Sunday, January 17, 2016

Burqa, OUI - Le Jew Beanie? NO NO!

We all know the AWESOME fashion statement of the times: Muslim bitches in burqas.

Their religion is SO ooky-spooky powerful, we just gasp as we see them, all dressed in black, just their little buggy eyes showing. They won't let white creeps see one inch of their hummus-colored flesh. AWESOME.

Gotta be in AWE of the fucking Muslims who will blow themselves up for their RELIGION. Whew. With beliefs like that, you know ALLAH is in the SKY. Right?

Every other religion on Earth is now second to the Muslims, because no other religion is full of such homicidal fanatics.

It's not enough for the Muslims to dress apart from everyone else and let the world know that THEY are the ALLAH-CHOSEN PEOPLE, it's almost an embarrassment to walk around wearing a crucifix. And it's asking for trouble to wear a yarmulke. Especially in FRANCE.

France says Jews? Oh, fuck them. FUCK THEM for the last 2000 years. Fuck 'em before there was even a Mohammad to worship, and fuck 'em NOW.

The warning is: "DON'T WEAR YOUR BEANIES, Juis Oefs!" (I think that translates as Jew Eggs, or something.). The French declare "Jews, if you want to live don't look so Jewish. PS, if you REALLY want to live, get the fuck out of FRANCE entirely, including your huge noses."

IF I'M BEING HONEST, that last line surprised me. There are that many Jews in France? Antisemitic fuckin' France? Really? That tells you how small the Jewish population is in Europe. Jews, by the thousands, have fled France for Israel, going from le frying pan into ze fire.

It's all so ridiculous. What you do on Saturday or Sunday morning inside some old building shouldn't matter to anyone. What stupid food you eat, what stupid holiday you observe, and what ridiculous outfit you wear shouldn't mark you as any better or worse than anyone else.

The Jew Beanie is one of the silliest things on the planet. It's POINTLESS. But do you want to get killed for wearing one? Do you want to be humiliated by not wearing one? (This applies to Jews, only. Although Catholic clergy wear beanies, too.)

What IS the point? Does a beanie keep you warm? No. Can you even see it? Not if it's black and you've got black hair. Not if it's white and you've got white hair. All it does is cover a bald spot, maybe.

The beanie is prone to fly off unless you use a bobby pin (or hairclip or whatever you want to all it).

Now the Frenchies are saying, "Hmm, maybe it's not such a good idea to wear one in France. You shouldn't be proud of your religion like the hostile, psycho Muslims are, who go full-burqa or walk around in some fucking robe or have an armpit beard to help define what they are."

Frankly, you wouldn't have any idea France even tolerated Jews, except maybe that Serge Gainsbourg was a Jew and lived to a ripe old age, as did Marcel Marceau. Otherwise? The Jews have been pretty invisible. Moreso, now that they can get shot down so easily. "Hey, we just took out unarmed cartoonist at Charlie Hebdo. Do we have time to shoot up a Jewish meat shop on our way out of town?"

The French SHOULD be telling everyone to wear a Beanie: "Je Suis A Bean-Head" or whatever the translation might be. Nope, they're saying, "Fuck the Jews, tell them to to deny what they are. And by the way, if that Bardot bitch steps out of line, and says Muzzies are lousing up the culture and changing the complexion of France, we'll jail her or fine her. Freedom of speech (especially when it's the TRUTH) does NOT apply to Bardot Oy! OY!!"

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