Sunday, January 31, 2016

Blowing 6 BILLION means nothing to BOZO BEZOS

He's blow six billion dollars.

I mean JEFF BOZO BEZOS, who looks like a Bond villain. Or maybe an Austin Powers villain.

Bezos might as well have blown six billion 15-year old Filipino lady boys.

Whatever the Amazon Fuhrer does, he's still way too rich to be told off or packed off to jail.

This is a LOT of money. SIX BILLION. He loses this and he's STILL in the Top 5 of rich bastards.

Funny, at one time Bezos was the Bozo helming a debt-ridden website.

How did he turn Amazon around? Lax Internet laws, the same that created other monsters like GOOGLE and EBAY.

He made sure that he used every "just a venue" trick to fuck people over. While stores in the real world had to charge tax, AMAZON never did. AMAZON really took off by being the INTERNET company ABSOLVED of paying TAX.

So people went into Circuit City and B. Dalton Bookseller, browsed, and bought from AMAZON instead. Those two store chains are history. BEZOS is as rich as a greasy Saudi Arabian oil king.

Amazon still dodges tax laws most everywhere, and ruthlessly buys up and fucks up the competition. Remember when they refused to carry certain books or even Disney products unless those companies played ball?

Google of course is even better at it, and is also getting headlines about how they're being fined. Like Bezos, even losing billions means nothing to them.

Google pays little taxes, too. Google guides people to illegal piracy sites. Google is in fact the BIGGEST illegal piracy site via Blogger and GooTube. Google makes a fortune via the extortion of demanding people play for top search engine placement.

Google Chrome, Google Maps, Google Payments, etc). Whatever they don't scam. Amazon does. Amazon grabbed off mp3 download money from iTunes. It was Amazon that created the evil Kindle. It was Amazon that clubbed Netflix aside and started offering streaming and made-for-Internet movies and TV series.

There's only slight honor among thieves. Google, for example, was going to push eBay aside and start an auction site of their own, but realized they'd lose a fortune in eBay ads/links on their search engine. They backed off when eBay threatened to stop spending MILLIONS on link ads.

Mostly, Google, Ebay and Amazon are the 21st Century version version of 1940 Germany Italy and Japan. They have no morality. They do as they please, make up their own rules, and laugh all the way to the bank.

They are the Axis of Evil.

Here's hoping that the British government, and governments all over Europe can start prosecuting Google (which is something that ain't happening on their home turf). From there, go after BEZOS until he's a fucking pauper and a dozen other online shopping websites are biting into his profits. And then, evil EBAY who insist it's just fine for jerks to say "I own copyright" on bootlegs and get away with it, and offer Photoshopped nude images of celebrities and even pedo-porn. Yeah, that's EBAY, where a seller can say "Teenage Blowjob Magazine, Models Over 18" and eBay doesn't question it, even if the models are totally flat-chested and there's NO statement of age or consent printed in the magazine.

It would be pretty to think it's not too late to stop Google, Amazon or eBay. But...they've set up offices in every country just like Muslim immigrants turning up in every city and town. Once settled, they dictate the rules.

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