Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wendy? Can't Lose 'em ALL

Oh well, it seems like one hater has to DRY up. A little.

The guy who was pointing out all of Wendy's failed gigs, and predicting she'd do nothing but cancel, and have a drug overdose or something, probably was seething to see her latest FARCEBOOK post.

We only have HER world that it was a success, it's true. Why she posted a picture of Quasimodo on drums, and not her "sexy" self, I dunno. But even if there weren't many in the joint, the show DID go on. She does have new product.

She isn't going to go into hiding just so somebody can ambush her and take a photo and put it on a blog and say "Look how awful she looks, no wonder she's hiding. Why doesn't she just DIE?"

We're talking about...who? One of many punk tramps? What makes her so much more worth hating than some of the other pretentious, tinny, no-talents out there? Then there are plenty of progrock women from the 70's and 80's who are appearing in small clubs and dopey outdoor festivals and memorabilia shows, and are the exact opposite of Wendy: obese goddam cows. They didn't lose their looks to drugs but to Burger King. What's the difference?

What disturbs me a lot more than Wendy crawling around an obscure club, or even Boko Haram playing Finland for two dates in the summer and still thinking they're a rock band, are the monsters that won Grammy Awards and that we're supposed to care about.

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