Thursday, April 10, 2014

"J & R Electronics" goes Belly Up. Antisemites and Pirates Cheer.

I've mentioned J&R?

In "the Greatest City in the World," J&R was the greatest electronics and record store.

Located in the Wall Street area, it was worth a subway ride to visit the full-block series of J&R stores...a two-story "Music World" building for records and videos, a big store for cameras, another store alongside it for musical instruments, ANOTHER store for household appliances, and a multi-level corner store that included blank media, video games and computers. For a while, they were the only store for Apple products...having an entire floor where you could test 'em out. A friend of mine worked there, and that's where I got one of my first Apples.

J&R was it. Very convenient to do all your "entertainment" shopping in one city-block of stores.

Where else? You'd have to go wading through the masses of morons to find a half-dozen similar stores in the other tourist areas (Times Square, Union Square, Herald Square, etc.)

AND PRICE. First off, Macy's doesn't even have half the shit J&R does. They have mostly clothes, and bottles of stinko...which the perfume/cologne salespeople insist on spraying at you to sample. That's why going through the first floor of Macy's or Bloomingdales is like sniffing an old lady's twat.) Their prices...and prices at most stores...are nowhere near as low as J&R. Sure, if you want a really great guitar, you'd go to Manny's or Sam Ash. If you wanted a rare, out of print record or book you'd go elsewhere. But basically, J&R was IT.

If your idea of a good shopping day was records, cds, music supplies, a new vacuum cleaner, a guitar, more blank CD-R's, some camera equipment, an electric toothbrush...Christ, J&R.

And if you really needed clothes...go the fuck over to Century 21, down the block from J&R; they beat Macy's easily.


The fucking Arabs nearly destroyed lower Manhattan, but the city rebuilt, and J&R, which was coated internally in ash, finally came back after a year.

For what? To see the Zinhofs and Hans de Ventes of the world stealing all the music and downloading it just so people would say "thank you" to them? Fucking old farts stealing American music from their shitty overseas locations, hiding in every smelly crack of the Internet, they made damn sure that people could get entire catalogs of music from THEM. Fuck places like J&R, fuck people trying to make a living. Fuck everybody except THEM...retired pin-headed jerks with nothing better to do than kill off legitimate stores and stick a knife in the back of every musician by cutting into mp3 sales from iTunes eMusic or Amazon.

AMAZON...don't get me started. Let's just say that the deathblow for J&R was that EVERYBODY goes into a store like J&R to look at the merchandise...then they hurry home and save a few dollars getting it from the Internet Department Store of the World: AMAZON. Heil Bezos!

J&R was run by a Jewish couple, so aside from the greedheads who shrug and happily download and get the cut-rate AMAZON deals...there will be more than shrugs...there will be laughter and fist pumping... from the antisemites out there. Jew-hating ain't dead, even if 6 million Jews were killed in the holocaust. Oh, EXCUUUUUSE ME, that never happened.

Jew-hating thrives on the wonderful Internet, where anonymous assholes can tweet their racism, have Facebook hate clubs, create forums to rage about Jews and...wheeeee...even go into a music forum and sneer at that shitty "Zimmerman" who "can't sing for fuck, he ain't no Springsteen." Or they can just go spew their bile about Israel, or Jews running the media (Yeah, Disney...real big Jew) and how Jews control real estate (gosh Mr. Trump, you don't look Jewish) and everything else (oy, that fuckin' kike Obama.)

But I digress...

J&R was located in a prime tourism area. EVERYBODY shopped there, not just native New Yorkers.

Nazi bastard German cocksuckers, obnoxious Italian know-it-all gesticulating Fascists, smelly fat Netheranders, bug-eyed African zulu morons, psychotic Arabs, extremely greasy loud and obnoxious Israelis, and basically every type of ridiculous and unpleasant ethnic tourist...they'd see this GIGANTIC store and go WILD. After coming back from the Statue of Liberty, a Wall Street or Chinatown tour, the World Trade Center, or the Seaport...they'd run into J&R.

To New Yorkers, J&R is awesome...imagine the reaction from tourists seeing a store, one city block long, that had more for them to buy than what they could find in their ENTIRE country...and at HUGE DISCOUNTS!!

Even Wall Street bastards, rich enough to afford to buy retail, bought WHOLESALE from the fuckin' Jews of J&R (which was run by a very Gentile sales team). Even politician scum bought there, because the store is across the street from City Hall!

Basically, J&R was perfectly situated for big business, which is why they could have such low prices. But despite the 9/11 disaster, despite NO competition in the area and huge tourist trade and loyal New Yorkers...even ALL THAT couldn't save them from the soul-destroying life-destroying GOOGLE and AMAZON Internet blight. J&R pays rent. Pays employees. Pays to truck their merchandise in...Life on the Internet is much more simple: just download shit for free, or if you MUST buy something, have it shipped direct to you, cheap, while you sit on your ass and wait a day or two.

So Goodbye J&R. Is Macy's that far behind? Or any chain of stores?

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