Monday, May 18, 2015

Blowhard Al Sharpton's got a Cheating Bitch Daughter. Watta surprise

One of the most disgusting creatures on the planet is Al Sharpton, who almost invented "playing the race card."

A fat tub of shit "Reverend," he emerged out of nowhere to yap and blabber any time there was a high-profile incident involving a black.

Somehow, with his obnoxious rhetoric, his "James Brown" hairstyle and his threats of getting a riot going from his ignorant followers, his fame and influence grew. The MEDIA gave him more coverage than he deserved and fed this arrogant monster.

Oooh, gotta let Reverend Al spit and howl for the cameras. Or did they think that giving this idiot a platform would keep the peace? Like, "As long as the blacks see their Reverend Al shouting on TV, they'll shut up."


In the notorious Tawana Brawley case, bombasting brawling bawling Reverend Al and his shitty lawyer pals accused the police of brutality, and a near-riot ensued. Oh. It turned out TAAAH-WAAHHHHH-NA was a fucking liar and she made up the entire story about being assaulted and covered with shit and tossed in a garbage bag by cops.

Why? She wanted to avoid punishment for staying out late. Oooh, lemme pretend I was just this innocent black girl kidnapped by white cops...

Reverend Al not only NEVER apologized to the cops who had their lives turned upside down and endured death threats and were never the same...he kept right on running his mouth. Right ON!

He's slipped and slided over every ethics concern, and the race card continued to be played. As in, "Don't you be goin' after OUR REVEREND AL, you White Devils."

If there was a white guy who actually wanted to be SEEN with this prick, it turned out to be a slimeball, like the lawyer Sanford Rubinstein, who skated after sexually assaulting a black woman. Oh, REVEREND AL momentarily stepped aside because he didn't know WHO to back...his own black lady employee, or his favorite creepy white lawyer.

And now?

Yes, the creep's daughter sued the city for FIVE MILLION. Then the MEDIA reported that the bitch was seen mountain climbing on that "sprained ankle."

Now, why would the media DARE to even suggest that Teflon REVEREND AL has a crooked daughter? Because at this point several blacks have actually told Sharpton to "stay away." He loves to show up at funerals and make speeches, but lately several families of blacks who got killed by cops simply said, "STAY AWAY." They didn't want Reverend Al taking the spotlight, and turning the death into a circus.

Yes, at this point, not every black is willing or happy to have REVEREND AL bellow and posture. They're beginning to get the idea he smells JUST A BIT.

But it took a long, long time.

REVEREND AL is just one example of how a savvy player can work the media...with the media's strange willingness to be used. It's only now, when there are a zillion rappers, and spontaneous riots, and the rest of it, that Sharpton's hold on the media has loosened.

Sharpton can't prevent riots and can't cause them. The Internet, "flash mobs" and a wide range of agitating assholes have taken control away from Just One Man. Just like the 3 major networks suddenly found their power drained away by cable TV, Netflix, The Internet, piracy, etc., Sharpton is no longer the only gamer in town.

And so, fortunately, while BuzzFeed and TheDecider and The Inquisitr and Huffington and the rest of the lazy assholes sit and wait for OTHERS to break news stories, real reporters did their job.

One or two investigative reporters on the few teetering REAL newspapers, have reported on this outrageous HOAX from Sharpton's bitch of a daughter. Now we ALL know.

FIVE MILLION for a sprained ankle she can climb mountains on? Maybe she'll GO AWAY like Tawana Brawley did? Never apologize but at least GO AWAY? And take her stinky gruesome father with her?

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