Friday, April 18, 2014

PIPCU is a PIP...or is it?

I was delighted to see BOXING GURU go down, and some kind of warning from PIPCU now on the opening page.

But...what ARE the priorities with these pips at PIPCU? How do they choose what sites to go after?

I guess that's a big mystery, and they like it like that. Like, "Hey, every British jerk with a pirating website," you better stop because we MIGHT choose you like we did BOXING GURU, and you'll be in trouble."

Only most thieves have a sense of security and an "I'm too clever to get caught" ego.

PIPCU boasts of a "secret" website where they list suspects that they MIGHT go after. What's on that site? Who knows. How do you "nominate" a website for inclusion? Another big secret.

PIPCU's website is as confusing, stupid and apathetic as the ones for the RIAA, BPI and IFPI.

None of them give you a link where you can report anything, or get a reply. Like the "real police," you can call them up, and their line is busy, you get a recording, or you get a patronizing, "thanks, we're aware of the problem."

PIPCU is also on Farcebook! And what do they post?

They post this: "Are you out in the City over the Easter holiday? Watch out for pickpockets - not everyone is as nice as the Easter bunny!"

Somebody is actually being PAID to write the obvious and maintain a Farcebook page for the London police??? What happens if you leave a comment like, "HEY, take a look at THIS website..." Nah. You'll get banned. Or the criminals will go after YOU on YOUR Farcebook page!

There actually is a page on what is actually part of the "City of London" police site, where you can make a "referral" to PIPCU. But you have to wade through verbiage and you have to be a business. You can't just be a public spirited citizen who has noticed how some old senile monkey named Zinhof continues his 10 years of egocentric thievery.

People wonder how piracy got out of hand? It's because of bureaucracy and apathy, and PIPCU, RIAA and MPAA being snail-like. The IFPI goes through the motions of filing mass-DMCA complaints with Google...and they get individual mp3 files removed while the blogs stay up!

Each organization seems to have a confusing set of policies and priorities. Apparently PIPCU might cast an eye at some very, very high profile local idiot like BOXING GURU who was making money off banner ads and taking money away from Steve Bunce and Jim Watt or whatever. But they ain't gonna touch somebody on Blogspot or a stealing forum, or a torrent site located in a Commie country (even if it's owned by some Jilted jackass who is taking out his frustrations by giving away everybody's music and movies.) What a bunch of pips.

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