Monday, March 7, 2016

ROYALTY? America's Worse with "The Royal Kim" and Klan

Yes, it's deeply disturbing that Great Britain, still raves about not only the Queen but the useless antics of the Prince and his Douche and his brats. With its shores invaded by a horde of Muzzies and Pakis, and its good citizens suffering on the dole, you'd think the newspapers would be ignoring royal folly if not outright complaining.

Obviously, too many Brits love their useless Queen, believe this drivel about royal blood. They spend their dreary days living vicariously through tabloid reports on their "betters."

And is it better across the pond? Today, both the NY Post and Daily News had a front-page story about how ugly, dreary, over-exposed Kim Kuntrashian posted a censored selfie to her Instagram account. THIS is AMERICAN ROYALTY.

The News posted this big photo with a headline about how she's a HOT MAMA (except she ain't). The Post, had a cynical line about her being "naked again" but didn't ignore the non-story.

No, I have no idea why BOTH papers coincidentally ran a Hitler story right next to Kim's. I don't know why the tabloids pay so much attention to every recycled bullshit book on Der Fuehrer. What's the big news? Hitler's "disgusting" fetish was "poo." (Yes, "poo" was the term of choice in Rupie Merde-Ox's N.Y. Post). This is very old news, but the hacks at Rupert Merde-Ox's paper can easily manipulate things and make it seem they just found a "new document" (new to THEM maybe) with "amazing" information.

But getting back to ROYALTY, England has an excuse; tradition. America has no excuse except it's a country where "anyone" can become rich and famous, so tabloids seize on the worst examples of it. American journalists haven't obsessed on The Obamas and their kids. The First Family is boring. They don't take vacations like the Royals do. They don't show off. The kids go to school and BOTH parents work.

Instead, we have Kardashians, who do nothing but show off their wealth and their ridiculous bodies and ugly faces and bad manners. This has the average American cunt thinking, "Wow, that could be ME. I'm stupid. I have no class. I could be just like Kris Jenner or Khloe or Kourtney or Kim or Krap or Krud..." Let's remember that the media in this case is pandering to CUNTS...women who have nothing better to do than stay at home and read the tabloids and watch TV.

Reality TV was popularized by TWATS who sit at home and love to see ordinary idiots "win" by staying indoors in a house longer than somebody else, or by getting a makeover or by bickering in public. A huge American star among the trailer-trash set was "Honey Boo Boo" an obnoxious little brat pushed to fame by her obese mama. That's entertainment??

Some things don't change from century to century, and that includes "human nature." People, mostly stupid women, have a pathetic need to fantasize about being rich and famous. Their idols are mostly useless twits who did it the easy way, by being born into money or by leaking a sex tape or being moronic in public. The Royals and the Kuntrashians show NO talent or intelligence; just like their fans. It's easy for any stupid bint munching on chocolates and sneaking a "shot of the good stuff" before sundown to see pix of some dowdy old bag with a crown on, or some cow with an ass so fat only a nigga would find it attractive and coo "That could be ME!"

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