Friday, February 12, 2016

George and Anal Clooney Meet Mrs. Mucky-Muck

You know George Clooney. He's the charming, affable, boring guy who lives in a gated community in California and practically has his own fucking town in Italy to himself. He travels first class. He has little contact with reality.

His wife, Anal Clooney? She's an Arab. Lebanese, to be exact. She's played the race card very well. She's a woman and an Arab. Hire her. Throw millions at her so she can waltz around filing lawsuits to make sure more Arabs can emigrate. Whatever. She wasn't impressed by Georgie Movie Star so, of course, he ended up obsessed with her to the ridiculous point of marriage.

Devila Murky is the twat who runs the former Nazi Germany. So guilty is she over killing six million Jews, she wants the country to house six million Arabs. Go figure.

Just to show the rising influence of this blog, they all joined me for a brief phoner.

Q: Anal, you're Lebanese. To paraphrase John McEnroe, "You can NOT be Syrian!" So why the fucking interest in these pests?

ANAL: I feel sorry for peasants. Their country is torn by war. So, instead of making their country safe, I think it's a great idea to turn Europe into Syrian flop houses. Every country should take a million. Let them breed a million more. What do I care? I'm an Arab. These people aren't gonna rape or rob me on a street in Germany. I stay in the finest hotels and have bodyguards!

Q: But Anal, are you Sunni or Shiite or what? Arabs fight Arabs, too.

Anal: Are you suggesting Muslims are nuts? Only a small percentage are nuts. Most do no harm. Like, Nazi Germany was a small percentage of the world. Who thought they'd get out of hand? Ooops. Did I fuck up my argument? What kind of lawyer am I?

Q: Nevermind. Murky, aren't you pissing your knickers over how many grand-kids and great-grand-kids of Nazis are even more Nazi-like?

MURKY: I know nnnnothing, nnnnothing. What do you mean, Col. Hogan?

Q: It seems that in today's world, immigration doesn't mean assimilation. It means deeper racial strife. Children who may have rejected Nazi dogma, now embrace it, and figure Hitler was right. They believe in Aryan supremacy and don't want huge minorities coming in and telling them how to goose step. You're asking poor Germans not to feel shafted or discriminated against when you spend all your money on Syrian immigrants? What about the immigrants who come in and overtly break the law?

MURKY: Oh, if someone from North Africa rapes more than five or ten German women, that might be grounds for deportation.

Q: Yours?

MURKY: Ha ha ha!

Q: Speaking of North Africa, why the fuck is everyone so concerned about Syrians and NOT all the poor Niggas? They are being infected with Ebola or, worse, getting massacred by that psycho group, Procol Harum? Why aren't all minorities being treated equally?

MURKY: Are Africans riding planes into buildings or shooting up Paris nightclubs? What's in Africa? A few lions for dentists to kill? They have no oil!

GEORGE: May I interrupt? I know I'm handsome, rich, and famous. But my wife Anal is smarter. Heh heh. And I'm very modest. Thanks. That's all I have to say. I'm charming.

Q: Fucko, can I ask you why, unlike Angelina Jolie or Madonna, you haven't bothered to adopt a menagerie of multi-colored spawn? Why are you one of the rich stars who figures the burden should be placed on the average person who has enough misery as it is?

GEORGE: I have a new movie coming out.

Q: You three are well protected. Not so, the poor people of Germany who are being forced to live with these immigrants and deal with their crime and arrogance. This isn't 1916 when immigrants were grateful to have a new life, and learned the language and obeyed the law. It's 2016 and too many are ingrates, and violent.

MURKY: What was that? I don't speak English well. Are you American? Don't most Americans speak Spanish now?

Q: Why aren't you, and the United Nations, and Pooty-poot Putin and the rest working to make Syria safe and sane? Why aren't you making Syria a place where Syrians can live in the lifestyle and culture they've known for centuries?

Q: Hello? Anyone still on the line?

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