Monday, January 25, 2016

The Oscars are Reverse-Racist, yo. Right, Fruitcake?

People are whining "The Oscars are racist! Black lives matter!"

My short-form answer to this debate is: "FUCK YOU."

The long form answer is to take a look at some previous years, when REVERSE-RACISM ruled, and blacks were given awards and nominations galore by guilty White Liberals, which makes up most of Hollywood.

Remember 2014, Niggas?

The BEST PICTURE went to "12 Years a Slave." Another film, "Captain Phillips," was basically Tom Hanks being intimidated by Somali psychopaths for two hours. Anyone saying that movie didn't present disgusting pirates as poor guys trying to earn money for their families?

Blacks were nominated in both BEST ACTOR and BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR roles, and the black actress Lupita Nyong'o won for her role in the fucking slave movie. Shall we make a case of REVERSE RACISM, because a fucking "feel guilty, Whitey" slavery movie took home key awards, and blacks were nominated in every major category?

Is someone saying that Hollywood is becoming more racist, but was OK two years ago?? That is highly illogical, Captain.

Blacks make up about 20% of the country. So? Where's da racism, yo? One in five nominees were black. Blacks don't make up much of England or France, but the Oscars is basically an American award. Black Americans were nominated. And the year before?

Remember 2013, Niggas?

There was another fucking SLAVERY movie for everyone to sob about. While a white guy won (Christopher Waltz" for Best Supporting Actor) he did it for "Django Unchained."

IF I'M BEING HONEST, 2013 was a shitty year for movies. People go to the movies either to escape, or to be "educated and moved" by some arty farty film. Neither group got much pleasure out of overly long and boring "Lincoln" (which was full of blacks and the slavery issue) or the rather boring cartoon "Life of Pi," or the dopey "Silver Linings Playbook" or fuckin' "Les Miserables" or "Flight" (which got Denzel Washington, a BLACK, a Best Actor nod). I liked "Argo," (mostly for Alan Arkin's line "Arrr, go fuck yourself.") It was a relevant film about crazy Middle Eastern fuckheads. Are we to be upset that MUSLIMS haven't been nominated and Hollywood isn't mewling about the Muzzies in every fucking film??

Remember 2012, Niggas?

White Liberals pushed an all-black film called "THE HELP," which was up for "Best Picture." Viola Davis got a "Best Actress" nod for it. Should intelligent people complain that the Oscars were prejudiced against them? It was, after all, a year of idiocy like "Bridesmaids" (a stupid twat sitcom that involved a lot of farting and shitting). Even Mr. Intellectual Woody Allen went mainstream with the disappointingly stupid "Midnight in Paris" (air-head Owen Wilson unconvincing as a Hemingway-Fitzgerald scholar). There was "My Week with Marilyn" and "The Descendants" and "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy." Best Picture went to "The Artist," which was just a gimmick film, a modern silent movie. Good? OK, but not great. Should it have starred a black guy? No, and it's damn annoying when blacks or Asians or other obvious ethnics turn up in period films where they weren't a factor. It seems that producers bend over backwards to stick "a person of color" into anything, even movies about 17th Century England or France.

What a non-controversy. Let's not get ridiculous and pine because nobody cast a black for the lead in "The King's Speech" or "True Grit" (nominees in 2011).

BUT, going back a few years, the Oscars didn't neglect nominating Morgan Freeman for "Nelson Mandela," or Gabourey Sidibe for "Precious," which was not my idea of entertainment. Watching a homely obese black girl throwing up stolen fried chicken? Why would I PAY to see a movie like that? I wasn't too pleased I saw it free on TV.

Shall we get upset that there hasn't been a Hindu or Pakistani or Indian nominee since "Slum Dog Millionaire" in 2009? Shall we try and add up the number of conspicuously Jewish or Latino performers or movies in the past seven years?

And fags. Good Lord, the fags had to get involved in the debate, too. Ian McKellen had to start bitching that gays are "dismissed" by Hollywood. Oh? He DID NOT star in a fucking bio about openly gay director James Whale? He hasn't had a huge career because he came out, and because half of Hollywood is queer?

No, he's such a fucking prune he thinks he lost the Oscar twice because of being gay. Nothing is good enough with that clown.

Ian thinks he was better than Roberto Benigni in "Life is Beautiful?" He thinks that his fucking "Gandalf" character in "Lord of the Rings" was worth a trophy? And this year, he missed for "Mr. Holmes," because, why, he's gay? Or because it was an obscure film nobody saw? Or that people are just fucking tired of seeing that wrinkled hemorrhoid of a face of his? He forgets Tom Hanks in "Philadelphia?" How about Sean Penn in "Milk," about a gay politician. Plenty of gay movies, sir. Anyone remember "The Naked Civil Servant" with Quentin Crisp portrayed brilliantly by John Hurt?

Should Catholics be angry because it was way back in 2009 when Seymour Philip Hoffman was nominated for "Doubt?" He played a priest and there haven't been enough religious dramas about Christianity since!

The Oscars. Awards for millionaires. For films nobody remembers. Big fucking deal. What a non-issue. So what: a coincidence of two years of shitty films without remarkable showy parts for blacks? Too fucking bad.

Blacks are simply the noisiest and whiniest minority on the planet. They've ceded being the most dangerous to the Muslims, that's all. I don't think Morgan Freeman has gone to the unemployment line, or Denzel Washington, or Jamie Foxx or Will Smith, who are all considered among Hollywood's top stars. Halle Berry was, for quite a while, considered the most beautiful actress in Hollywood.

So what's the answer? Obviously the next big superstar will have to be a gay black guy, one who can play EVERY role, male or female, and be in EVERYTHING.

WHO is that person? It's the son of washed-up basketball player "Magic Johnson." Currently famous for being famous, black, gay, and the son of a superstar, "E.J. Johnson" is already getting way too much publicity just by prancing down the street.

No more Tom Hanks, no more Ian McKellen, no more George Clooney or Brad Pitt or Sean Penn or Angelina Jolie or Helen Mirren. Next year, ALL their roles can be played by the FABULOUS BLACK-GAY E.J. Johnson! Ta da! You go, girl!

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