Sunday, April 20, 2014

Oh to be in England, now that GEORGE has three teeth...

Why the fuck should anyone care about this?

What's with Frick and, Kate and Prince Balding? When are they going to say, "Stop with the fawning...our kid will turn into a spoiled brat who thinks he's the next fucking King of England?"

Oh well. I guess Kate's Prince has had his Willie out since HE was a little dollop. Kate figures "My William turned out pretty well, for a not-too-handsome in-bred son of an unstable woman and a gruesome Prince. Being the center of attention hasn't made him a total prick. Or rather, he's given me the total prick, and got knocked up pretty damn full!"

Is this stupid shit really supposed to stop Brits from dwelling on the misery of a rotten economy, increasing foreigners, a lack of tradition, and the vaginal activities of Kerry Katona?

Americans, of course, have 300 million clowns, so they need MORE idiots and MORE reality every day it's a toss-up (literally) over who's going to be the center of attention...Paris, Lindsay, Khloe, Kim, or some other twat.

It seems to me that in the old days, sports was enough. You didn't want the news? You already checked the weather and the obits? Then you went to the sports page. Hubby checked the boxing, and Binty checked the tennis. Or she just stayed in the kitchen doing dishes, or set up the ironing board to re-press the newspaper hubby was crinkling. At worst, she'd sneak away to watch soap operas, or read her favorite stupid women's magazine full of recipes and advice on how to find her clitoris.

Now it seems like the need for "entertainment" news is much more voracious, and the subject matter, that much more nauseating. The more we confine ourselves to sedentary miseries...the roads too crowded for an outing, the air too dirty for sunbathing, the climate an ever-changing hell of too-hot or too-cold...the more we seem to narrowly focus on reality show idiocy, Farcebook, and websites that tell us all about little Wee Wee's three piranha-like teeth.

I hope George bites Kate on her teat. I'm sure somebody will be right there photographing it.

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