Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Facebook Friend is a Crazy Slut-Whore, Isn't She?

Oh, not EVERY idiot on FARCEBOOK is a has-been D-list celebrity lonely for fan praise.

Or a no-list amateur trying to become a celebrity by friending 5,000 people and shouting about a self-made eBook on Amazon or mp3 on iTunes.

Somewhere in the middle, there's MANDY!

She ain't running one of those thousands of fake accounts to get people to buy fake Ray-Bans off a website that steals credit card info. (Farcebook makes it easy for them!)

She, uh, runs a flower shop in Chicago? But she's mainly a porn actress? And what, a slut or a whore? Ah, well who wouldn't publicize herself in such a way, and make it easy for men to just walk into the store and proposition her, with the cops grinning and eating donuts on the corner?

Our MANDY is well known to quite a few of those "pass the dirty photos around" websites.

With very little effort, you can find a ton of photos of Mandy, and most of them seem to have her brazenly holding up signs saying she is willingly posing so her pix get all over the Net.

Many photos have her holding up her driver's license to prove exactly who she is.

Or to quote a cop from that old movie "That Shoot Horses," how about: "Obliging bastard!"

She spreads it around, and those that help her, want to make sure everyone can read that driver's license:

And where's the place to contact her? FARCEBOOK!

Yes, she's just another FARCEBOOK user, smiling and enjoying her fame.

It's not a fake account is it? FARCEBOOK surely wouldn't allow it. They'd take pity on a woman if she was being somehow the victim of Internet abusers. So that ain't the case.

If she was just some crazy whore-porn actress why, they would not allow provocative photos! Lord, no! So it's ALL good. And so is Craig's List, the Ashley site, and anything else that encourages illegal activity. Like eBay, which just slapped the hand of Vandjo the Dutch Douche but didn't suspend him. He'll be back in a week or two peddling his porn DVDs to teenagers.

Congrats to Zuckerberg and his Asian wife, for their philanthropy in giving away money, and maintaining a huge website that doesn't charge anyone to use it.

Compare that to Kickstarter, which might actually remove an account for, perhaps, running an ad that implies "donate and I'll do anything for you, legal or not...I desperately want a laptop. I'll even be on YOUR laptop!" Or some whine, "I want something, buy it for me." Or "Gimme a laptop and I'll program it and be a great DJ in an obscure club, so you'll be helping a creative artist!" As they say over there, "We’re all in favor of charity and investment, but they’re not permitted on Kickstarter!"

Generally, and especially on Farcebook, just relax, loosen your morality, and know that the INTERNET is marvelous!

Besides, Mandy is definitely safe in the USA and most likely enjoying the good life.

At least, she is not waving a passport and is not in Italy.

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