Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sneak Those Stinky Knickers as BUY IT NOW

The other night, a clever perv ran a blatant auction for used knickers.

The ad even mentions his "teenaged girlfriend" who apparently is also his "daughter."

Yes, eBay has a rule against pedophilia. And incest.

Yes, eBay has a rule against selling used knickers.

No, they didn't stop it. Because pervs are sniffing night and day, and if a seller cleverly posts at night when eBay has a skeleton staff, and if that seller isn't greedy and is willing to take a "buy it now" price...he wins.

He offered a modest $4.95 BUY IT NOW and gouged an extra $12.98 for the postage (which would actually be about $2.98).

To him, getting $5 per pair is a big deal. Nevermind, if the auction is even real, that he's had his teenaged girlyyy wear each pair for several days and that it would cost almost $5 per pair to replace them.

Funny, this sicko was in such a hurry to sneak a sale, he claimed the undies belonged to his "teenage girlfriend" but later, said goodbyyyyye on behalf of himself and his DAUGHTER.

Perverts don't have much logic. Except anyone who'd buy used knickers might also pay for a dirty letter sent by postal mail, or a heavy-breathing phone call, or triple the price for some more heavily soiled item.

Ebay. They should consider a new slogan: "You can't find heavily soiled knickers on AMAZON!"

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