Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER" & "Craiglist is Great for Murderers!"


As mentioned the other day, it's a GREAT place to get your face smashed in. Just be a stupid white woman and trust that it's a great idea to bring a black guy into your home. Show how you don't believe in stereotypes. Go on CRAIGLIST asking for somebody to share your place with you, and don't choose another woman. Choose a black guy.

CRAIGLIST is also a great place to nearly get killed, and to have your baby literally sliced out of your womb. Just answer an ad where some psycho black woman is offering baby clothes for sale. Go visit her, and end up ripped to pieces.

Her excuse? She doesn't NEED one.

She's BLACK. Black people are allowed to be crazy. Murderous. Unstable. You don't KNOW the pressures they be under, yo.

It would take a team of psychiatrists to even hazard a guess on why this black woman, with THREE brats of her own, would be so cruel and vicious as to slice a baby out of another woman's womb.

The answer MIGHT be oh, "White Lives Don't Matter." Why should they?

Every day the media offers headlines to any blacks waving "BLACK LIVES MATTER" placards. Every day on Farcebook, you'll see MEMES thrown around scorning anything white in favorite of anything black.

That white dentist who killed a lion in Africa? Even HE wasn't reviled by the "BLACK LIVES MATTER" assholes. They circulated MEMES showing criminals and malcontents (like Trayyyyvon) and declaring that nobody should feel sorry for a dead lion, just dead black people.

That's right. There's NO room in your heart for a dead lion, a dead Syrian, a dead Pakistani, a dead Israeli (definitely NOT!), a dead anything if its not BLACK. Because the real message isn't "BLACK LIVES MATTER" as much as "BLACK LIVES MATTER AND NOBODY ELSE'S."

PS, nobody is calling this a hate crime or a race crime. Imagine if a white lunatic attacked a pregnant black woman. No, this was just an unfortunate incident where a black woman set up her CRAIGSLIST ad, and then...hmm, did she sell anything to black pregnant women, did she greet black pregnant women with a smile and let them go without harming them, and was she WAITING to carve up a white woman? Let's not even ask.

Meanwhile the woman who buried her dead baby has to hope that despite the damage, she can get pregnant again. She can be assured that, at least for a while, this crazy bitch will be in jail. Nobody is saying she won't get out on parole after a while.

The 21st Century...where there are so many atrocities every day, people don't even have a sense of outrage anymore. Besides, on the next page, there's a wonderful photo of a Kardashian girl taking a selfie of her big fat ass while some black boyfriend grins from ear to ear.

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