doesn't like his whore-wife porno slob or his lip-synch bullshit rapping or his dumbass leather dresses.

With all that Kuntdashian krap, Kris thought the world needed HER hosting a talk show from her precious toilet seat?

She smugly figured she'd be an instant ratings sensation if she made Kanye and Kim hide the brat and save it for HER show. No. Didn't work.

The repulsive Kanye and Kim...just the thought of their uglies bumping together is disgusting. Who wants to see the result? It ain't YEEZUS KRIST, ya know. It's just a half-black baby. Big deal. Half the fucking country is crawling with little half-black babies. Obama was once a half-black baby. Watch Kris Jenner's show just to see a half-black baby? Hell no.

Stupid looking as any baby, half-black or half-purple. Or royal (no, didn't forget you assholes, William and Kate).

So now Kris will have to find some new way of getting herself in the headlines. Maybe she can stick her head up Kanye's ass. Maybe she can get Bruce Jenner to go all the way with a sex change and have him change his name to Chelsea Manning.

Maybe she can try and break the porn star gangbang record by going to Syria and saying "You all look like Jews to me!"

So it's back to carting trash as the leader of the Kart Trashians...spreading the wet and fishy message that the best and easiest way to fame and fortune for any woan is to make porn videos and twerk all over the place to attract black thug celebrities.

It was disgusting that Kris got a TV show, disgusting that there was the "war of the babies" as if we needed to see either William and Kate's spawn or THIS stupid looking wombat. It's AMUSING that neither Kris nor the Kanye-Kunt baby got quite the reaction the egomaniacs wanted! All Kris got was a yawn and a "we will cancel your talk show...SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

They're Promoting Ray's New Book

Here's the Poster at the local BARNES & NOBLE

"You can NOT be SYRIA!" John McEnroe

The U.S. Open is going on, and we all have our favorite moments. Like John McEnroe shouting, "You can NOT be SYRIA!"


Oh, my mistake. I mis-heard.

SYRIA...oh yeah...the word translates as..."Crazy Land." Seriously!

Or is "Crazy Land" the translation for "Egypt?"

Funny...or rather, Crazy...that these two nations are killing hundreds of Arabs every day...killing each other. Nothing to do with Jews. In fact, things are rather peaceful in Israel and also in Palestine (or "Roger Waters Land.") Why is that? The Jews drink the blood of Christians, and are evil and violent, and cause nothing but trouble, but...goodness gracious me, how come it's the Muslims who are shooting and bombing other Muslims? Guess they're taking a "time out" from antisemitism, but will be back at it shortly.

Seems that the UK and USA are a little upset about Muslims killing each other, and want to do something about it. Putin, on the other hand, warns us to STAY OUT OF IT. Interesting, isn't it. The Muslims don't seem to mind Russia, do they? You don't hear of a Fatwa against a Russian. You don't see any Muslim leader asking that planes be flown into historic buildings in Russia. You don't hear "Death to Russia." And they don't mind that Putin won't lift a finger to stop bloodshed in Syria.

But the USA and UK, asking for peace? What barbarians.

Well, FUCK SYRIA. FUCK EGYPT. Stay the hell out of it Whitey and let them settle it themselves. It'll be temporary, anyway. Whatever side is in power will be out of power within a year. When are things going to erupt in Libya again? When will our embassy be torched again, and a few diplomats slain?

We're doing so well that we can afford to waste billions on bombs? For what? One civilian gets killed in a raid at some Syrian stronghold and a million Muslims go berserk. "Hey, that's a civilian that could've been a suicide bomber in Herald Square...."

We need Syrian oil? So? So whoever is in power will sell it to us. For all their pious religious horse shit, and their anti-West rhetoric, is there ANY Muslim-run nation that WON'T trade with us? No, money talks, bullshit Islamic fundamentalist religion walks. So sit back and watch the population of crazies decrease a little bit. We've all forgotten about the Boston Marathon Bombing photos, or the little kids killed because WE have no gun stop looking at pictures of dead Syrians and remember they hate us, they could ask Putin for help, and that there's no point thinking that the economy will improve if we get into another war that involves cranking up munitions plants. The economy will improve if you cut taxes and encourage people to spend money.

You can NOT be in SYRIA!

And I can NOT afford tickets to the U.S. Open, and I can NOT afford every tier of cable TV to watch the games at home...which is a crime!

In the Dictionary, between SHIT and UGLY


Hey Martin, I Got a Dream, Too

Today is DREAM SPEECH ANNIVERSARY DAY. Good thing it's summer and schools are already closed. Surprised it's not a national holiday and they shut down the post office. King's birthday is a holiday but the guy should have TWO official days, at least. After all, HE HAD A DREAM.

Nobody else ever did, did they? Lincoln and his emancipation proclamation? Oh fuck that. Ancient history.

Kennedy? He gave speeches too. Another martyr. But who cares. The guy fucked around, too. So did King but let's not talk about that.

"I HAVE A DREAM" isn't like a John Lennon dream either.

Lennon imagined a WORLD living as one. No religion, too. John packed a lot of dreams into one song. Dr. King was pretty much one issue. He had ONE dream. An important one, and one that was shockingly and disgracefully a nightmare 50 years ago.

Let's remember, that not all great men who got a bullet in the head are created equal. Or remembered equally. Lincoln's birthday is now combined with Washington's as one holiday. Kennedy's birthday is not honored at all. John Lennon, who fought desperately to live in America...where he was shot in the not honored by America.

But back to Dr. King, who was a great man, a courageous man, a non-violent man...but someone whose speech remains just a speech and not a plan of action.

But what would he say NOW? Would this man who preached non-violence be pleased that 3 gangsta black kids shot a white student baseball player in the back?

Would he walk through neighborhoods smiling at the Crips and the Bloods, and waving to the idiots who take out guns and fire them off at random killing babies and children through project windows?

Would he be listening to rap? Telling people like Bill Cosby to fuck off and be "real" and talk in Ebonics and spend money on bling and foot wear? That wearing your pants down around your thighs and showing your underwear is a sign of culture?

Would he be pleased that black girls make fools of themselves "twerking" and being on those talk shows where they scream about wanting paternity tests to determine which of a dozen black guys is the father of which of a dozen children they've spawned?

Maybe he'd be happy that Oprah-doprah Winfrey squealed insanely in some posh Switzerland store to help her movie be #1 at the box office, timed to open during all the "50th Anniversary of THE SPEECH" hoopla.

Anybody dreaming that the fuckheads in Egypt and Syria will stop killing each other over religious babble and imaginary friends and the right way to wash their feet 10 times a day?

Martin, look at any American Internet newspaper (FREEEEEEEEE at last FREEEEEEEEE at last) and you'd think it's a Black Planet already, because all the coverage is about black sports figures, and black musicians, and black actors (Denzel Washington and Will Smith and Jamie Fox and Samuel L. Jackson and Eddie Murphy and Morgan Freeman). The gossip is non-stop Kanye and Beyonce and Jay-Z. Fact is, Doc, that black overpopulation means you better have more more more blacks at the movies, because nobody else goes to the movies anymore. The VMA awards were totally dominated by black rap and black dance and Miley acting black and Thicke stealing from Marvin Gaye...because whites steal copies of their favorite music on the Internet while blacks at least steal it on CD from stores...which still means a royalty.

"I have a Dream..." is even copyrighted. Trademarked. He gave this speech in public, but it is one of the few film clips that requires a ROYALTY to use. The King Family (no, not the white ones who were on the Lawrence Welk show) control and authorize and get money from its usage. A special little deal that the Kennedy family never asked for on "Ask not what your country can do for you..."

I have a dream that the media will stop showing Kanye's snarling, sullen mug every fucking day. Make that a day dream. A little one. Not asking too much...not asking that "hate crime" be tacked on to cases of blatant black on white three hoodlums shooting a man in the back because they listened to rap music and the "culture" of The Crips.

The who? Martin, you mean there were no CRIPS 50 years ago? My my, how times have changed for the better.

Dr. King's speech, like "The King's Speech" and most speeches, is not remembered very factually. Fact is, almost all of it was aimed at blacks. The point was for blacks to get together, non-violently and visibly, and gain strength to move forward toward change. Dr. King referenced Lincoln, but mostly to point out that the Negro was not yet emancipated.

"Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed," said Dr. King. "Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today my friends -- so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

The last lines of his speech were a bit closer to Lennon, in hoping for ALL people to enjoy freedom, "to speed up that day when all of God's children -- black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics -- will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

But be careful what you wish for. "Free" at last, to Kim Dotcom, to Julian Assange, to Hans DeVente and Mephisto and Zinhof and ZEROPAID is a little different from what Dr. King viewed as free, as dignity, and as justice.

Some blacks are disappointed that everything's not perfect 50 years after King delivered his speech? Everyone should be disappointed.

And not everyone is paying attention to another set of words, which end: "with liberty and justice for ALL."

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Keef, Miley. Miley, Keef

Miley, you haven't had enough attention, right?

Meet KEEF...

Next stop after twerking with Robin Thicke...THAT guy. KEEF.

We wouldn't want people to forget about Miley Cyrus for more than a few minutes.

How much outrage and fun for Miley to pull a KARDASHIAN, and reel in a black rapper, one a lot more dangerous than Kanye.

You'll remember that the murder of that Australian baseball player in Oklahoma was NOT "racist" and his "civil rights" weren't violated and it wasn't a "hate crime."

And this exclusive article...has remained pretty damn exclusive. Nobody's dared pick up on it.

Coverage of Miley Cyrus on an awards show...all over the place. We're still getting daily non-articles like, "Have we forgotten about Trayvon?" and if there's any excuse to hound Zimmerman, it's taken: "Zimmerman spotted in a store." A photo of Zimmerman leading to more moaning about poor Trayvon.

TRAYVON. Anyone remember the name of the Australian kid?

No, even in the brief blip of a day or two that this was news...the news was the two black kids, and the one wearing the napkin over his face and driving the getaway car...were NOT RACISTS.

Come on, Miley, this is your next move. Forget being another Britney or Gaga. Up the ante. Time to top Kim Kardashian. Get yourself KEEF.

Think of the duet you could do. Think of the twerk! THE TWERK!


TWERK! Is that the sound of Webster turning over in his grave?

No, it's just the latest dumbass black stupid fuck-up word to invade the language like AIDS invades the bloodstream.

When a monkey squats and bounces her big fat ugly ass up and down...that's TWERKING. We live in an era where having a normal ass is no longer attractive. It's got to be a gorilla butt, the kind that wouldn't get stuck in an above ground swimming pool if she took a dump in it.

Miley Cyrus, yeah, not only TWERKED because she's white trash garbage, at one point during one of the idiot dances, she tried to rub her face against the gigantic butt of some dancer on stage. That's some shit.

So go shizzle your bling as you TWERK.

Meanwhile, the "oh my brigade" is all over the Internet, sulking about how awful the Miley Cyrus performance was for young kids, "Hannah Montana" fans, and for the women's lib movement (which just took a hint when it came out that Bobby Riggs tanked his match with Billie Jean King).

And adding a little charge of promoting DATE the original "girls just wanna have fun" girl herself, Ms. Lauper

Quoth She-Bop:

"She's in a song that literally says that the blurred lines allowed you to—when a woman says no, she means yes—and that's frightful because that's date rape. And there she is, a young twentysomething trying to prove she can hang with the big boys and girls, you know, basically simulating a Girl Gone Wild video onstage. And I just felt like that was so beneath her and raunchy, really raunchy. It wasn't even art."


Who makes up these ugly words, and what ugly people turn them viral? Hey, do you FAP till you SPLOOGE over a TWERK?

Which is ok with openly flamboyantly gay Adam Lambert (thanks, Simon for discovering this asshole). Gays of course believe a man's hair asshole is Nirvana. Whereas a normal man would put a gun to his head first. Which is why Lambert is around and Cobain isn't. But this is a world for gays, blacks, Muslims, idiot sluts like Miley Cyrus, and any dumbed down junk that only a moron could find amusing.

Mr. Nicholson, in answer to "What if this is as good as it gets," the answer is, "Yes. This IS as good as it gets, because it always gets worse. Pick your own warming, Internet immorality, the overpopulation of the planet by subhumans...

It's a bizarre world when Kelly Osbourne says something that makes sense...

The VMA awards...I don't think there was a normal singer on the show, was there? Nobody who just stood there and sang a good song and sang it well? Nah, if you flip the dials on the TV, you'd think this was Monkey Planet. Did it take that long to go from Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush to Tupac and Lil Kim to the hideous state the music biz in right now?

I guess it's only natural that the world is going mad over TWERKING. Twerking involves the area where shit comes out. Take a look at the Top 10 songs, the Top 10'd have to be some kind of dung beetle to derive any pleasure, nourishment or amusement from any of that crap.

Catsup in the Rye - The Death of Books and Scholarship

The new bio of J. D. Salinger is out.

Guess what...critics are unhappy that it's a big sloppy "collage" book that seems like it was cobbled together from the Internet.

Shouldn't a big budget bio be well researched and well written?

Well...not if nobody will buy. Not when the Kim Dotcom bastards and Forum Fuckups are going to steal it so THEY can make money from it instead. Not when Bozo Bezos makes sure Amazon pushes the Kindle version that gives the author a few pennies and stiffs the publisher as well.

Do the math.

Cheap Publisher - Lousy Advance to the Author = Inferior Book.

In the old days, it was only the cheap publisher who offered the "cut and paste" biography...which was usually a quick cash-in on a momentarily famous TV or music star, or somebody like Roy Orbison who made waves by dying, thus prompting an "instant book."

In those same old days, Kelly was paid good money for an expose on Frank Sinatra, and anyone attempting a bio on a Churchill or a Hemingway needed to have strong credentials and/or a big advance to make sure that the finished work would stand for decades as the source authority for libraries.

I see both sides of the problem, Libra that I am, and having been in the publishing business for such a long time. I know when I buy a book how deep it'll go. I know by the publisher and the author. I know that Norma Farbes' book on Spike Milligan would be a good read because she had no deadline, knew the guy, and the publisher had enough pride and concern to give her editorial guidance. I also know which authors and publishers are hacks, unreliable, and not worth buying. Darwin Porter, for example, is a one-man wrecking crew who apparently is his own publisher, and specializes in hacky instant books on dead celebrities and re-hash jobs on past scandals boasting "new information."

Darwin's shit always gets a huge amount of angry negative reviews on Amazon (the good ones are probably from shills). He just timed his latest to coincide with the release of movies on Linda Lovelace. What a cunt this guy is.

I know from experience, that sometimes you can write something fantastic because you know it all and have all the resources...and sometimes what you write is good enough but not great, because you're on deadline and not being paid enough to do more research. There's a limit to the number of "labor of love" books you do for small publishers just because you have the information or want the credit. And sometimes you have to be a fool to spend all your advance on travel and long distance calls and all that...thinking the royalty checks will be enough to pay that back rent you owe.

Over the past few years, with fewer well-trained and literate authors, and less advances, we've gotten the "oral history" book. Just go around recording interviews. Good enough. And sometimes it is. Crystal Zevon's book on Warren was like that. There was no central voice to analyze his lyrics, create a flowing narrative, or analyze the man. But several hundred pages of people talking about him...wasn't bad.

Here? Salinger? The critics are less forgiving. They want the writers to WRITE, not to just research and throw down the pieces.

Funny thing in the New York Times above...the critic seems to be totally oblivious to Mark Chapman having a copy of "Catcher in the Rye" on him when he was arrested. Did the authors leave this out or did the critic miss a page or two??

I do sympathize with the authors a bit. Writing and researching takes a lot of time, even if you're very good at it. Some critics are just fuckin' babies...they want it all laid out for them. Salinger was a complex guy. Who is to say what was in his head? Even those closest to you don't know everything about you. Some questions can't ever be answered, and you can be damned either way...for presenting your theory or for giving the reader conflicting points of view from several people who were witnesses to the same event.

The last paragraph in the screen capture...the critic is pissed off that the authors can't GUARANTEE that Salinger had one testicle! What do you want, that they should dig up his grave and feel around? Take his pants down and photograph his nutsack? Get out a camcorder and carve in? Identify which women said he had one nut and not two...and spend a few pages explaining why no other women said so, or which women declined to answer the question?? Again...I've also been a book critic for a major newspaper, so I know the frustration, and also the responsibility one has to the reader to point out whether there's "value for money" an what might be missing.

What it amounts to, is that the book world, wounded by today's economy and technology, is ignoring treatment. Maybe there isn't any. All that can be done is suffer and limp along and try not to die.

It's like going to the refrigerator and discovering that there's no food...and that Tesco is closed and too expensive anyway. So let's see...there's some bread left...and condiments...OK, I'm hungry, I'll make do with Catsup on Rye.

To be MILES away from MILEY and the CYRUS VIRUS

"Pop Culture" could drive you to drugs. And you'd be better off.

I don't mean the drugs idiots like Miley Cyrus and her fans meth and cocaine.

Tranquilizers. It's real tempting. Take tranquilizers and petty stupid shit...idiots in the news, moronic longer have the POWER. POWER? The power that shredded nerves give them. When your defenses are down, you're way too vulnerable and things that shouldn't bother you are irritating, and things that are irritating chafe and draw blood.

Miley Cyrus? If this was Iran, she'd have her tongue cut off. End of aggravation. But we're better than Iran.

We have better drugs. Some of them imported from Iran and its allied countries.

Hey, another good thing is to make Miley pay, literally. Jim Farber is one of the lucky ones. His view of this cunt is accurate...because instead of taking tranquilizers he takes a pay check from the Daily News. So he gets even and gets paid for it.

There aren't many rock writers anymore. Newspapers rarely review music, just as they barely have book reviewers. Apparently well tenured, Jim actually reviews rock concerts, a big album, or gets to comment on something like the great Miley Cyrus shockeroo:

"By letting her tongue lay lazily out of the side of her mouth like a dog on a hot day, and grinding her crotch like a sex worker who’s seen happier times, Cyrus titillated and appalled millions — a sure-fire formula for modern success…Check Twitter...more than 306,000 messages sent per minute….In terms of hard sales, Cyrus likewise soared on impact...." Why complain too much when you're making money writing about it? The more money you get, the milder the slams, too. Farber isn't anxious to get into a war with Cyrus and her bunch...the ones who went after Kelly Clarkson...

Clarkson Tweeted a good one, saying Miley came off like a "pitchy stripper." Which led some nobody, some Best Fag Friend of Miley's to Tweet back that Kelly's "old" and fat and no longer a star.

Meanwhile Farber went on to note the "disquieting" aspect of Miley's "not-quite womanly looks" and the “kinda kiddie-porny” aspect of a performance where she was prancing about with guys in teddy bear suits as backing dancers. But he also noted it all "scores a bull's-eye on the supremely prized outrage-o-meter. It doesn’t seem to matter that her moves appear more than a tad desperate, not to mention obvious. Cyrus has been trying to “grow up” for years now, going back to her “kinda incesty” photo shoot with her dad in Vanity Fair. Her new album is her first affixed with a Parental Advisory, via pre-order. The CD will also be her first off the kiddie label of Hollywood, having migrated over to the grown-up RCA imprint. It’s a route taken by earlier stars, most obviously by Britney Spears, when she wanted to go from teen-scamp to the Madonna-of-her-moment. Cyrus’ transition creeks just as badly. Luckily for her, self-consciousness and cravenness count for nothing against what really matters: dominating the conversation..."

Indeed indeed. Well said...mildly said. 'Cause Jim has been doing it for decades and getting paid, so that takes some the edgy anger away. When you're a "have" and not a "have not," you are much tolerant. Oh it's GOOD to have that bottle of tranquilizers, or that pay check coming at the end of the week, or somebody -- cop, publicist or landlord -- who gives you respect and takes action when you ask and doesn't let the asshole keep farting around and bothering you.

Last word on Smiley Virus...

I thought it was amusing that Robin Thicke's mother was upset that this little bitch grinded against her totally innocent, totally wonderful son. Who happens to be capable of making his own decisions, was acting like a moron himself, and looks a bit old to be a teen idol or on stage with a teen idiot.

Love the picture of Gloria? Best of's FREE. FREEEEEEEEE.

The Daily News didn't have to pay for it. Fair use. Grab a screen capture and give credit, that's all. Don't pay ME a dime, or another photographer.

See, in the old days, I might've gotten paid for a Gloria Loring photo. The newspaper would've contacted several photo agencies, asked for a "picture of Gloria looking upset or nauseated," found an awkward picture where she's making an unintentional face of despair...and PAID ME. Or whatever photographer they used. It used to be quite a kick to get a little "present" in the mail...the photo agency sending me a check and letting me know a photo of mine was used on TV, in a book, or in the pages of People Magazine. Nice. In a case like this, I could lighten up about a jerk like Miley and think, "Well, she put a few dollars into MY bank account..."

I knew Robin Thicke's father is Alan, the sitcom dope. I didn't know his mom was THE Gloria of the minor and forgettable singers who might fill time singing a cover of "Fly Me to the Moon" on the Sullivan Show or "Hollywood Palace." Interesting when the spawn of two celebrities ends up more famous than either, and for no reason.

Great...I know Gloria Loring + Alan Thicke = Robin Thicke. And Robin appeals to thick-headed disco dancing dunces and some moronic Miley fans.

Blogging about it has brought only temporary relief...and no money.

Borrowing a once famous phrase uttered by Margaret Hamilton, back when pop culture had some culture to it...

"What a world...what a world..."

Monday, August 26, 2013


As the U.S. Open starts up amid oppressive humidity...a very cold sports event from the past has heated up.

It's alleged that the infamous Bobby Riggs vs Billie Jean King "Battle of the Sexes" match was deliberately thrown by Riggs.

WHAT, you may well ask, is the point of bringing up a story from 40 years ago? Yes, at the time it was an amusing pop culture moment that helped the women's lib movement. But what point does it serve to question whether it was legit or not? Especially when we can still ask who killed Kennedy, was there a Diana conspiracy, and was Michael Jackson really gay?

The point is to affirm Lily Tomlin's quote, "No matter how cynical you are, it's hard to keep up." And to a lesser degree, that eventually "the truth will emerge." And in this case, the truth is that "entertainment" involving sports events can always be corrupt and manipulated. Betting on sports didn't end with Pete Rose, and taking steroids hasn't ended with the disgrace of Roger Clemens. 40 years after it happened, we can look back at this now-tainted event and say, "Damn...FOOLED AGAIN."

I remember the event vividly...that's usually the case when things happen when you're young and impressionable. "Women's Lib" was a hot topic, and surprising as it might seem, there were a lot of people who still felt a woman couldn't or shouldn't be much more than a housewife, teacher or secretary. Some truly believed women were the "weaker sex" in every way. "Male chauvinist pigs" were chided for their views, but there were few female politicians, newscasters, or business executives. In sports, few women were stars, and the ones that were, were not being paid much or considered major athletes. Into this mess came Bobby Riggs, a retired and obscure tennis player who loudly claimed that not only couldn't a woman compete against a man equally...the best woman tennis player couldn't even beat a guy 20 years older. HIM.

Riggs was vaguely known as a gambler and "hustler," but his personality sold a challenge match between himself and Margaret Court, one of the best of the ladies. Short, aging, but a cagey player who relied on slices, spins and more guile than power, Riggs easily defeated Court. He then agreed to prove this was no fluke, and take on the only other star player in a skirt, Billie Jean King. To the astonishment of most everyone, Riggs seemed to have gotten suddenly old. His play was weak and sloppy. Even men who agreed with "equality" wanted Bobby to win...but in storybook fashion, the big bad wolfish pig LOST. And he lost to a kind of mannish (she later came out as lesbian) woman who wasn't exactly a graceful winner.

Some time later, the two had a comical ping-pong match in an episode of the sitcom "The Odd Couple," and the great event became just a silly footnote in the history of the women's movement. King would retire with an enviable record as the best woman tennis player (a title that wavered away from her thanks to Navratilova and then Serena) and Riggs, hardly pulling the stunts of an Evel Knievel, simply faded away into obscurity.

NOW? 40 years later, it turns out that Riggs was being leaned on for gambling debts and threw the match to keep from being thrown into the river. Seems like the truth. While Riggs was known to be a fairly expert gambler, who's to say he didn't have ups and downs...and at one point be very short of cash and facing very angry collectors?

An 80 year old man who overheard the mobsters getting to Riggs wants to set the record straight. Why now? Maybe because those mobsters are dead and gone and it's safe. At 80, he's not in this for the fame, and telling his story to a reporter for the momentary amusement of someone browsing the day's paper isn't going to bring him much money, if any. A friend of Riggs trying to "clear" is name? Nope. If anything, Riggs still comes across as a loser. There's no reason to NOT believe the guy. The only one hurt by this is Billie Jean King, who can't deny the story, just go with her gut feeling that Riggs (consummate con artist and actor) looked like he wanted to win, and seemed like he was trying his best. I buy the story that he tanked. I think he could've defeated King, who was only marginally better than Margaret Court at the time.

Really, what we take away from this is not whether a 55 year old man could defeat TWO of the best 30-something women in the world or just ONE of them...but that nothing is what it seems. In our desire to suspend disbelief, to accept ENTERTAIMENT, and to lose ourselves in amusement...any kind of disgusting behavior is possible. The fix could be in.

The funny thing is how often we don't want to know, and how often...we just don't fucking care. A lot of people love pro wrestling...they know it's not a sport. It's not regulated by any sports body. It's sold as entertainment, as "exhibition." So what. Boxing, which IS a sport, and a damn painful regularly attacked for horrible "hometown decisions," bad judging, and corrupt organizations and promoters. Anyone remember Billy Collins? Resto? Was that the last time "loaded gloves" were in a ring? Of course not. We shrug and can't wait for Michael Buffer's next shout of "Let's get ready to RUMBLE..." He might as well say "Let's get ready to CHEAT, BE CORRUPT...BET ON A FIXED FIGHT..."

So it turns out that Bobby Riggs was in trouble with the wiseguys. Gosh, the same wiseguys that allegedly took down both John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy? Nevermind. We're not that interested in who killed the Kennedys unless it's presented as an entertaining "unsolved mystery." Then we forget that two men were shot in the head, their brains leaking out, and we just concentrate on the game of wondering if it was done by the mafia, the CIA, Castro, Russia, or some fun combination. Some even still go back to "conspiracy theory" on the Lincoln assassination, although it's not really needed in that case...that event, after all, was good theater.

When we go to the beach, and dive into the surf, we suspend the truth...that a shark COULD be in the water nearby. Nah. It's easy to forget about it and enjoy the swim.

This is why few of us get too upset after a boxing match is called a draw or the wrong guy is declared the winner. It's why we accept that Olympic events will be rigged, especially if the host country is Communist. We're not surprised when a basketball referee admits he kept making bad call after bad call because he was paid to make sure the gambling "point spread" was just right for some betting. At the very least, the Riggs story is a reminder that what we think is fact and reality and history...isn't. So let's keep our eyes wide shut.

We spend so much time, to quote a line from a Sam Phillips song, ignoring our conscience "like a crying child."

We just smile at Bob Dylan's line, "even the swap meets are gettin' pretty corrupt." Meaning, you might not get a bargain 45 rpm at the boot sale, because the dealer's keeping the good stuff for some dotty, half-senile old man who pays a little bit extra for the privilege of checking out the boxes kept under the table till he arrives! "I just want to buy records," says the guy with the pension money to spend, who refers to himself as The Duke, or The Prince or some other delusional royal title. "I'll guarantee to buy dozens of 45's so don't let someone else see everything before I do. The fix is in!" And what's so bad about that? We all would like to get special favors, be able to "tip" someone or be in a power position to get preferential treatment...and to know that in an emergency, most everyone can be bought.

Me, I'll tune in a little of the U.S. Open, but not much of it. It's kind of boring. Odds are nobody is being bribed to lose. It's just meaningless...and winning the U.S. is no big deal as there's always the French or the Australian or Wimbledon. Plenty of cash and prizes for all.

So I might re-run CASABLANCA instead....

Ugarte: Rick, think of all the poor devils who can't meet Renault's price. I get it for them for half. Is that so parasitic?

Rick Blaine: I don't mind a parasite. I object to a cut-rate one.

Miley and Gaga and Katy...OH MY

Musically speaking, the fucking "pop" world is full of rabid lions, tigers and bears.

And anyone over 30 is Dorothy, calling out "Oh My!"

What was that line? "We're not in Kansas anymore..."

Hey, that's part of the fucking problem, everyone. Not too far from KANSAS is OKLAHOMA, which is the title of a Broadway musical, but in the headlines is the place where three homicidal teenagers shot a white man in the back...and nobody in authority calls it racism and wants the penalty raised to include "hate crime" charges. Not like poor TRAYVON, shot while instigating a confrontation with a white man whom he thought was unarmed and easy to beat up.

"We're not in Kansas anymore..." means that newspapers and normal people and parents can just clutch a hankie and say "OH MY," over shit like this:

Can you imagine Carly Simon, Linda Ronstadt and Stevie Nicks fighting with each other over who could wear the sluttiest outfit?

Well, yes, you CAN, but it DID NOT HAPPEN.

But now, the Video Music Awards and most any music awards show is softcore porn, and it's no longer about the music. Music is dead. It's just background noise to visual chaos...a mash-up of porn and gangsta violence. What freakish Twilight Zone do you see that borders reality and fantasy here? Where does harmless dreaming start and a mindless nightmare begin?

I draw your attention back to OKLAHOMA:

The police chief in Oklahoma was very, very firm about how this was NOT a hate crime, just "clowns" who were "bored." Now we know the truth, but STILL, no "hate crime" charges have been brought, and STILL, the parents of these monsters do nothing but blubber and sigh and shrug and have no their lovely baboons could've gotten out of control. A few blame it on "The Crips," and that these boys were somehow lured into killing a white guy so they could be initiated. Or something. Blah blah woof woof. Whatever. The police chief has no fucking clue. "Oh my!"

Another report declared that these monsters were "influenced" by "violent rap," and racist rappers who spews hatred against whites. Well, that's all right. Freedom of speech. A black rapper screaming about killing whites isn't old Paula Deen using the N-word 20 years ago when a black guy broke into her store and robbed it. Let's get her for something she said 20 years ago! PS...all charges against Deen were dropped last week. But "innocent till proven guilty" didn't apply to that wicked white woman!

Meanwhile, Miley and Gaga and Katy ALL turned up to war with each other for who was the most tasteless and obnoxious STAR of the day.

You'll note that the big news, "OH MY!" is that these bad girls did their best to shock and awe...and let's all stare in wonder.

Do you notice that there's only ONE bit of tasteful news in the sidebar? It's about Michelle Obama and her two daughters. I guess those two girls were NOT allowed to watch the VMA "awards" show, where whore antics are given prizes.

It's amusing that Miley's disgusting act got the most "oh my" remarks from black performers. They can't stand the way she tries to hard to look black, what a vanilla parody she is, for her antics the other night, Nick Cannon tweeted:

And here's an amusing picture of Will Smith and his children

Michelle Obama is somehow managing to let her daughters know right from wrong....something Billy Ray Cyrus couldn't teach HIS famous daughter...who is now one of the richest bitches on the planet, smugly pleased with herself for ditching her Disney image and stealing her act from Lil Kim, all the other rapper morons, and Gaga and Madonna. She'll tell everyone the same line Madonna did: "I'm not responsible if your kids wear outfits like mine, act lewdly in school, gangbang with rappers in alleys, or do meth and crack. YOU tell your kid my glamorous lifestyle is wrong, and YOU follow your kid everywhere she goes..."

"Oh My!"

Yes, WE know Miley is an idiot. A lot of critics said so last night. We know she's a corny stupid air-head bitch who just wants attention and is ripping off rappers and Madonna to get it, but 13 year-olds don't know it. Nor is it easy for a parent to explain why, if it's so bad, it's allowed on TV. Remember when WE were growing up, and the stuff people disapproved of was NOT openly available to minors? That using certain words, or dressing in a certain way, was UNACCEPTABLE and not permitted?

Now people are helpless when the Miley Cyrus idiots of the world sass and strut, and are loud, obnoxious and lewd in public. We see it on the bus. We see it on the street. The "me" generation gone wild A parent is supposed to say "oh my," and say, "Uh, Miley can get away with this because you can't say NO. Producers need her so she has the power." Right. And the parent and the teacher can't spank a child anymore, and can't really explain away a piece of shit like Cyrus or how she humiliated her own father.

The less rules, the less enforcement of law, the worse it gets. It's terrible to sound like an old codger about "these kids today," but the truth is...KIDS are out of control, and all we have is CHAOS. Sound familiar? It's a fucking "Get Smart" episode...Control vs Chaos. Only it ain't funny. And no kids are watching "Get Smart" when there's Miley Cyrus rubbing her latex-covered scrawny butt into the crotch of Robin Thicke, who contributed a hack sound-alike dumbed down dirty ditty to an already polluted line-up of forgettable non-songs.

Some critic said today that we all know that just as the Golden Globes is the drunk Oscars, the VMA's is just "an awards show on crack." Yeah? Crack is dangerous. Meth is dangerous. Your kids shouldn't be playing with it. Do the producers of the VMA's have children? So they think Will Smith and his family are going to want to come back and be seen endorsing this shit? Does the world really need to revolve around Taylor Smith cursing at some stupid ex-boyfriend, or the world indulging Justin Bobblehead literally every time he pisses and spits?

Who'd think that in the short generation span that Madonna's been on the planet, it could get this bad, and soon get worse. Who'd think that any kind of "award" could possibly be given to a jerk named Thicke who ripped off an old Marvin Gaye song, and strutted around singing this lame sound-alike while a ridiculous whore taking Madonna a few porn-wipes further, bent over to pretend to be getting dog fucked by him, and then started shoving a dildo-like foam finger between her legs...

That's entertainment now.

And all anyone can do is write about it, and end with...

"Oh my."