Sunday, April 20, 2014

Your "Daily Buzz" needs Snopes. DOPES!

Hey, everyone. HEY EVERY FUCK HEAD.

You DO know that ANYONE can get a dotcom, don't you?


Just because some asshole puts a few things on a dotcom, it doesn't mean he's got a staff of dozens, or that he's being read by millions of people. He might just ASSHOLE...

...An ASSHOLE using one of the trendiest over-used words in the world: BUZZ. And FEED is pretty obnoxious, too.

You might think the above article about McDonalds is true.

After all, it comes from a "news website," doesn't it? Or does it?

Meanwhile dozens of bloggers and Facebook fools link to it like it's the pure Gospel.

These days it's so hard to tell a glorified blog or a "spoof" site from a real news site. At least, it is for some idiots, who can't just be content with a real news site, but have to go to some stupid shit site ike DAILYBUZZFEED.

Christ...SNOPES can tell you this story is a load of crap. OK, a McDonalds hamburger IS a load of crap...but it's meat, it's not maggots and cow eyes.

Why doesn't Micky D's take down a site like this See: GOOGLE; FASCISM. GOOGLE, I repeat, has made sure to intimidate all American politicians so that no laws are passed to instantly, and efficiently, get take downs and get idiot Internet morons fined. GOOGLE doesn't like little things like copyright, morality or the truth. They thrive on bootlegging, "sharing" content, and leading people to stupid sites like BUZZFEEDLIVE, which is probably run by some pinhead who thinks if he keeps it up, he'll be bought out and he can retire at 19 to work on his collection of Harry Potter memorabilia.

Remember when you had an actual newspaper in your hand, and that newspaper had to have fact-checkers and proofreaders or get sued? Those days are gone, and so are the days of responsible websites you can trust.

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