Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ava Cherry stench - Foul Pussy Odor Rises from Bowie's Corpse

Well, another maggot heard from.

The maggots keep crawling out of the woodwork, don't they?

Ever heard of Ava? Ava Cherry?

Her publicist has Cherry-bombed Rupert Merde-Ox's "New York Post" to let the world know that, hey hey, here's some twat who can still smell Bowie sperm in her hole 30 years after.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, and if YOU are too, is that not a gruesome pair of too-trendy twats?

What a pretentious posturing pair of media-pests.

Do they even look like they're having a good time? No. That's what desperate followers of fashion are all about. They look bored. They go to parties. They "shock" by interracial dating. It's what Cosby once called "lonely hearts integration."

Look at that photo. You see an idiotic black girl with dyed hair pushing her way forward and doing anything ridiculous, like white boy sex, to stand out from the crowd. And you've got a pathetic panty-boy who is worried about whether Jagger or Ferry or Iggy or somebody else will come prancing by and take all the photographers with him.

What's this picture tell you about rock in the 70's? That the music mattered or that it was all about costumes and hype?

Look at Blowie: the fucking hat, the sunglasses, the make-up, the hair dye...that's what he brought to the party, along with a black woman with hair dye, too.

It stunk then, and it's rank now. Here she is with her stinky tell-all.

Oh, do tell us more, gossipy self-important Coconut-headed Cherry.

The world needs a break from the Kardashians and ISIS. We need to hear about stupid shit among trendy decadent drug-idiot rock fops and groupie morons. We need to try and mention ANGIE BOWIE enough so she'll write yet another fucking book about her fabulous sex life from decades ago.

Fuck Chrissake. When is enough ENOUGH?

Bowie is DEAD and cremated. Jagger is as wrinkly as used Kleenex. And Cherry's twat is more like a dried apricot. What you idiots did DECADES ago DOES NOT MATTER ONE DAMN BIT.

How childish and idiotic all of it sounds, doesn't it? Angie got jealous. Mick did this. David did that. And now? Now this Cherry that's shot to hell is trying desperately to make some money off Bowie's death, and remind the world she's only dead from the neck down.

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