Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ebay Sells Stolen Merchandise? Up Kate Upton

A few months ago this blog mentioned how EBAY is the biggest fence for stolen merchandise in the world.

It's a fact. Much of it can't be helped. Or as we say in the 'hood, "it is what it is, know wuttum sayin'?" Somebody needs extra money, they go into a store, shoplift shit, and sell it on eBay.

Or they rob a home and sell the shit on eBay. A well known actress had a bunch of jewels stolen and, smart woman that she is, kept a check of EBAY and sure enough, the items turned up and the thief was arrested.

When an eBay seller actually says they've got stolen items for sale, shouldn't there be an easy link to report it?

If you scoll back three months, you'll note THIS auction was an example:

That was November. Three months later:

What a surprise. NOT.

It's the same seller, same bogus location ("Beverly Hills") but a different eBay account name.

Even if you don't think much of Kate the Kunt Upton, do you think more of the moron punk weasel moneygrubber selling her photos?

Ebay doesn't make it easy to report this this.

There's NO link for "report a seller" at all. All you can do is "report the item." You don't even get a Tweet's worth of space to explain why, or to add that the seller used another identity and give that auction number. You're relying on probably a minimum-wage simian Mormon moron to understand the problem. Too often, THEY DO NOT.

Isn't "leaked" photos the same as "hacked" or "stolen?" Shouldn't eBay have a category for reporting stolen merchandise, with a way to add a few sentences about the problem? And why allow any nude photo auction unless one of the ad pictures IS a signed model release?

"We're too busy making money by aiding and abetting thieves to be moral." That's the answer?

Ideally, Kate Upton and a few dozen others, who are all represented by the same lawyer or agency, should have somebody checking eBay to remove this crap, but a lot of these women are brainless sluts who have no shame, and a lot of them also would rather spend $200 on a pair of silk knickers they'll wear once and soil beyond washing, than spend it for a year of Internet protection.

Upton may be a stupid bint, but the person selling this shit is even more obnoxious. There's no reason beyond greed and stupidity to allow a cockroach like this to keep crawling through a woman's crack.

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