Sunday, January 24, 2016

Antisemitic Immigrants Flooding Germany? Vatta Souprize

"I'm shocked, shocked, to discover antisemitism in Germany!" said nobody ever.

But in all fairness to a country now ruled by an Uber-Twat, many Germans are rather embarrassed by grandfather and great-grandfather's attempts to take over the world and start TWO world wars.

You can see why the kneejerk reaction now, is to promote "diversity" and welcome anyone and everyone. Well, as long as the immigrants are psychotic Muslims, dangerous North Africans and a whole lot of semi-savages who weren't employable in their own sicko-sandbox.

Murky, ya wanted 'em? Ya GOT 'em. Tell YOUR people that "only a few gang rape women" and "only a few came in without being vetted" and "most are members of a fine, fine religion that just happens to NOT be ours, and has a goal of converting everyone and killing those who won't convert."

Or as the Jews call it, "pay back time." Germany is now being dominated by a group that believes in a "master race" (run by Allah). Germany has thousands upon thousands of immigrants who believe in terrorizing unarmed people. Your good intentions in showing how you've atoned for past psychotic behavior...has only led to even more of it, Herrs and Shaved Herrs.

The irony is that ever since the last gas tap was turned off at Auschwitz, the nations of the world have said "never again" while rolling their eyes and trying not to laugh. Any antisemitic incident in Germany, Spain or any other country, is either ignored, or treated with a vague "round up the usual suspects." Swastikas, praise for Hitler, and a laissez-faire attitude toward Jewish shop windows being broken and little kids on a bus threatened with death...oh, it's been FINE, just FINE everywhere from France to Australia. BUT...grumble about Muslims who have caused every outrageous destruction of a building and every mass shooting...and you're told to cease and desist. Islam is a FINE, FINE religion. (Judaism has never been called anything but a primitive, ignorant stepping stone to Christianity).

Germany, try getting the saurkraut back into the can after that can's been blown sky high. How many months/years will it take to process even a dozen SCHWARZES who committed gang rape a few weeks ago? How many will be deported and how many will be rewarded by a government job or welfare or some other act of sympathy for the devil?

And this German loony, Madame Merkel was shaming the rest of Europe and demanding that every country take in a million defective immigrant fanatics and criminals! Fortunately not everyone did. Putting an ear up to this twat and expecting to hear common sense is like putting an ear up to a sea shell and expecting to hear Hamlet's soliloquy.

PS, Murky Merkel, that one starts with "To be or not to be," which, given the immigrants in Germany, is a big fucking question for you to deal with.

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