Wednesday, February 24, 2016

No Justice for Jessica, but No Censorship on Farcebook

If this wasn't the 21st Century, where atrocities occur every day, the Jessica Chambers case would've attracted continuous national attention. You know, like the Trayyyyvon case. Oh. But then again, this was a white girl who got killed. White lives don't matter.

What happened? A girl in a rural Mississippi town was discovered staggering down the road, burned over almost her entire body. 98% they said. What DIDN'T burn?

"The killer squirted lighter fluid down her throat, and into her nose, before lighting her ablaze, but reports say Fire Chief Cole Haley heard her say a man’s name, either Eric or Derrick, despite having charred vocal chords."

She was last seen stopping at a gas station that also had a store area which had three niggas hanging around up to no good. None of them seemed to have followed her when she pumped her own gas and drove off. Who she met (when she had called her mother and said she'd be right home) and why she was set on fire...were questions quickly forgotten, since the victim was a mere white girl. For her to die in such a sadistic way maybe meant she pissed off some creepy guy she was stupidly dating, or had stupidly rejected.

A case that should've stayed on the front pages (like Trayyyyvon) disappeared. The police claimed to have no suspects. The media moved on to new amusing atrocities, like ISIS torture. They also spent weeks and weeks fanning the flames of rioters and lunatics by NEVER dropping any case of a black career criminal merely shot by cops resisting arrest (as opposed to being innocent and set on fire).

A full fucking YEAR passed.

That's a bit slow, isn't it? This is a dinky little Southern town where everybody knows each other. Nobody's talking? Nobody's keeping the pressure on?

Once in a while, an Inquistr, Decidr, Gawker, Mashable, Mushable or Flushable would mention that the cops were busting gang members. But where was the larger question: WHY allow gang members around to burglarize, intimidate, and work that ISIS-like bullshit of being so "bad" that dopey white girls come running? Why not run 'em out of town?

A year after she died, it was blame the victim time. She was hangin' wid da niggas, right, yo?

Christmas of 2015. This piece insisted that the girl knew her killer (and therefore asked for it and got what she deserved):

"Friends of the 19-year-old cheerleader said the girl started to run with a rough crowd before she died. 'I think she was making friends with the wrong people, with drug dealers,' explained ex-boyfriend Bryan Rudd, according to People magazine. “She did nothing that was bad to get herself burnt alive.'"

Gee, Bryan that's mighty white of you. What DOES a 19 year-old girl do that IS bad enough to get burnt alive? What kind of monsters and maniacs are there in Mississippi that don't find this act totally heinous?

Killed December 7, 2014, and the best this crappy town of white trash and black monsters could do for Jessica was rattle the cage and bust some of the troublemakers for minor violations. Her family ached every day and actually had sympathy for the cops trying to pore over cell phone records and CCTV footage to find out which monkeys were in the area and without an alibi. Was this the work of out-of-town rednecks having a thrill? Some mysterious motorist suddenly singling out a girl in a way that would make Wes Craven puke?

Finally, the other day, one of those six was finally charged with killing Jessica in what ghetto animals like to call "a personal way," that "sent a message." That would be to let other white girls know they better put out? Or let fellow gang members know they've got a cool killer in their midst who is one real nasty muthafucka?

The same man is also charged with using the credit cards of an Asian girl who, what a coincidence, was murdered.

No surprise, the simian in question has the usual long police record, and had been given many slaps on his wrist. Back in 2010 he was sentenced to five years in prison. Somehow he got out and for more drug dealing and burglary fun. In June of 2011 he was back in jail, and with two extra burglary convictions added in December 2011 and February 2012, he was supposed to be canned for five to eight years. Yet, he was waving bye bye in October of 2014. Within two months, he had met...and murdered...Jessica Chambers.

After the crime he continued dealing drugs, moved off to Louisiana, used the credit card of a murdered Asian, and was actually in jail by the time cops finally decided to charge him with Jessica's death the other day.

Nobody's considering this a hate crime because that only applies to blacks with police records, and thuggish jerks like Trayyyyyvon. You might remember the case of Chris Lane, shot in the back by three rap-loving blacks. The police chief in the case insisted it wasn't racially motivated, it was just that these kids were "bored." Right. Only they made sure to target a white guy.

Here's someone who turned a white girl black and charred, and who may or may not have killed an Asian girl (maybe he jus' stoled her credit card). The excuse for nobody getting outraged about this is, hey, he was part of a gang, and gang members have a hobby of being brutal-as-they-wanna-be, and that's their culture, yo. So, chill.

The Justice for Jessica page on Farcebook spent a year simply reminding everyone that her murder was unsolved. NOW? She's Saint Jessica the Martyr, and up in heaven:

She's an ANGEL, and with her savior JESUS.

Just why JESUS would want some girl in Mississippi tortured and prematurely sent to a gruesome death, and how she turned from a charred and disfigured horror into an "angel," well, I don't think even Pope Francis would be able to explain it or put his faith in it.

At least there are SOME pages on Farcebook where people can leave truthful, angry comments about a disgusting example of 21st Century savagery.

Most Internet news pages don't allow comments, or make sure to restrict "Freedom of Speech" and "monitor" everything lest somebody write something too truthful and NOT politically correct. So a mild "thanks" to Farcebook for allowing SOME people to say what's on their mind.

PS, Grimsby Tell-a-Laugh, automatically switching "wankel rotary" in a reference to the engine, to "****kel rotary" is ALMOST laughable. A n****r burning up a white girl isn't.

We're all enjoying the 21st Century, where climate change makes it hell, and where savages literally bring hellfire to the innocent, and are praised for their religious fundamentalism, or their cool savagery. They get free room and board and fan mail for the rest of their long, long lives. And like most monkeys at the zoo, being behind bars is hardly a punishment at all.

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