Monday, January 18, 2016

Blowhard Bill De Blasio - Nepotistic Nitwit and Boneheaded Movie Freak

IF people want to hate New York, they should aim their bile at the shit who is mayor. It's the fault of Bill De Blasio, the German who adopted an Italian name to become a politician.

This guy is not merely phony. He's the worst kind of hack politician, something he learned from his mentor, incompetent David Dinkins, the man who turned the city into one giant race riot.

De Blasio played the race card from the moment he got in the race, pushing his brats in front of the cameras. Pundits all agree that Capybara-faced Bill surged in the polls when his Afro-wearing jerk of a son Dante blitzed the media with "vote for my Dad" TV commercials.

Yes, as idiotic as it sounds, having a teen cutie-pie Michael Jackson chirping for White Daddy did it. Especially when the rest of the candidates included a fat ugly lesbian, a creepy Asian, an actual BLACK guy, and a bony-faced Jew who imploded when it was revealed he spent most of his time Tweeting his dick photos and paying little attention to his hummus-faced Muzzie wife. the De Blasio family? Here's a photo of them talking to a reporter. The daughter is missing in drug rehab.

An odious bunch, aren't they? David Letterman noted that the only attribute De Blasio had was "he's freakishly tall." His wife is just a freak. The gay community was delighted to learn that CHIRLANE "was" a lesbian. Oh, she got "cured" by her white husband. But hey, when a city is overwhelmingly Democratic, and blacks can see a black wife, and lesbians can see a lesbian, and punks can see a bratty kid in an Afro running will win the election.

As for the usual fretting white liberals, who vote for a candidate strictly on his kneejerk stance on some minor issue, Bill soothed them with this smug promise: "The first thing I'll do when I'm elected is BAN THE CARRIAGE HORSES FROM CENTRAL PARK!"

As far as white voters were concerned, this was a major issue and he was on the right side. EXCEPT...

It hasn't happened yet. Carriage horses haven't been banned and this jerk has been in office for YEARS. In fact, the over-worked horses will NEVER be banned.

Today, pasty-faced Mr. Big Waffle announced a gutless plan that would merely "reduce" the number of long-suffering, plodding, manure-stinking animals. Even more creepy, the Machiavellian plan hinges on cutting competition from IMMIGRANTS who peddle around in pedi-cabs.

Yeah, in striking a deal with "teamsters" (ie, corrupt bastards) in charge of lazy fucks who sit in a carriage and beat a horse with a stick, immigrants who arduously peddle a fucking bicycle with huge seats in the back for tourists...can't make a living! The new law would prohibit pedi-cabs from taking tourists around the entire park. The new law would restrict them to pretty much of a boring one-mile loop that doesn't include the reservoir or let people get off near the Guggenheim Museum or other destinations. It would put most of 'em out of business while encouraging tourists to ride around in the horse-drawn carriages.

Hard-working immigrants who pump their fucking legs all day, are screwed. But weasels driving carriage-horses get business as usual.

The smell of De Blasiodor is all over this bogus carriage horse legislation. Much worse is that with this big stinker in office, and his policies of letting blacks get away with anything, crime has spiked. "Stop and frisk" is no longer possible. One police commissioner stormed out in disgust and the new one has to defend against rising crime rates and citizens outraged at homeless assholes pestering them, idiots pissing in the street, and nuisances like the "Santa Crawl" where drunks in idiotic Santa suits ruin Christmas for an entire morning by flooding neighborhoods with their shouting and urinating. Any time a black is arrested there are protests. There have been near-riots as blacks and rowdy young jerks of all colors snarl up Times Square or block people from getting to work as they shout about some black guy with a rap sheet a mile along who wasn't treated with kid gloves by arresting officers. In fact, how DARE they arrest anyone black, at all?

Even fans of this big lump admit that crime is higher, that schools are stupider, and that he has a PATHETIC record of never being on time anywhere. He spends most of his days OUT of New York City taking his ugly wife with him to Europe and major American cities where he waves and makes speeches.

Here's an opportunistic blowhard bastard who had the nerve to sit on a float with his gruesome wife and wave at the if HE was part of the New York Giants who won the Super Bowl. He did NOTHING. He should've stood around at City Hall waiting for them to parade up the streets, so he could give a speech. Instead, he got on a float WITH the athletes, waving, acting like he was somehow responsible for the winning season.

That's the kind of CUNT this guy is. A self-promoting oversized rat.

He's admitted his first years in office have not been good and he could've "done better." For one thing, he could've put his foot down and stopped the nepotism, which has included giving his repulsive wife more power than a "first lady" needs, and throwing a half a million dollars of tax payer money so she can have assistants.

CHIRLANE (which is another word for UGLY) is best known for hosting the balding Royal and his beloved Middleton. What the fuck is the point of the ROYALS going to a basketball game? Staying in a four star hotel for free and being treated to fancy dinners? Oh, I guess it was that CHIRLANE liked hanging around rich and fabulous white people? And that she married a WHITE GUY herself?

That brings me to what this bitch said a few days ago. This hypocrite stupid twat.

This is a woman who MARRIED A WHITE GUY. This ex-lesbian black woman could've found a black guy, right? Nah. Now she's bitching because the Academy Awards for Best Actor are nothing but white guys.

First off, this twat is the "First Lady" of New York City, and the Oscars have nothing to do with New York City. Second, what the fuck does this idiot want? Morgan Freeman, Will Smith, and that incredibly fat and ugly bitch who was in "Precious" just didn't happen to be in any high profile great movies this year. She expected Tyler Perry to be nominated? A dopey action flick like "Ride Along 2" starring Ice Cube and Kevin Hart? Fact is, Hollywood is loaded with Liberals and they try their best to shove blacks into every movie, plausible or not. Remember 'Wild Wild West' in which Will Smith was a black hero in the 1880's? RIDICULOUS. Will Smith also co-starred in the "Men in Black" movies, because Hollywood just about refuses to make a buddy movie if one of the stars isn't black. Does CHIRLANE recall the fucking Jackie Chan movies with that loudmouth black sidekick ruining them?

So what, so this year and last year there were a lot of movies with whites in them. I saw "Creed." The guy who played the lead was good, but he didn't give an Oscar-worthy performance. And guess what, Stallone wasn't nominated either, and HE gave a good performance, too.

Let's be real, and understand that nobody wants a steady diet of "Oooh, slavery was bad" movies. Let's admit that most movies aimed at black audiences are stupid, low-class and full of shitty acting. Let's be honest and point out that even the most liberal of audiences can get pretty fucking tired of Noble Savage films like "The Great White Hope" and the long-suffering Negro stuff like "Driving Miss Daisy." And was it that long ago that some fucking slave film or other won ALL the awards? That "The Help" was being honored by everyone? Know wuttum' sayin'?

Naturally Big Obnoxious Bill chimed in:


Enough with the ghetto shit. Black lives matter. Oscars SO WHITE. Can you imagine the reverse? What if a politician complained "NFL so black!" or "NBA so black!" What if a politician demanded that NFL football and NBA basketball teams were true to the American demographic, and had 70% WHITE people in every team, plus a good chunk of Latinos?

To use a black-ism, "It is what it is," know wuttum' sayin'?

We are living in an era of obnoxious reverse racism more than anything else, when Muslims are the only religious minority, when Latinos can scramble across the border and be praised for it, and when white idiots are supposed to stand around and make fun of themselves: "I'm white, I can't dance," and apologize for being alive. "Sorry, I'm SO white, I'm not cool, I shop at Whole Foods, I wear sweaters. Ha ha. It would be wonderful of some black person took my job."

It happens that this year's crappy movies were about hunters in the woods, Wall Street weasels, space travel, and other areas that aren't notable for BLACKS. Sorry, we can't have the Wayans Brothers in white-face drag EVERY year, or praise mainstream ghetto movies with Ice Cube or Tyler Perry in them. But soon enough, the quality level will sink so that, like the music industry is, the movie industry will be dominated by blacks cursing and shouting and showing off their $200 sneakers, stupid hats and moronic bling.

PS, most people are less concerned about MOVIES and more concerned with terrorism, climate change, and quality of life in just walking down the street, living in an apartment, or riding a bus without having a spike in blood pressure.

MOVIES? You mean those things you download free off the torrents, because NO city has any law against its citizens ripping off Hollywood? MOVIES? You mean those things nobody in major cities want to go see in theaters because blacks in theaters make so much noise, and getting to the theater might involve a confrontation with some black maniac slashing your face or sucker-punching you and skipping away laughing?

NYC now has a MINORITY of white people, compared to Blacks, Latinos and Asians. The mayor spends his time worrying about MOVIES, and plotting to become President based on the race card. Meanwhile the city he rules ain't fit for man nor beast. Just a few feet from his wonderful MAYOR'S MANSION, where he ordered higher fences, he's building a stinking dump that will pollute the air, create noise, and have non-stop garbage trucks blocking traffic. He shrugs because by the time it's built he will (he thinks) be running for President.

The city has homeless pests, crime and high rent and violence everywhere. It's not even fit for beasts, and this big crud can't fulfill the ONE promise he made about getting rid of the cruel and stupid carriage horse business in Central Park.

To put it succinctly, Bill De Blasio is a bone-headed fuck-up. Second opinion: arrogant, too.

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