Monday, February 15, 2016

Oh Say KANYE Shut The Fuck Up?

"I WANT TO BRING DOPE SHIT TO THE WORLD," Twatted Jesus Yeezy. It's bad enough he's the biggest "music star" in the world, and his horrible "family" is International Royalty. It's bad enough he wants to be a fashion icon and have everyone dress as badly as he does. He also wants to be DISNEY! Yes, KUNTYE Twatted about how the guys behind GOOGLE and FARCEBOOK should give him their billions because he has GREAT PLANS. He's Mr. Martin Luther Nigga, and he's "got a dream."

Yes, after blitzing the world with tasteless promos for his new album (ie, calling Taylor Swift a bitch, and fighting with his rival Wiz Urine), and after storming into New York City to take over "Fashion Week" with his retarded family and pruney old Anna "Vogue" Wintour, and after making his usual bewildering, blabbery, stomping, pretentious appearance on "Saturday Night Live," he had to TWATTER:

This anus-mouthed moron can't shut up for a day. He had to scream and rant that he's somehow millions of dollars in debt. Or is he just having a joke and crying wolf? He then started shouting about how Mark Suckerberg should contact him because FARCEBOOK has billions and KANYE wants it. He even gave a shout-out to the Internet Putin himself, Sergei Brin, the Fascist co-leader of GOOGLE. After all, if anyone's richer than Suckerberg, it's Brin.

Oh, go fuckin' figure out this 21st Century world of Hell. While some countries in the world are going bankrupt, and others are inflicting their immigrants because nobody wants to live in poverty and corruption, FARCEBOOK and GOOGLE and KANYE are worth BILLIONS and getting ALL the attention, and allowed to be corrupt, stupid, obnoxious and evil.

Anyone doubt that GOOGLE pulls more illegal games than Putin and Kim Jong-Fat combined?

GOOGLE gets fined millions of dollars and they shrug, like a horse brushing off a fly with its tail, and dropping a ton of manure at the same time. Meanwhile, the masses are being diverted from their misery by reading about KUNTYE and the KUNTRASHIANS, and wasting the rest of their free time on FARCEBOOK or GOOGLING PORN.

What would happen if KUNTYE and his Klan shut the fuck up? People would go after Obummer and Camoron and the rest, demanding change? What if GOOGLE didn't direct everyone to free porn, and eBay wasn't allowing bootleg books and other scams, and if Farcebook wasn't letting everyone waste their time gossiping about tripe?

Would people spend their time strengthening what remains, and dealing with the REAL problems of the world?

What if the government blocked Kickass and Pirate Bay so that the entertainment industry could be restored to health? What if....

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