Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sob Sisters Unite Behind Poor Rotund Rousey

Women are such stupid twats.

The truth of that statement is obvious if you check the newsstand tabloids aimed at them. Hey, you ladies at the supermarket checkout, read about KARDASHIANS. You dumb KUNTS!

Do men read gossip idiot celeb tabloids? NO. Do men buy big fat vanity fashion mags devoted to selling fur coats and spending a fortune on lip plumper? NO.

Check the bookstores and see the idiotic romance novels and read the tripe E.L. James writes for other obese stupid women to read. GARBAGE.

For more proof that women are stupid twats, check out the creepy daytime talk shows aimed at lazy dumbass junk-food munching stay-at-home babymaking machines.

The stars interest to WOMEN, and found in the tabloids and found on the talk shows, are always brainless, insipid, and PHONY.

Whether it's Kardashians, or Caitlyn Jenner or Katy Coma Tits or Vonn the Tiger Woods Dick Sucker, women go out of their minds to learn more about MINDLESS women.

These celebutard twats are all alike. They mince around with high nasal voices preoccupied with themselves as creatures to be copied and adimred, or offer up faked or over-hyped "tragedies" in their personal lives so people feel sorry for them.

Women are such stupid twats they believe this crap and BUY tabloids and waste their lives watching idiot TV shows full of trivial trash.

ADELE is a master at it, getting an army of a million obese bitches to buy her CDs and go see her in concert. Poor Adele. Fat shamed. Sad. Made over. Glad. Still bawling out stupid heartache and revenge shit.

And here's the bizarre Ronda Rousey, who has played BOTH sides of the media to become a true CELEBRITY (not just a sports figure).

WAH WAH WAH...she wants to appeal to WOMEN.

As Mike Tyson used to say, "DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE."

Conniving to appeal to her SISTERS, Ronda showed up on elfin lesbian Ellen Degeneres' utterly mindless and stupid talk show to load up on HYPE. She loses a fucking MMA match and she's SUICIDAL? She's some character out of a romance novel, leaning on her tall handsome BOYFRIEND to get her through her crisis? WHAT CRAP!

Like a craven murderess showing up at trial to sway the jury, this bitch borrowed from the Adele catalog, wearing a fat lady peach jacket. She wore non-threatening make-up and an ugly top-knot hairstyle. "Gosh, she's just like US," you can imagine the gum-chewing retards in Twat-TV-Land mewling.

Compare THAT with how she promoted herself just weeks ago on the cover of Sports Illustrated: slutty in long hair and a swimsuit that was actually just body paint. Yep, for the guys, she's Ronda AROUSEY, no bruises, no boyfriend around, just hot and ready to roll. But when trying to get the women's vote, she's in a dyke suit, and plays up looking soft and plump (women hate athletic women).

She's spinning and SELLING. She's selling herself a heroine women should follow. "Hey gals, don't forget to buy my PPV show when I try to get even with that awful-awful Holly Holm, who beat me up!" Like it was for no reason. Like Holm was a bully.

Holm, you might recall, was given no chance in stopping the unbeaten and arrogant Ronda Rousey, but with a longer reach, Holly Holm split Ronda's lip, and with a long kick, Holly knocked the cunt unconscious.

Cue: "let's all feel sorry for Ronda Rousey." This, after she built up a career via years of: "Ronda is unstoppable, an Amazon hot-bitch for guys to lust after."

In the real world of sports, you lose, and you retire or you come back. But in the la-la-land of CELEBRITY, you cook up a BIG SOB STORY. And here it is: poor Ronda was beaten up and became suicidal. She had to lean on her beloved MAN for support. Blah blah. Whatever stupid twats wanted to hear, Ronda dished.

To the mainstream sports press, a few days after the fight she simply said she was shocked by her loss would take a shot at a re-match. In other words, she talks strong to the sports media, but simpers and whines to the TWATS.

Note the picture on the right, where she's seen as she really is, a redneck tomboy bitch prone to wearing biker t-shirts and overalls.

The media...tabloids, TV shows, the's all a fucking game of hype, spin and utter bullshit. All Rousey is doing is putting on a different fake costume as needed. In all honesty, there's NO honesty.

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