Thursday, January 28, 2016

"Whitey Can't Play Michael Jackson!" Nigga, Please!

Here's the latest insane whine from the Black Community: a white guy should NOT play Michael Jackson in a movie.

Right. Black Lives Matter, even if it's a chump who spent his life transforming into a white woman.

Does anyone real care about the long-dead noseless "King of Poop?"

IF ANYONE'S BEING HONEST, the number of really good Michael Jackson songs can be counted on the fingers of one gloved hand.

Even if you want to insist he was the 1980's Sammy Davis Jr, because he could sing and dance (but not act or tell jokes), that was THEN. This is NOW. And we all know his pathetic story. Why bitch about a movie nobody's going to go see?

This "we want diversity" complaint, when it's a whine about MOVIES, is so moronic. You can't open a newspaper without reading about KUNTYE, or TYGA or WIZ or JAY-Z or DENZEL or Jamie Foxx or Rihanna.

Go bitch about "diversity" somewhere else. Go write to the White House, where there's a White president, voted by nobody but white people. Ain't that so, Obama? (PS, I voted for him, not Romney).

Fact is, in most cities (maybe not small Southern towns), "affirmative action" means there's bound to be more black teachers, cops, and city office workers than whites. Most stores want nothing better than to look good by hiring a black who dresses and talks like Michelle Obama. They just don't want one that dresses and talks like Li'l Kim.

Meanwhile, blacks make themselves ludicrous (or LUDACRIS) by bitching and sulking and grousing about EVERYTHING. Like a white guy playing Michael Jackson during Jacko's last years on Earth. FFS, in this case, who else can play the mature Michael Jackson? Where's the black guy with white skin, thin lips and a pointy nose?

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