Thursday, January 14, 2016

Illegal Alien Kills White Woman - Tootsie Frootsie Italian Cops Laugh it Off

"Ay, you crazy! Our black immigrants a'rape and a'murder? Naw! White-a women from-a UK and USA ask-a for it. They love da blackies!"

That could be the line from the official Linguini-brains in Italy.

Doesn't it seem that whenever there's a horrendous crime against a white foreign woman by a black's HER fault? Shoo-iz! Ayyy, dey-a ask-a for it!

A black monster savagely beats a woman to death and they say it was consensual sex. Right. She wanted it rough. She had a boyfriend but he was-a nothing-a. She was-a slut-a!

Amusement, as the Italians know, has to involve something disgusting.

This American chick was out looking for drugs and sex with a stranger. And so she deserved to be killed. That's the Italian way of thinking.

Nevermind allowing illegal aliens in. Don't bother controlling the drug epidemic. Blame the victim.

That's exactly what happened, to a ludicrous degree, in the Knox case. A British woman is killed by a black immigrant, and the cops insist it was actually a "sex triangle," and though all the DNA evidence points to the psycho-savage they claim that Knox and her boyfriend were guilty and Mr. Black was just there to watch. That he obviously forced his way in through a window, that he left a giant turd in the toilet...ayyy, fuggetaboutit.

How in the world does the chief Wop-Cop know that they had "consensual" sex? Who is around to talk about it? I'm only surprised the Wop-Cop didn't declare with-a great-a confidence that she was a slut who liked it rough, and kept saying, "Keep beating my head in, then strangle me to death."

Oh. Right. He used a condom. He was a gent. And the most important thing is for the Wop-Cop to insist his monkeys are all tame and it's the fault of these crazy white women from the USA and UK.

The only surprise here is that the Italians haven't placed the boyfriend in jail and insisted HE was involved. He must have an incredibly air-tight alibi for the Greasies not to be torturing him at this very minute. Meanwhile they're coddling their adorable immigrant, an illegal drug-dealing low-life psycho, not engaging in the mental and physical torture they dished out to Amanda Knox.

Come to Italy, which had such culture for centuries, and is now overrun by savages. Or rather, worse savages than the Mafia.

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