Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Nigga, PLEASE! Carson: "Obama doesn't GET Black Americans"

In case you're wondering how stupid the race issue in America can get:

This is a country where you hear the sulky mope of "Black Lives Matters" any time Will Smith doesn't get nominated for an Academy Award, or any time a career criminal is caught by cops and taken down while resisting arrest.

But the stupidity isn't confined to ghetto assholes who think the world owes them a living because of slavery in the 1850's.

Here's candidate Ben Carson (running near last on the Republican side) grumping Obama "was, you know, raised white. I mean, like most Americans, I was proud that we broke the color barrier when he was elected, but … he didn't grow up like I grew up.”

Carson has romanticized that he grew up in a tough neighborhood and once nearly killed a guy. His neighbors and friends don't recall him being anything but a bland wimp. Carson grew up to be a brain surgeon. Just how he paid for medical school, I have no idea, but I don't think he was simply allowed to sulk and say "black lives matter" and get a diploma without working for it. And he obviously wasn't denied the chance. If anything, the only reason he IS a candidate (when he has no political experience at all) is because he's that oddity, a black Republican, and Republicans are bending over backwards to show that their party welcomes minorities.

But when things aren't going your way: play the race card. Too many ethnics do this. As do gays and other "minorities" who want an excuse for not being given everything on a platter.

At least Carson didn't just sit in mommy's basement with a GooTube camera in front of him, ala Knickerless Payne, strumming a guitar and singing "Fuck Off, Obama." Knickerless was expecting to be awarded a contract by Simon Cowell, but can't whine "Fat Stupid-Looking White People Matter" as an excuse.

Minorities are allowed to use the race card excuse and do it far too often.

Carson, of course, isn't even running against Obama. Obama is done. Carson's problems are white and Latino guys (Trump, Cruz, Rubio) all ahead of him in the primaries on the Republican side. The leading Democrat is a white woman, Hillary Clinton. Yet, Carson mopes about another black, one who made history, and faced vicious racist abuses and threats when he ran for the presidency.

There are plenty of successful blacks who prove their equality by pointing to their achievements, not their race. They don't bitch and whine or shuck and jive. They have dignity. Obama's one of those. Carson, it seems, ain't.

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