Thursday, April 10, 2014

Look! Look! The Prince and Princess are in New Zealand! GOD! GODDESS!

The front page of the British papers, the lead item on the that the Lime-flavored Ken & Barbie are in NEW ZEALAND.

Why is this news? If anything, the Brits should be saying, "We don't have enough problems here? There aren't British kids and fawning fuck-ups who'd like to be able to touch the hem of the bint's garment, and see the shine off the pretty prince's bald noggin?" There are millions of Brits who've never seen the dynamic duo in person, and would actually want to!

Fer Chrissake, Dec and Ant have visited more British towns than the fucking PRINCE AND PRINCESS.

Fucking "Britain's Got Talent" visits more British cities than these Royals...

What are their names? Bluebottle and Eccles? Whatever....

The front page has shots of the smiling duo waving in triumph. Yes, it's such a difficult thing, getting on a luxury jet and flying over to another country for a vacation.

What the fuck do they ever do except let people admire them?

Since when is it vital for NEW ZEALAND to glimpse the royal couple and their 8 month-old dollop of fat and soiled nappies? NEW ZEALAND, which was home to "Kim Dotcom" the thief of British royalties (the REAL royalties that matter) lived there. Fuck New Zealand.

BBC the other night had some old fossil of a reporter breathlessly talking about a "play date" Wee-Wee George had with 9 privileged upper class toffs and their brats. There was actual footage of Wee-Wee staring with his gollywog eyes at some other retarded load, and then reaching out to get a toy...this shit would be a yawn if you had to watch it at your neighbor's house! 8 month old retards all look and act the same. Why report on this?

Supposedly Bluebottle and Eccles have come to New Zealand mainly to comfort the local peasants following a massive earthquake in Christchurch. That's a town with quite an unfortunate name, if YOU BELIEVE IN GOD. Interesting, no earthquakes on Devil's Island!

Yeah, yeah...great help this duo is. Some newspaper must've printed the two photos below. How else would I have acquired them?

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