Saturday, January 30, 2016

Being a "Spin Faggot" For the London Daily Fail

What could be one of the worst jobs in publishing?

Gushing about nobodies and has-beens and media whores. Which is what you do if you're one of the infected staffers at the London Daily Mail.

Case in point. You're handed boring pictures of two bored rich bitches. One of them is the ruined, trout-mouthed plastic-surgery shambles known as Melanie Griffith. The other is her lame-brained daughter.

And so it's "Spin Faggot" time if you're the man who must write about this shit. Assuming it's a man and not a tranny that was once a dyke.

What could be worse than this? Calling bingo games in a Blackpool arcade? Being a cruise ship drummer?

It was WAY back in 1988 that Melanie Griffith made her only good movie, "Working Girl." Anyone could've played the part. She was lucky. She became a one-hit wonder, like her mother, Tipsy Hedren, who didn't really do much except look snotty in "The Birds," and then turn in another cringeworthy performance in "Marnie."

Hedren at least is an animal rights activist. Griffith? Who knows. She married Antonio Badactor, was rumored to be lesbian while he was gay, and so they spawned a bitch to prove they had sex at least once.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, it's not Melanie's fault that paparazzi twits follow her around. THIS particular screed isn't about the actress or her parasitic photog pests. It's about the enablers, the stupid media that desperately need to make something out of nothing.

They buy boring photos, then flag a spin faggot to try and come up with something. Like, er, these two bints are "fashionistas." Because? Er, because they're wearing clothes?

What's fashionable about a little twat in an oversized jacket, or an aging bimbo in ripped jeans? Nothing. But there they are, labeled "casual cool" while going off on an inane shopping spree to buy knickers and butt plugs.

As Mylene sang it (one of her few lines in English)..."FUCK THEM ALL."

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