Monday, February 29, 2016

Despised Sam Smith Wins Oscar for Bad Song

Well, maybe Mr. Mopey can cheer up.

Hasn't this guy made a fortune over his wan, Little Fag Lost personality?

Isn't he sort of Adele's oversized clit, with his endless smelly ballads?

Congrats Sam Smith faggot twit over-rated shit.

You won an OSCAR and sucked off your OSCAR. Now go fuck yourself with it.

I was somewhat amused to check the DAILY FAIL and see the comments section on Sam's win. It was almost unanimous: everyone hated the song and didn't think he deserved to win.

For a change, a lousy kitschy stupid cloying fuckhead of a singer was DESPISED at the Daily Mail, instead of treated with pouty sympathy and a load of hearts and flowers.

I was expecting the Adele deal, with sighing simps saying, "Oh, my fave won, I'm SO happy." But no, nobody was pleased by this pretender.

It also didn't help that he was not a gracious winner. He was as giddy as James Corden with a new butt plug. He was preening and sighing, and clutching his co-writer like this was the fairy tale ending to an evening of bukkake in a gay bar. Well wipe that...SMILE off your face, you irritating pest.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, they should just abandon the "Best Song" category. All the nominated songs STUNK. They almost always do.

When the latest Bond movie came out, Sam Smith's rotten song was conspicuously singled out as being the WORST in franchise history. That it was nominated suggests a Fag Fix.

This year's show was all about whining "Black Lives Matter," and oooh, one or two black guys didn't get nominated but it seems the "Gay Lives Matter" crowd always gets what they want.

Chris Rock gave a funny monologue but he didn't really touch on how many minorities (sexual, racial) do very well in Hollywood. He DID smirk that even blacks do. Amid the anti-white gags, was a good one about Will Smith, who went ballistic because he didn't get a nomination. Yeah? Prejudice? Rock pointed out this is the SAME Will Smith who got 20 MILLION dollars for starring in "Wild Wild West."

PS, there is NO movie as ludicrous as "Wild Wild West," which suggests that just after the Civil War, a black guy can dude up in a suit, be given the highest spy job in the government, and attend gala functions and walk down any street anywhere treated with awe. Aw, fuck OFF.

Chris Rock, as Millennials like to say, "nailed it." Like he's a fucking Roman soldier with Jesus in front of him.

Yes, he did a good job, but he's supposed to. That's his job. He's spent 30 years being an uppity black comic who attacks both sides of the racial issue.

But getting back to stinky Sam.

In his burbling speech, where he was almost swooning like Scarlett O'Hara, and leaning on his hairy shower buddy, he babbled about how he might be the first OPENLY GAY person to win an Oscar.

First off, aren't we all sick of "OPENLY GAY" guys? They're proud of being cocksuckers? Like this is an Olympic event? There's nothing to be proud of. It's like being an "OPEN ADULT BABY" or an "OPEN SHOE FETISHIST." It's stupid, it's a pathetic quirk of mental illness, and it's nothing to be proud of. It's also nothing to be ashamed of. Much.

Today's papers are listing all the OPENLY GAY guys who won previously, including old-timers John Gielgud and George Cukor. So asshole Sam...make that WIDE asshole Sam...was too busy preening and fainting with joy to even know what the fuck he was saying.

But has an openly gay AND black guy ever won? What the fuck difference does it make, when awards SHOULD be given on MERIT and TALENT, right? What happened to giving awards because they're deserved?

Christ, Stallone didn't win for "Creed." He gave the same performance he did in every "Rocky" movie. So common sense prevailed. Gonna complain it was because he's Italian? Or because he spent so much time under a sunlamp he looked black?

Speaking OF COLOR, again, "Best Director" went to a Latino. How come nobody's commenting on how a BROWN SKIN won a fucking award?

While the "Black Lives Matter" crowd called for a boycott, the "Brown Lives Matter" bunch seemed pretty happy that a pretentious hack with a typically silly and overdone accent has now won TWO years in a row. Isn't anyone complaining that this was a "token Spic?" That this guy is just a stereotype, like Desi Arnaz was with Lucille Ball, of the funny-talking hummus-face with weird hair and outrageous mannerisms?

Hypocrisy is claiming whites take it all... when a LATINO wins Best Director two years in a row. This guy ain't white. This guy also gave a bullshit speech about how he hoped that one day, the "color of one's skin matters as much as the length of one's hair." Well, he had long ridiculous hair AND brown skin and he STILL won. So fuck OFF.

Don't you hate people who talk about how people are hated for "the color of their skin?" In the audience sat Sylvester Stallone, sporting a tan that was darker than Will Smith's face.

No, it's not color at all. It's customs, manners, personality, taste in clothes and food and music, and a lot more. Act like everyone else and you're likely to be treated ok. Just don't have a Jewish last name.

One funny gaffe was not ON the show but on some fashion website run by Millennials. I guess it's a Decider Gawker for stupid bints. It focused on what everyone was wearing, and they ran a photo of Oprah Winfrey in a lovely gown. was Whoopi Goldberg.

How embarrassing that while watching the "OSCARS SO WHITE" show, where Chris Rock spent 10 minutes joking about race, a fucking bunch of idiot Millennials on a fashion-gossip website say that all nigger women look alike!

PS, Whoopi and Oprah do not REMOTELY look alike. All the idiot site could do was Tweet an insincere apology and move on. Like, "whatever!"

The Oscar show this year was, as usual, something you recorded and fast-forwarded (if you cared at all). Who needs all the boring awards for "Best Costume" and "Best Sound Editing" and hearing constant "I want to thank my overpriced agent, my beautiful children, my lovely wife..." And jeez, there was the "Bag Lady" that Stephen Fry made loving fun of at the BAFTAs. OK, she's one ugly old gnome so dressing eccentric gives her "style." She admits it; if she wore a gown she'd look ridiculous. Which is an irony for someone whose job is to make people look good.

The show had one or two good gags (which proves that funny TV is more memorable than all the nominated turgid long movies that nobody actually saw). One amusing moment had boisterous black comic Tracy Morgan in drag. It was part of a segment wondering what would happen if blacks were given roles in some of the major films of the year. So there he was, envisioned as "The Danish Girl" instead of Eddie Redmayne. Tracy roared, "I'm the Danish girl," while chomping on a Danish.

Ok, it's not "Only Fools and Horses" or "Father Ted" but it was comic relief from all the fucking "thank my wife and kids" speeches. And it only took 20 seconds.

Sacha Baron Cohen presented an award, doing his Ali-G act. Christ, how OLD is that? Was it funny even ten years ago? I pity the guy. He's a big boring clod (imagine Tyson Fury on tranquilizers) and he has to assume identities that would make Peter Sellers puke. Well, too bad in this awful 21st Century, all a guy like Cohen can do is imitate mongrel immigrant scum and assholes. Every one of his characters is an ethnic monster of some kind.

His big gag was that we should appreciate and feel sympathy for all races including "those little yellow people with small penises...MINIONS." The audience didn't laugh much at that one, because even if MINIONS was the punchline, it was still a dig at Asians who ARE yellow, little, and as Eddie Murphy once laughed, "have rice dicks."

But let's pretend they don't. The real thing is to accept that people are different. As much as possible. Gays who have to act like fags and lesbians who have to act like dykes are trying everyone's patience, and so are most unassimilated Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, Orthodox Jews, etc.

But I digress.

Talking about two other musical moments...Lady Gaga gave an over-the-top drama queen performance singing her "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE" to be sexually abused song. Hey, Gagger, you don't know what it's like to have to listen to you on EVERY awards show.

Yes, Lady Gaga can sing, I'll give her that. She was dramatic. But she's gruesome, she's as much of a braying pest as anyone from Streisand to Celine to Adele, and worst of all, she has the world's STUPIDEST NAME.

Lastly, Dave Grohl (who, why) was called on to quietly sit and sing Macca's "Blackbird" during the "In Memorium" section. Now, "In Memorium" is always the favorite moment at the Oscars, as we sadly see vibrant pix of deceased stars. Grohl distracted from this, with a song that depressingly seemed to be urging dead people to come back to life: "take these sunken eyes and learn to see...Blackbird fly..."

No, Dave, Lizabeth Scott is DEAD. If she woke up she'd be stuck in a box six feet under, screaming.

For some reason, amid the obscure dead people who worked in costume design, or wrote film criticism, they left out Abe Vigoda, who became famous in middle-age for appearing in "The Godfather" in a key role, and was in many many other films. The Oscars ALWAYS do that. They always leave somebody in the morgue.

Ultimately, it was just a fuckin' TV show, with songs and jokes. It covered up the fact that MOVIES are boring and NOBODY saw the artsy much-nominated films.

People went to see "Star Wars" and "Mad Max" instead, and shit comedies. They didn't go to see "Spotlight" or "The Big Short" or "The Revanent" or "The Danish Girl" or "Room," which were all fawned at for Best Picture, Actor, Actress, Director, etc. etc. awards.

Nope, people don't go to see flicks about crusading reporters going after pedophile priests, or Yuppies playing the stock market, or Eddie Redmayne moping in drag. Didn't we have enough of him being a moping fag in his last film?

I downloaded 4 of 5 of those via the torrents and I doubt I'll ever get to 'em. They all seem pretty damn depressing. But what's AMUSEMENT in the disgusting 21st Century? An Oscar show?

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