Monday, January 18, 2016

"Does the right honorable David Camoron Like Wasting Time?"

Parliament has some vital activity today.

Does it involve allocating money for flood protection?

Maybe laws against rampant immigration?

Dealing with climate change and war?

Of course not.

It's a debate over whether DONALD TRUMP, an American with little interest in Great Britain, should be allowed to come to Great Britain.

Because DONALD TRUMP "said things," and Freedom of Speech, which might be fine for Americans, is NOT so fine for the British.


Even the media has called this a farce and a waste of time.

What next, a discussion in Parliament on Katy Perry's tits? On whether Cohen's new movie should be shown in Grimsby? How about forcing David Cameron to state, under oath, every place he's stuck his penis?

The excuse for this idiocy is that anyone can "petition" Parliament to waste time. Indeed, Parliament seems to relish this. The media is suggesting that instead of "Yes? No?" and moving on, the politicians will relish debating the point and making speeches and grandstanding.

Back in the 20th Century, Lenny Bruce was somehow banned from performing in England. I'm not sure if THAT was an act of Parliament or just the power of a few booking agencies.

But for Brits to want to ban an American politician for complaining that Muslims NOT be allowed in America just to blow shit up...FUCK OFF! What next, inviting Roger Waters to address Parliament and explain why there should be sanctions against Israel and nobody should play there, and Tesco shouldn't stock Jaffa oranges?

Ban free speech and refuse to let Trump visit. How ridiculous. It seems that any attempt to discuss Muslims and state there's a problem, ends with an Amy Winehouse bellow: "No, no, no!" No, you can't talk about Muzzies.

SOME things can NOT be debated. Only debatable shit can be debated.

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