Saturday, April 19, 2014

Leinengen VS the Assholes - Heartbleed Heartburn

What amusement...everyone buzzing like drunken bees, going around in circles, changing passwords...

Because it really doesn't take much for a hacker to fuck up the world:

And who do we blame for the ease with which hackers play their games?

Who do we blame for the overwhelming lawlessness that bleeds creative people of profits?



Their Fascist power has meant that most bootleggers, "sharers," hackers, spoofers, scammers...get no punishment at all...and only a very few ever seem to get prosecuted with significant jail time.

GOOGLE and AMAZON are the two big bully websites that propagandize for "freedom of speech" as if that slogan means "take things for free." Why the fuck would GOOGLE care about banking chaos, lost royalties and the rest of it? THEY make a fortune off their search engine extortion, and YouTube and Blogspot and how much TV news pays for every view of a Google map, and every purchase of Google-owned products. Fuck you if you lost your bank account. Get it back, and buy! PS, the thieves who stole all your money...went to AMAZON to buy shit! AMAZON is the biggest seller on the Internet.

Remember when SOPA was proposed? Wikipedia went black. They were in the pocket of GOOGLE and AMAZON. The three began to scream and squeal that they would go under if SOPA was passed. So forum assholes instantly followed: "GET that SENATOR, GET that CONGRESSMAN...harass them, harass them, HARASS THEM! DON'T LET THEM RUIN OUR FUN! ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG! Copyright owners INTO THE OVEN! SHNELL!"

Yeah, Jeff Nazi Bezos, of Amazon...he fooled all the sheep. It SEEMED like all he wanted was to let people buy bargain shit on the Internet...and destroy retail stores. His "final solution" has worked. BOOM go the bookstores. As soon as the stores went under, Amazon raised prices, and worse...anyone looking for a new book gets a prompt that practically screams DON'T BUY IT NEW. Buy it used (or new/stolen or new/reviewer copy from a seller who forks over a hefty percentage to Amazon for letting him use the site.

As soon as Amazon began making money and building traffic, evil bastard Bezos gave his website's front page to push KINDLE...the destructive force that put the ultimate fatal knife into book sellers who owned stores.

AMAZON's KINDLE gives pennies to authors, wipes out publishers, and has led to so many pros and amateurs haplessly uploading pdf versions to Amazon...while paying, PAYING AMAZON $100 or $500 to make these things compatible with KINDLE. And who buys this shit when it's pirated FREEEEEE?

Artists who made a living drawing cartoons, or covers for magazines and books...are going under. Who needs 'em anymore? People copy and pass around cartoons and MEMES, and any piece of art gets stolen via GOOGLE images. One artist reported that a drawing she did was copied over 500 times...which she discovered via a GOOGLE search. She'd have to spend a week filing DMCA's and listing every fucking website so that GOOGLE would cease and desist from showing those images in their search result. GOOGLE could care less...they make it difficult if not impossible for artists to do anything...especially when GOOGLE lets its bloggers repeat the abuse again and again, and can take weeks before doing a takedown. It's overwhelming for copyright owners to deal with this hateful, money-losing time-destroying torment.

Ever hear of Leinengen? He was the lead character in a story about a guy fighting against nature, in this case, an army of ants.

You can guess what happened.

Right now, Leinengen is the Copyright Owner. Leinengen is the Average Citizen. Leinengen is...helpless because there are so many Mephisto Cunts and Zinfucks and Hacker assholes wearing Fawkes masks. And there wouldn't be, if laws were strong enough to say "Your ISP is going to ban you. Your ISP is not going to let you download your shit. Your ISP is blocking your favorite Commie torrent site." There would be more entertainment, and better entertainment, if every Zinfuck with a big website full of stolen music was hunted down and fined thousands of dollars. Yeah, cheap fuck, YOU LOSE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. And if the governments worked together, they could pay the money that GOOGLE should be paying, to make sure OpenSSL and others get the money and personnel they need to keep the Internet safe.

But right now GOOGLE and AMAZON call the shots, and they don't give a shit about you or me, or our safety or anything but our the taxman...they can take from us with smug, arrogant impunity.

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