Saturday, August 17, 2013


Oh, no...I wouldn't wish DEATH for Sean Parker, or anyone. Almost. But I do wish him a vicious beating.

I do wish him bad health. I do wish him bankruptcy. I do wish him a plague of locusts up his ass.

Napster destroyed a lot of lives. Idiots who thought the struggling Internet needed less law and more "exciting" innovations let him get away with murder.

Murder. What else do you call a killing? The killing of how people earned a living. The killing of joy. The killing of optimism. The killing of copyright. The killing of the spirit of music which is not about GREED but about GIVING, and it isn't about STEALING it's about the sharing of emotions and noble ideas.

Giving away something beautiful for stealing from the people who created that beauty, is not noble. The idea of claiming it's "FREE" when you're making a profit off premium download accounts, Google ads and nefarious click-throughs and not noble either.

But I don't wish DEATH for Sean Parker. But if he happens to have a head-on collision with the back of an elephant's ass and they leave him stuck in the shit as the animal lumbers off to the elephant's graveyard to die...damn, I'll feel so bad for the elephant.

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