Monday, April 21, 2014


Does it get any more ridiculous than this??

Gosh, Kate is SO wonderful, isn't she? She wipes some brat-drool on her dress, as if...why, as if money means nothing to her, she can get designer outfits free, and she doesn't wear the same dress twice.

Meanwhile, Wee Wee George, is demonstrating all the intellect of Cameron, and clearly is ready to be Prime Minister. Why should he wait and wait to be King?

It seems that all over the world, the best way to avoid any complaints about being incompetent, irrelevant, or a money-sucking hack, is to always show up with your brats. Suddenly glowers change to a shower of smiles: "OOOOOOH SO CUUUUUUUUTE."

It works for the ugly, corrupt big stupid fuckhead Bill De Blasio, Mayor of New York. He actually got into office because he ran TV ads showing his ADORABLE son. The son, wearing a huge ADORABLE Afro, told viewers that pop was cool, so vote for him. And of course, what some 15 year-old black kid says...goes. Big Bill was instantly beloved by white Liberals (ooh, he married a black woman, apparently) and loved by blacks and other minorities (ayyyy, he ain't such a bad Whitey if his whole family be colored) and he won with the biggest majority NYC has seen in years. PS, his obnoxious bratty daughter announced him as the winner on election night, and gave a speech to reporters before he did!

So it goes. Can't get enough of this stupid barely babbling idiot...and Prince William and Wee Wee George are no bargain either.

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