Monday, January 25, 2016

Fat Shit and the Game of Toilets

One thing about the obese and gruesome "best selling authors" out there: they don't show much morality. They don't show much intelligence. The don't show much charity.

If you follow them on Twitter, they'll tell you what they ate.

Yeah, for a Fat Frog like GEORGY PORGY here, he could write a fucking NOVEL about his breakfast, not just a Tweet.

Yeah, by GOD how the money rolls in. Anything this hack did years ago is now being bought up and made into more made-for-TV bowel movements.

There isn't a day where you won't find a report about $40 million thrown at this waddling wad so he can finish the latest inane segment of his pulpy sci-fi soap opera. Or he's being paid to lecture. Or he's talking about what sports team he likes.

The other gargoyle of horror and sci-fi, Stephen King, is likewise constantly being fawned at. Talk about wretched excess, his fucking movie "Misery" is now on Broadway with Bruce Willis. Who the fuck needed a PLAY version of this fucking thing? People aren't still buzzing over the musical version of "Carrie?"

And ultra fat and dumpy E.L. James and her dismal, purple-prose granny porn trash? Oooh, she keeps writing sequels, and people want to make them into movies.

Naturally a shark has parasites. The fatter the shark, the more parasites. Trailing underneath George Porgy are eBay parasites like this:

You think he cares if some illiterate coconut-head copies off "I own copyright" and sticks it in a bootleg ad? Nope. He's one of those oafish kings (like Stephen the King) who ignore anything bad and waste time with goodness knows what. They TWAT to to his fawning Tweetie followers about what they ate, or where they took a vacation. They'll toss a Meme on Farcebook. Their publishers and webmasters are well-pratcied in the art of the form e-mail, with the line: "we are aware of the problem." As opposed to "we are doing something about it."

After all, why bother to do anything when it's easier to hire a hooker for the afternoon, or take a "client" to lunch to talk about books for five minutes and spend the rest of it remarking on all the different teas in the Russian Tea Room.

I was trying to make sense of the apathy: "Why would an author NOT be offended by an eBay spic cutting and pasting "I own copyright I am author, I am re-seller, or book is public domain" on a bootleg?

All I and figure is that the guy is afraid. George Porgy likes eating his pudding and pie. What if the item is stopped? What if that spic gets upset and grabs a box cutter and takes a slice of blubber out of Georgy's hide, raving ala Marco Diego Chap-hombre? Who needs THAT?

Better to be Santa and be liked, that stand up for copyright, or tell parasites to stop breeding and bootlegging.

It's so much safer to be part of the fantasy world you created. Rowling? She wrote for kids. She actually is an activist. She is political at times. She had a brain and a plan behind her books. She isn't getting obese because of her royalties, and addled about what money and influence can be used for.

But George Porgy? This is obviously an unhappy old fatso who realizes that he could drop from a heart attack at any moment. So why not remain in a room somewhere, being a master puppeteer for a bunch of idiotic stereotypical fantasy characters with stupid names?

Why not remain Santa to thousands, if not millions of brainless elves who spend their lives reading your shit, watching your shit, and actually PLAYING in your shit? Like this:

Keeee-rist. There are thousands upon thousands of idiots playing "Game of Toilets" games, flushing their lives down the loo as they inhabit inane worlds created by Georgy Porgy. His brain-damaged fans invent their own world of "MUSH."

The "Star Wars" idiots. The Harry Potter freaks. The "Star Trek" fools. Well, one thing you can say about those worlds, is that the people behind them are proud of their copyright and don't ignore it. You try and sell some fake 'Star Wars' shit on eBay and you'll be suspended before the day is out.

But Georgy Porgy seems to be too busy gorging on his pudding and pie, and avoiding reality and the fact that piracy IS a BAD thing. In that regard, he's got the company of the gruesome big goon Stephen King, and the fat little illiterate slut E.L. James. And a few others lucky halfwits who write eye fodder that keep the masses sitting on their asses.

But then again, "best selling authors" aren't supposed to be intelligent or moral, are they? Nobody mentions Barbara Cartland or Jackie Collins in the same breath with REAL authors, do they? And Georgy Porgy's junk will one day gather dust like the Edgar Rice Burroughs shit does, and Jules Verne. Only nobody will even think of him in any literary way, or as an innovator, as they do with Jules Verne.

Verne. He wrote "Around the World in 80 Days" didn't he? George Martin? You couldn't write "Around his Waistline in 80 Days." It would take the Concorde, and another five months.

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