Saturday, April 19, 2014


Know what I hate...among many, many other things? ASSHOLES who play APRIL FOOL'S JOKES and spread stupid rumors.

As little time as I spend in "social media," I damn sure saw the "Aretha Franklin got into a cat fight with Patti Labelle" story...circulated as truth.

Which is enough to get Aretha contacting her lawyers. There are quite a few fuckhead websites out there that try to "amuse" by being versions of The Onion, and spreading "fake news." Ho ho ha ha puke puke.

It's not enough that we need Snopes to point assholes towards the debunking of various inane urban myths...we need a fucking TRUE CELEBRITY website where people can instantly go when some dimwit Tweets that "the guy who played Newman on Seinfeld's show just died," or John Waters just died...

The pests who write for TheNewsNerd carry a little caveat saying they're only joking. Which is like getting an e-mail in which somebody's trying to make you give up your eBay or Paypal or bank or Facebook password...and you report it as a "spoof." Ha ha ho ho puke puke.

When the shit is in small letters, and the shit is picked up WITHOUT THE CAVEAT by a 100 bloggers, Farceboogers, Tweeters and other morons...then you SHOULD be sued and you SHOULD have to pay, because you're creating a problem. Just like the jerk who thinks it's funny to shout "FIRE" in a movie theater.

Yep, the "Freedom of Speech" crowd will yell "You're ruining our fun." But it's not fuckin' funny.

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