Saturday, August 24, 2013


A few days ago, there was the report of an awful, awful person who didn't like the bucolic and quiet countryside, PEACE, disturbed by the hee-haw insane noises of a Down Syndrome idiot. What you do with a retard…just toss the kid into the backyard unsupervised, and let the neighbors suffer with his yowling and hyena laughing like they'd suffer with a dog barking! Then yhou play the "retard card" and tell the world what a burden you live with BUT YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH. So much that you make your retard everybody else's burden too. So somebody who has deliberately moved to a quiet area without a lot of IDIOTS...ends up having to suffer with a retard carrying on, bouncing on a trampoline, yelling stupidly hour after hour. SUFFER...because YOU don't have rights, and the RETARD can do no WRONG. Don't supervise the kid.

Here's another sad, sad story. Sad stories say so much? A tremendously obese retard is watching a violent movie, is not being supervised properly, is being a pain in the ass…and then refuses to go away. He is going to stay in his seat and see the fucking ovie over again. Without paying. He and his baby-sitter will take up prime location seats somebody else might be waiting for. The theater loses $24 because two waiting customers decide they don't want lousy seats up front or way to the side? And now a fresh audience has to hear this moron gurgle and babble?

The situation was bad enough for management and security to get involved. His "supervisor" wouldn't either coax this short (5'6") fat slob (300 POUNDS) out of the seat or pay the fucking $24.

That's our "society." Certain privileged groups...minorities, retards, whatever...decide that they have a right, or a religious right, to break the law and do whatever they please, and don't you DARE do anything about it!

The good news…a grand jury has said FUCK OFF and refused to indict the trained officers who had to deal with this berserk idiot.

"It's not clear what happened exactly and that's where our questions are coming from," the moron's sister said. "All we know is he ended up dead. No one expects their brother to go to a movie and not come home." Yeah? You should. Your brother was a fucking retard. A fat one. According to the eye witnesses, this over-hyped load, who had just sat through a violent movie he probably only half-understood, was not going to budge from his seat. His "supervisor" (not his sister, who wasn't there) told an off-duty sheriff (now having to go "on duty" to deal with this asshole disturbing everyone) that Retard Boy should not be touched.

Right, right, and if he was black, or a woman, or a Muslim in a burka, the same rule applies. Certain people can do as they please anywhere they are? Do NOT touch the retard?

OK, supervisor, then YOU do it. No?

NO...she stood there, lectured the sheriff (and everyone else trying to preserve the peace and enforce law and common sense) and said that they were NOT to touch Retard Boy. She watched as they took him bodily out of the seat so the rest of the audience could enjoy some fucking escape from idiots, morons, imbeciles and privileged retards.

The big fat slob went into a panic and being a big fat slob, stopped breathing. End of story. End of retard. And it would NOT have happened if Retard Boy had been properly supervised in the movie theater. But when, when in fucking Christ's name, can anyone enjoy ENTERTAINMENT WITHOUT BEING DISGUSTED? This is part of why nobody wants to go to a movie theater. It's full of retards, including, now and then, a real one. What were these cops supposed to do, shrug and walk away? "Hey, if somebody is breaking the law, and they won't politely stop...just leave them alone, especially if they're fat and might stop breathing. Especially if they're...retarded, black, Muslim...basically, if it's a healthy 30 or 40 year old white guy, he's got no excuse. Everyone else? HANDS OFF!"

How delusional is Retard Boy's sister? She merely suggested, according to newspaper accounts, that he was "overweight." 5'6" and 300 pounds? That's OBESE. That's fucking FAT. That's a FAT RETARD. And at home, he's supervised. He's too fucking stupid to not be supervised. But, yeah, go ahead, go to a movie theater and burden everybody with this jackass.

"He was always making us laugh and doing something goofy," she said.

Something GOOFY? Who is the real retard? Must be you, sister

Do I not have sympathy for someone who has a Down Syndrome child? Actually, NO. Not since medical science discovered that the problem could be detected, with abortion and "try again" a very good response. I have a very close friend whom I love very much who has a situation like this, and she wouldn't allow her kid to end up dead. First off, he's not obese. Second, she has raised him well enough so that he doesn't do "something goofy" in public and has all the manners possible. Third, though she's brought him to theaters, she's made sure that he doesn't disturb anyone else, and would most certainly not stand by and tell cops to just fuck off.

Reports were that this retard was being stubborn and obnoxious. A spoiled retard, used to getting his own way because everyone feels sorry for him and treats him sp;ecial. Well, what was the supervisor's excuse for also being stubborn and obnoxious?? Why didn't a grand jury indict HER? Ask what role SHE played in this death? But that's too much to fucking ask. Better to blame the cops, or the theater, and see what kind of money a lawsuit might bring. Too many idiots on the planet. TOO MANY.

Every pregnant bitch on the planet should get ultrasound, mandatory, after 3 months. If the diagnosis is a defective moron like this, and she decides to go ahead with it, that's her fucking problem and she can sign a waiver or get an abortion. The waiver states: "I will take care of my retard just as I would take care of a dumb dog. I will not abandon it, stop feeding it, or REFUSE TO SUPERVISE IT. And if I toss it in the back yard and let it yowl and screech and scream and disturb my neighbors, it's my fucking responsibility to make it STOP or buy soundproofing and keep my retard in a play room. And in a movie theater, I and my retard need to obey all the rules that EVERYBODY else does…except blacks. And anyone walking in armed with assault rifles. And oh yes, God Bless America."

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