Friday, February 19, 2016

Paltrow learns : WOMEN'S LIVES DON'T MATTER - Wendy too?

Back in 2001, a devil of a psychopath named DANTE was paying unwanted attention to ditsy Ms. Paltrow, a woman wacky enough to be involved with Chris Martin and to name a child APPLE and to run a website called GOOP.

Don't ask ME to explain why anyone would find this insipid bitch attractive. The sorry fact is that DANTE wouldn't stop annoying her. He was considered a mental case, and tossed in the booby hatch where he could babble about Gwynnie's boobies to his heart's content. That's the good news.

The bad news? He flew the cuckoo's nest and has continued throwing his dripping love-eggs at Paltrow, sending her porn, Biblical insanity, and drooling letters. It's called harassment. Isn't it?

Nooooo. It's called "being a fan." A judge declared yesterday (over 15 years of this DANTE asshole tormenting the woman) that this former mental patient HARMLESS. In other words, for the rest of her life, Paltrow will need a secretary to open her mail and filter out the garbage this moron sends. She'll also have to hope he won't get restless and go hunt for her, or use e-mail, phone, or other methods to express what a harmless fan he is.

Obviously this is a shit-for-brains who doesn't understand or care that "she just not into you."

In the real world, a Paltrow relative, employee or REAL fan would simply punch this bastard in the nose and say, "Keep at it and you're dead."

But in the "real world," Paltrow had to trust the court system, which let her down. PS, if DANTE ever did get a punch in the nose, you can bet he'd haul Paltrow into court, insist she was behind it, and collect millions of dollars in damages.

DANTE, of course, is the real victim. He's a victim of puppy love. The fuckhead is now 67, and he's still stalking and obsessing over a ridiculous actress who has actually had Chris Martin's spindly dick in her twat, and put her tongue all over his yellowy teeth. Her vagina's popped out two loads of Chris Martin spawn. Isn't all that an erection killer?? Not to DANTE.

There's a famous slogan these days, "Black Lives Matter." You can't do a fucking thing, even have an Awards ceremony, without some bunch of assholes sullenly shouting that BLACK LIVES MATTER (and nobody else's, of course. Latinos can go chinga themselves).

Where's NOW or Gloria Steinem or anyone to protest Paltrow being abused? WOMEN'S LIVES DON'T MATTER?

Across the pond, the UK offers an example of another kind of stalker; he doesn't love his chosen target. He hates her.

It would be pretty easy to avoid Wendy. Most of the world does. She has few followers on FARCEBOOK or TWATTER and she's made, in 25 years, what, 3 solo albums?? She can barely get a gig in front of 50 people. She ain't a Kardashian. She's under the radar to everyone...except her STALKER.

He rages daily about her on a blog, and thinks about sticking glue in her twat.

Yes, the other day this maniac became enraged seeing a harmless photo of Wendy at a fashion show. It sent him into a Jack-the-Ripper rant of power, declaring he'd keep stalking her 24/7:

What do you call someone who promises to photograph and videotape a woman 24/7? STALKER.

It'll be interesting to see if Turdpress considers this a violation of their TOS or simply "freedom of speech," or, like an American judge, a flattering and "harmless" expression of fan interest.

Turdpress, which like Blogger gives malcontents, satirists and fans and millions of other clowns in the human circus a way to reach the masses, has ONE simple rule in their "Terms of Service." It's that they can terminate a blog "with or without cause" at any time. It's their toy and they can stop anyone from playing with it.

They don't need to have the excuse of "copyright abuse" or "obscenity" or anything else. They own the site and they make the rules.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, you can usually tell when somebody is being funny. You can tell when someone is blowing off steam. Even the DAILY FAIL has printed death-wish comments about the Kardashians, and insulting remarks about celebrities. When you fail to use humor or wit, and when your insults aren't out of eye-rolling impatience and disgust, but a deep hatred, you have gone TOO FAR. We have all wished somebody else was dead, but here's somebody who is clearly serious about it.

But these days, when Muslims crash into buildings, blow up concerts and successfully kidnap and rape hundreds of women, nobody's too "serious" about human rights violations. The Paltrow decision suggests "it's all permitted" in the 21st Century. Ebay routinely gives five, ten, twenty "chances" to utter thieves who keep getting stopped for selling "leaked" photos of celebs, or pretending to be a "slutty little girly" who wants to sell her photos, or who bootlegs every best seller and declares "I own copyright."

So how long the Wendy hate blog will continue?

How often are we told that it's "ALL PERMITTED?"

Is William Burroughs spinning in his grave? Hey, guyyyyys, why don't we dig him up and find out? Post a photo of his corpse to ROTTEN and sell 'em on EBAY?

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