Saturday, January 2, 2016

....And a Muzzie New Year!

P.F. Sloan/Barry McGuire. "You may leave here for four days in space, but when you return it's the same old place."

These guys were expecting miracles in four days? That's like expecting a miracle in the New Year, and that people will stop being selfish killjoy psychopaths.

Over here, literally one minute after the ball drop in Times Square, it was a stomach drop...nothing but stress and mental cruelty. And around the world? Well, I guess the BIG deal was that all the screaming headlines about terrorist attacks didn't amount to much.

In this Muzzie-dominated world, all anyone could think of was whether there would be explosions in Berlin or Paris again or some other place. Remember, pre 9/11, when New Year didn't mean worrying about MUSLIMS? Now, any holiday, especially New Year's Eve, is dominated by "What are MUSLIMS gonna do to us next?"

IF I'M BEING HONEST, and I wish the rest of the world would be, on New Year's Eve and Christmas and even Halloween, the prevailing emotion is FEAR. It's FEAR of what MUSLIMS will do. The fear is not about MUSLIMS flying a plane from Syria to journey thousands of miles and destroy another country's landmark. It's about MUSLIMS who are already IN the country, as tourists, as immigrants, or as ungrateful and spoiled children of immigrants doing the damage.

"But that's better left unsaid."

The only unusual event on New Year's Eve was the fire in a Dubai skyscraper. ISIS hasn't claimed responsibility. It appears to not be terrorist-related. While that's good news, the bad news is that most news reports concentrated on a MUSLIM idiot taking a SELFIE in front of the blaze.

Yeah, Millennials, even Muslim millennials, like their selfies.

The other big headlines as the New Year begins? Oh, another Muslim coward taking out a machine gun and spraying bullets at unarmed Jews sitting in a shop in Israel. Only two were killed.

And in Saudi Arabia, our Muslim pals are on a spree of beheading people. They also ended the year by executing dozens and dozens of Shit-heads. Or Sunny-side-ups. I forget which. Whoever is the minority in Saudi Arabia got killed, and I somehow doubt it will improve matters anywhere.

In America, the big news was ALSO about MUSLIMS.

It just wasn't a violent story, for a change. It was that some ugly Somali Muslims walked off the job, demanding unemployment, because they weren't allowed to pray any time they wanted. What a surprise. Muslims come into a country, and decide, "You better follow OUR religion and do things OUR way."

If this was a bunch of Orthodox Jews, no. No headline because this kind of whining wouldn't have happened. Orthodox Jews (and Koreans, and Pakis and Indians and other minorities) create a clan. They stay together. They find work for each other. "You come to America, you work in my fruit store, you do a shift with my taxi, etc." ) They don't humiliate themselves by not being self-reliant.

The Orthodox Jews who migrated here at the start of the 20th Century without a penny, (because Russians or Germans or Poles were slaughtering anyone Jewish) were grateful to be alive and acted accordingly. They took off the Jew hats if they had to. They worked on a Saturday if they had to. They didn't demand special treatment because back then, there was no such thing. And if there was, it wouldn't have applied to Jews. So Jews didn't become "The Entitled People." Muslims have.

The difference is everyone knows if Muslims don't get their way, they take out machine guns and blow away dozens of people, not even caring if a few are fellow Muslims. Nah, we all go fuck goats in heaven and enjoy giant buckets of hummus.

How ridiculous religion is, especially ISLAM. Praying is the most important thing in your life? Not if you can get out your machine gun and blow away innocent people in San Bernardino, or take down the World Trade Center which was full of industrious people of all nations getting along. PS, if praying worked, why did you come to America instead of staying in your stinking Somalia? Shouldn't Allah answer your fucking prayers and let you stay in a country 100% Black, and not full of awful awful Christians and Jews and Atheists and Buddhists and Druids?

They walked off the job because they could get unemployment and be on the dole. Allah be praised. Prayers answered!

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