Sunday, April 13, 2014


The ratings continue to slip for late night TV, and "humor magazines" barely exist (can you name one? MAD in America has gone quarterly). Comedy albums are hard to find and few stand-up comics are selling with DVDs of their shows.

Who the FUCK needs 'em? We're all passing around STUPID HUMOR FOR FREE.

It used to be that shows like "America's Funniest Home Videos" had high people just go to YOUTUBE (owned by Google) to get more than enough fake or real STUPID moments. In fact, notorious joke-and-comedy bit thief Jay Leno used to crow in his famous nasal voice, "We found this on YouTube..." or "We found this on eBay..." and show it we couldn't find that shit for ourselves! Jimmy Kimmel is doing it all the time..."Take a look at this kid screaming his head off on YouTube. It's so funny...." No wonder he's not a Late Night hit. Who the fuck needs him when we can go on YOUTUBE type in "funny kid" or "wardrobe fail" and see it any time we want? There are happy copyright thieves who take every newscast blooper they can find, and write: "BEST BLOOPERS" or whatever...and get a few pennies from YouTube that way...while WE see it FREEEEEEE.

Then there's the MEME-MOIRS as I call 'em...the people who can't stop throwing prefabricated MEMEs all over the place. They post them on Facebook. They Tweet them. Jesus Christ, they E-MAIL them until you BEG them NOT to. Wanna see my (moi) favorite MEMEs? No, I don't. Usually they're stupid. Corny. Obvious. Irritating.

Mostly it's some political smart-ass (or dumb-ass) slogan, or some "hilarious" caption stuck onto a picture of a cat (like "I HAS CHEEZEBURGERS.") At best, it's some mildly amusing bit of idiot wordplay like THIS...

Pretty stupid, huh. But it's free, and you don't have to endure Jonathan Woss sitting at a desk and saying, "Watch the monitor...these ah weally hi-warious..."

Whatever your level of humor might be, from corn to oh-so-hipster-hip, you'll find a forum, a bunch of Facebook fucks, a bunch of Tweety-birds, to keep you amused FREE. And all they want is a LIKE. A "nice" comment.

Some would-be comedy writers think that if they come up with enough Photoshop japes, with their little Facebook name on 'em, a staffer for Graham Norton, Stephen Colbert, or Bozo the Clown will come calling. The odds of that are ten million to one. The odds that someone might call and say, "Hey, you do funny stuff...come be an intern for'll get a lovely credit as a TV show writer..." are a mere nine million 999,999 to one.

As some pirate might tell you, this is a "sea change." What isn't outright stolen, is given away. It's all part of today's Communism. Don't laugh (it's not funny). I'm not being Mr. Red Scare here, I'm telling you the truth. Today's Communism is: "Let's all do it for the good of our comrades. Let's all contribute so that nobody will have to buy a book of cartoons, a book of Memes, or watch late night TV for a comedy spot where the host shows hilarious pictures."

Not too good for Capitalism...if you want to make money. No no, go to your 9-5 job working in a box at Google or at Amazon, then come home and entertain people free until you give up in disgust.

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