Monday, May 25, 2015

NASH MASHED - "Beautiful Mind" turned to "Dead Body" by Immigrant Cabbie

And what was the name of the reckless cab driver who killed the "Beautiful Mind" professor and his wife?


And where did he live? The cesspool known as Elizabeth, New Jersey.

On the positive side, John Nash and wife died together. One didn't have to outlive or care miserably for the other, and then suffer declining health alone. They were both THROWN FROM THEIR CAB because of the wreck-inducing reckless lunacy of shit-faced TARK GIRGIS.

He may well have been shit-faced drunk, but murderous cabbies can refuse breath tests and "lawyer up." This guy was driving an ice cream truck up till two weeks ago, when "taking jobs whites won't," he decided he was a cab driver.

Obit writers couldn't bring themselves to deny that John Nash was a "rabid anti-semite," fathered a brat out of wedlock, and was a general pain in the butt. "A Beautiful Mind" was, after all, more movie fiction than anything else, a rip-off of "Shine," in the "oh, but he's a genius even though he's nuts" category. He spawned a brat who is just as nuts as he is, but not quite so smart.

Still, he (or Russell Crowe, actually) was an inspiration to many, and his story encouraged maybe a few people to hire, or not fire, somebody with mental problems. A little shock therapy, some drugs, and he can function as well as any neurotic fucking moron co-worker you hate.

Back to TARK GIRGIS, which sounds like the noise an anus makes during a diarrhea attack.

The idea that immigrants take jobs nobody else wants is diarrhea. Plenty of dumbass whites would love to drive cabs...which they did for decades until they were priced out by scab foreigners. What's going on now is that some cab companies are owned by wacky Pakis and other dregs, and they hire their own. In a business that is mostly cash, there's plenty of nefarious activity going on, which suits hiring minimum wage creeps who are glad to get un-taxed income and hide in someplace low rent.

As to Elizabeth New Jersey, well, it's an undesirable shitty little town now. Many New Jersey towns have been almost taken over by Indians and other ethnics, who stuff dozens into a private house and breed dozens more.

Cabbies are speed demons now. In the old days when whites drove cabs, no. The white cab driver was just an Archie Bunker, some guy who dropped out of school. He knew right from wrong, and he was content with his wage. He didn't speed because he was afraid of cops, and of strict laws. Now? Cops are fewer, laws are more lax, and these monkeys often drive with a dozen fake ID's and they all look alike. Give a ticket to some eye-chart name like TARK GIRGIS and next week he's PUKE GARGIS. Take away his license and he's PORK PORKIS and back again.

They speed like mad because they have no brains, don't care, and want to get home as fast as possible to slobber the hummus and over-breed all night.

As to seat belts, usually cabs don't even have 'em. If they do, they're under the seat, behind the cushion, or broken or stretched out and useless. Few are expensive harness-type contraptions...most are just intended to go over your lap, so you end up cut in half when a mental-case maniac sends you careening all over the highway.

Hey, this could've been worse. Could've been ME and my better half. I haven't forgotten the time we got a cab from the airport, and were shocked by the idiot driver's speeding.

He took a curve too fast, and WHAM. The rear-view mirror on the side of the cab was broken off by a fence. Fortunately the pieces flew by and didn't break the window, and the jerk wasn't going so fast that the door flew open and spat us into oblivion.

He barely slowed down as he darted in and out of traffic. We just hoped he'd stay away from the lane closest to the highway's retaining fence. All he cared about was zipping back and forth from the airport as many times as possible. After all, an extra few dollars means an extra helping of stinky halal food.

As for Tark's killing of two people, "no charges will be filed" in a mere "accident" like this. Any charges when that immigrant cab driver caused the accident to the British woman who lost her leg last summer? Of course not. Let's all feel sorry for the immigrants who do the "hard work" that nobody else would do.

Ultimately we must realize that it's harder and harder to find a "beautiful mind," when the world is full of incredibly stupid pieces of shit.

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