Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Screaming Yoko reduced to Tweeting for Seans' new GOATT

Remember the old pre-Internet days?

Yoko Ono didn't need to do a fucking thing to promote one of her albums. The solo Beatles didn't have to do much, either. Now, everybody's reduced to the same grovel-position, and they all have the same publicist: TWITTER.

Yeah Yeah Yeah. The woman who once commanded attention with screams, or breathy vocals, or simply giving a lecture for the cameras...TWEETS. Just like every other indie artist with an album nobody wants to buy.

So what the fuck is this, a new album of weirdness-and-disco from Milady herself?

No, she's promoting a hippie-dippie bit of silliness from Sean.

Sean's track record has been abysmal...CDs that have been fairly tuneless, uninspiring and very disappointing. But now, he seems to have plucked a page out of Julian's rather predictable playbook, and gone all Beatley. All that's missing is a melody. The track promoted via YouTube (yes, every indie artist on a minor label, well known or not is reduced to THIS, too), is pleasant listening. At best.

With sunglasses on, Sean does look a bit like a lost, early 70's John Lennon. Only instead of some Canadian benefit for John Sinclair, Sean is playing strictly for the cameras.

Times HAVE changed...only 12,000 hits? Remember when anything Beatle-related would get attention? Even Ringo singing "Sentimental Journey?"

No more. Nothing's very important except Katy "Tits" Perry, Coldplay, some asshole named Pharrell in a stupid hat, and the usual numbing rappers and cheesy pop tarts (Bieber and Viley and boybands).

Wait a minute, amid the incredibly pretentious hippie-dippie nonsense in this rock video, we've got some nudity!

Nobody's the walrus?

Christ, this is psychedelia? Yeah, retro-dumbo-pretentious junk from kids who were rummaging around in mommy's closet looking at the funny clothes. And in the case of a son of John and Yoko, there's plenty to find. Trouble is, I doubt there are THAT many sad-sack college age tangerine-brains who take LSD and care about trippy drugs and trying to find the elusive hippie chick that puts out. Mostly colleges are full of jackasses who prefer meth or beer and gang banging the skag who makes porn vids to pay her tuition. The proof is that Sean and his mom are Tweeting their heads off trying to get people to "support" the new album.

Oh well. Maybe on the album, there's a brief coda where they sing..."Pubes, Glorious Pubes!"

(No, I wouldn't actually buy the CD, or download off iTunes to find out. Not when our hero Vlad Putin and his Avax boys, and Zinhof pimps have it for a free download that will help bring down the free world a little bit more. You know Vlad...he needs the money he's diverting from American and British artists to help promote his terrorism, Communism, and "sharing." Come on gang, when Putin takes over the world, we won't have to worry about copyWRONG anymore. We'll get all the freeeee music and movies we want. Unless the music is too, uh, "Pussy Riot." In which case we'll be dragged out of bed, sent to a Gulag, and our hard drives smashed into a million pieces.)

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