Thursday, May 7, 2015

Animal Rights vs Waxy-Faced Media Whore Kim Kardashian BITCH

Fat-ass waxy face Kim Kardashian went to a bookstore to promote herself. The cocksucker idiot with the irritating nasal voice and walnut for a brain, was signing "SELFISH," her brazenly titled "coffee table art book" of her own SELFIES.

Then KARMA intervened for a few wonderful minutes.

After all, Bardot she's not. Bardot was a beautiful woman and an animal rights activist.

Kuntrashian is a creepy low-class slut with make-up troweled onto her llama-like face. And animals have been killed for her vanity.

Happily, book signings can be disrupted. All it takes is the time standing in line. You have to buy the book in advance, but you can return it. So...

A massive THANK YOU to the tireless Animal Rights activists who aren't awed by slutty bimbos in furs, and instead express their outrage and disgust.

You notice Kuntrashian and her un-kind never wear fur from animal pests we could do without. No mouse-fur hat. No rat-fur coat. Imagine if Kuntrashian said, "I only wear animals that people trap and kill in tenement buildings and on the subway tracks."

Instead, she flaunts her vanity, her stupidity and her selfishness. She was lucky she wasn't splattered with red paint or punched in her ugly fucked up face.

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