Saturday, February 13, 2016

Old Media Whore: the Anna WINTOUR Of our Discontent

You remember ugly Anna Wintour? The disgusting, ice-queen BITCH who vowed to always promote fur and the destruction of animals? The "Vogue" editor with the VAGUE sexuality? The one who looks like a man in drag?

I mean, THIS piece of dog shit. The bitch Anna Wintour. A woman who really would be getting cheers if somebody shot her in her fucking head.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, the world would arise with a shout of HOORAY if somebody took aim at her sunglasses and blasted her fucking eyes out.

She's the dried up twat who instantly gravitated to Kuntye, Kuntrashian, and their smelly little monkey as soon as Kuntye decided HE was Mr. Fashion Faggot.

Yes, that monster who looks like a sad-queer tranny IS Anna Wintour, the world's nastiest old witch.

Kuntye, you'll recall, instantly proclaimed himself the new FASHION CZAR as soon as he became THE king of rap. Monkey see, monkey do. He watched Puff Daddy P Diddy Doody Diddy Doowop Dimwit become a fashion king. He saw Jay-Z and Michael Jordan and others go from mere rap assholes and sports morons to FASHION ICONS, selling clothes and sneakers. So HE figured he'd do that, too.

He made the world laugh when he went prancing around in a leather dress. Somehow he thought the "kilt" would be KOOL. But he was a FOOL. Rumors circulated that he was hanging TOO close to various faggot designers, and that he was most definitely a queer.

Kuntye's rep didn't exactly improve after Amber Rose claimed he liked it up the ass. At the very least, he maybe couldn't get hard and fuck her unless she was holding on and fingering his chocolate tunnel.

At this point, when NOBODY takes this sphincter-mouthed jerk seriously in the fashion world, the WITCH still does.

Here's Kuntye Tweeting his love for the white prune herself, posting an unintentionally hilarious shot of how NOBODY went to his fashion show except the witch.

What WAS the deal? Fish-smell-twat Anna Wintour is so odorous and disgusting nobody can stand to be anywhere near her anymore?

It seems that ever since a few years ago, Tranny-Faced Mule Wintour hasn't had anyone seated around her. Is she crapping her nappies like Bill Hoobastank? Or is it her foul cunt?

Some speculate that Wintour is now legally blind, so she wears the sunglasses. She doesn't want anyone to see that her eyes now resemble two hard-boiled eggs...bulging, white, and gruesome.

"Fashion" is just a ridiculous den of fops and posturers. It's where rich useless drips can show off that they have too much money to spend on ridiculous frocks. It's where faggots preen and mince around, and anorexic models stomp on a stage. It's where a dumbass orangutan shouts that he's Jesus or Yeezy or Weezy or Cheez Whiz, and parades his simian hummus-faced gorilla of a wife and her giant hippo butt.

Sadly, where is ISIS when you need them? Can you imagine how they'd turn their reputation around if they blew up the Kardashians and Jenners when THIS photo was taken?

It's not too late, you Islamic guysssssss. Instead of putzing around with silly French ka-niggits and wasting your bullets at the Hebdo office, think what would happen if you took on the London Daily Fail. BOOM. That fucking place goes up in smoke, followed by a stern Tweet: "Allah does NOT like false idols such as Kardashians and Jenners. Promote them and you DIE."

You think ISIS can't get people on their side? I think they can, and they just ain't trying hard enough. PS, Muhammad, you know where the VOGUE office is?

PS, I keed, I keed. You know, like sphincter-mouth Kuntye says that "bitch" is an affectionate term, like Nigga. That he's just jokin' around when he calls his rivals niggas and Taylor Swift a bitch.

Fantasizing about Anna Wintour being shot in the head, or the Kardashians and Jenners being blown up, along with the Daily Fail or Vogue office, is just like KUNTYE fantasizing about leaving his gorilla wife and fucking Taylor Swift because he made the bitch famous.

KNOW WUTTUM SAYIN'? Peace out niggas and bitches!!!

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